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Filter sucked one of my goldfish

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by J_acon, Apr 25, 2004.

  1. J_acon

    J_acon New Member

    I woke up this morning, went down to check on my tank and i saw on of my goldfish stuck to the part where the powerhead connects with the tube, there actually a 2 small holes in that part and the tail of one of my goldfish was trap in there :cry: I manage to free his tale by taking the whole filter apart
    Now the poor guy can barely move, what should i do? should i take him out of the tank and put him in a separate tank? Also should change my powerhead? or is there anything else i can do about it?

    300 Litre tank, powerhead makes 1600 Litres per hour.

  2. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    If there's other fish in the tank and you have a cycled hospital tank, it would be a good idea to separate him and treat him with Melafix (will help him heal more quickly). If you don't have a cycled hospital tank it might be a good idea to set up a tank divider so the other fish don't bother him.

    I've never used powerheads so I'm not really familiar with how they're set up. Could you maybe put some netting or sponge over the place where he got caught?

  3. J_acon

    J_acon New Member

    Thanks for the reply, the fish looks bad, he doesn't move and he is in a twisted shape. Doesn't looks like he will make :cry: See how he fairs through the nite. :(
  4. arcticfox

    arcticfox New Member

    Are you saying that there were holes in the part where the powerhead connects to the uplift tube? there should not have been any because it would be defeating the object of the power head,Powerheads are perfectly safe and I cannot see how this has happened,as for the fish it may or may not survive,seeing as its the tail that was involved I would think it will probably be OK after a few days :wink:
  5. arcticfox

    arcticfox New Member

    Are you saying that there were holes in the part where the powerhead connects to the uplift tube? there should not have been any because it would be defeating the object of the power head,Powerheads are perfectly safe and I cannot see how this has happened,as for the fish it may or may not survive,seeing as its the tail that was involved I would think it will probably be OK after a few days :wink:
  6. J_acon

    J_acon New Member

    They are two small holes in that section, I can't even see how the tail manage to get sucked up in there, and is the first time i seen it. I will see if i can change the powerhead or do something to prevetn futher incidents. Thanks :D
  7. arcticfox

    arcticfox New Member

    In all probability a 100 to 1 chance it happened although I still cant imagine why the holes are there and what their function is, I have three powerheads running in different tanks and none of them have any holes,its difficult to see how you can cover them with them being underwater,would you mind telling me what the manufacturers name of the powerheads is?,Ill try and find out what the holes are for......
  8. J_acon

    J_acon New Member

    Well they came with the tank, It is an Aqua One tank, 300 Litres. I can't think why they are there either, but seems like a defect on the design to me, but all where the same so i thought it was okies. :oops:
  9. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    i had the same probolem with my neon tetras. they were sucked in backwards and their heads got stuck :cry: i tryed using a really thin netting (stocking) and that made things worse because the water wasnt being properly filtered. and my water got REALLY cloudy :x so i just let the fishtank run like normal and the fishes eventyally got strong enough so they never got sucked in....(i have the same filter as you!) hope this helps and best of luck with you fishie :(
  10. J_acon

    J_acon New Member

    Thanks OneWolfs, guess there isn't much i can do.
    Unlucky gold fish , :cry: now come to think of it he was the weakes fish in the tank.
  11. ceveretts

    ceveretts New Member

    goldfish caught in filter

    That is terrible! I know how you feel as I have had fish and dwarf frogs both sucked in to the intake on my filter! It is sad to see. Some of mine lived and some did not. I ended up putting a cyllinder shaped peice of foam with a centre piece that pushes out over the filter intake. This may help until your fish is strong enough to swim away. I also use melafix (as someone already mentioned) for injured fish, it helps them heal faster and is fairly safe. Good luck and I hope that your fish makes it.
  12. J_acon

    J_acon New Member

    The fish still alive, but it doesn't really move. Been 3 days now. Hope he makes it. :cry:
  13. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    i hope so to! the reason why i said it was weak was becase it was still recovering from ick and it takes allot of stength

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