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  4. Live Spirulina

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A few questions... Need answer ASAP

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by CRAZYchick4You4Ever, Mar 15, 2006.

  1. CRAZYchick4You4Ever

    CRAZYchick4You4Ever New Member

    1. My fish has been swimming upside down all day... Does that mean it's sick or what?
    2. How can I tell if my fish is dying? (My mom told me he is)
    3. My fish won't eat the food I give it or atleast it hasn't been eating today (I can still see the food sitting in there) what can cause it to do that?
    4. How can I tell if my fish is a guy or girl? I named him Mister Fishie but I'm not sure it's a guy.
    5. How long does a goldfish live? I've had my cute lil white goldfish for around a year - maybe even longer.
    6. My fish is in a 2 gallon fish bowl in my mom's room and it's kind of cold in there (around 65 degrees F) and it's water is really cold (i can tell by feeling the bowl) could that have something to do with the way my fish is acting/swimming?

    I didn't see these posted anywhere but I didn't look very hard 'cuz I'm really conserned about it.
  2. lil shant

    lil shant New Member

    the only thing i can say is that the tank is way too small for a goldfish and it might be dieng because of ur water quality what are the readings for nitrate nitriate ammonia and ph?
  3. CRAZYchick4You4Ever

    CRAZYchick4You4Ever New Member

    I have no clue what those things are... The fish was fine until we moved it out of my room and into my moms. But we can't move it back into mine 'cuz when I hear the fish swimming around at night it wakes me up.

    The fish is only maybe one or two inches long so how is that bowl too small?
  4. lil shant

    lil shant New Member

    but the goldfish will grow around 12 inches in about a year or so and the water quality is the thing that u have to take to the pet store and they will check your water quality
  5. CRAZYchick4You4Ever

    CRAZYchick4You4Ever New Member

    okay i might try that... if i put some stuff in the water that is supposed to reduce the amount of chlorine and some other stuff do you think that would help too?

    so if my fish lives i need to get it a new bowl thats bigger? how old r they when they stop growing? it's over a year old and hasn't gotten even the tiniest bit bigger as far as i can tell since i got it
  6. lil shant

    lil shant New Member

    well i am guessing because the tank is so small but u should get at least 30 gallon aquarium and yeah add water condition to remove the bad stuff in the water
  7. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    1. My fish has been swimming upside down all day... Does that mean it's sick or what?
    2. How can I tell if my fish is dying? (My mom told me he is)
    3. My fish won't eat the food I give it or atleast it hasn't been eating today (I can still see the food sitting in there) what can cause it to do that?
    4. How can I tell if my fish is a guy or girl? I named him Mister Fishie but I'm not sure it's a guy.
    5. How long does a goldfish live? I've had my cute lil white goldfish for around a year - maybe even longer.
    6. My fish is in a 2 gallon fish bowl in my mom's room and it's kind of cold in there (around 65 degrees F) and it's water is really cold (i can tell by feeling the bowl) could that have something to do with the way my fish is acting/swimming?

    1 that is cause by something wrong with the swimming bladder
    2 there is no sure way
    3. has your fish been pooing ?
    4. Your gold fish is way to young to tell
    5. goldfish can live 10 years + in the right living conditions
    6. you need to get a themometer and she what the actual temp is and 2 gallon is way to small for a goldfish Do you have test kits ? if you do not bring some water in to a fish store and ask them to test is ask you numbers we can help you better with these numbers

    For now try peas heat up a couple and remove ther skin this acts as a fish lax. (will make sure its pooing )
  8. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    The upside down swimming sounds like a swim bladder problem.

    You really need to look into getting an aquarium with filtration rather than a larger bowl. You's be looking at about 20 gallons at the least. Even if you purchase a small goldfish it will get pretty larger, if it only grows to the size of it's tank it's being stunted which isn't healthy for the fish.
  9. connor

    connor New Member

    Ya it's way to small i've had goldfish in that type of bowl and they died because they got to big and got to stressed out. and no filtration(and sometimes they can be very dirty). so when i moved them into a 30 gallon they were fine.
  10. CRAZYchick4You4Ever

    CRAZYchick4You4Ever New Member

    temp was around 60 degrees (i checked it)

    and well it died but thanks 4 the help

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