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Concerned about my puppy.

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by LuvMyPup, Mar 14, 2006.

  1. LuvMyPup

    LuvMyPup New Member

    Hi all. I was hoping you could all help me out with a problem. I got a 4 month old Pomimo (Pomeranian/Toy American Eskimo) 2 days ago. My problem is that she hasn't had a bowel movement since 3:30 this morning. She has been eating like normal, I have been giving her the recommended amount of food that the package lists and it is the same pet food the breeder had been feeding her. She hasn't been straining or acting any different than a normal puppy would act. In fact she is extremely playful to the point I have a hard time keepng up with her. Whenever I take her outside, she will urinate and then start playing with leaves, sticks and the snow (she absolutely loves snow!) but she won't have a bowel movement. She doesn't even make an effort to go. I have waited as long as 20 minutes before finally coming back inside with her. I called my vet and they said to wait and see how she is doing tomorrow and if she still hasn't gone to call them back. Is there anything I can do to increase her chances of having a bowel movement? One thing I did notice is one of her toys I had bought her was missing some very small pieces of rubber. That toy and the other that was made of the same material are now in the garbage. Could she have a blockage? I am really worried, even though she is happy as can be. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
  2. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    That sounds like an adorable mix! I love both breeds. :D

    I probably wouldn't worry if she hasn't pooped since early this morning. If she was having a problem, you would know it--like you said straining and generally uncomfortable. Is this your first puppy? :) What food are your feeding her?
  3. LuvMyPup

    LuvMyPup New Member

    Thanks for the reply coppersmom, and you were right, she finally went this morning with no problem. The last dog I had was over 15 years ago, when I was in high school. She was a peekapoo and she was given to my family by a friend that couldn't keep her because she was moving. She was pretty old at that time so it's been quite a long time since I have had a puppy.

    My baby, Kina, is on Iams Original puppy food. I didn't want to switch her from what the breeder was feeding her and she is doing great with it.

    If I can figure out how to post pictures I will have to put one on the board to show her off. Sje is simply adorable and already spoiled.
  4. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    That's great! I was wondering if it was your first puppy because you sounded like I did when I got my first puppy lol. I had a great vet at the time and would call or run up there every time my pup whimpered lol.

    I know sometimes if my dogs get off of their routine, their whole system will seem to get messed up. Like they normally "go" at certain times but that can get disrupted. (I don't worry so much anymore because they are 9 and 10 years old) So I'm sure moving to a new home could really mess a puppy up. Can't wait to see pictures!

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