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I think i found the source of the prob!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Mar 17, 2006.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok. So I was outside givingsome much needed attention to Kabuki. She's so confused and depressed.

    I was going around their kennel looking around trying to find something that might give me a clue as to anything she could have swallowed here.... They chewed on their dog house. There's a big chunk missing and I'm not fining any plastic on the ground!!!!


    I just called the vet and let them know what I found. The lady at the desk said she'd let Dr. Zeplin know, their in surgery right now.

    kabuki is depressed. She ate her breakfast this morning. but has a little loose stool, it's not runny, but very soft. I asked the lady at the desk, she's also a vet tech, and she said that it's probably from stress because Precious has been taken away from her these past couple days. I'm just going to keep an eye on her.

    Kabuki isn't messing with the dog house. I've never seen her chew on it. She's good at destroying soft stuff. She doesn't like hard things. Thats more Precious than anything and they haven't had a rawhide bone or anything in a few days so I imagine she took up chewing on the dog house instead. Buki likes chewing on blankets, pillows, beds and stuff like that... I take the dog house back and forth with me from here and the house. I bet she did it when we were at home!!! Then went and played in the creek and stuff like that...

    Guess we'll find out soon enough!
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    my Molly is a chewer. Her crate should arrive soon - she's trashing the room we keep her confined in when we are at work.
    She's been tearing at the room-size rug we have in the entry room and I worry that she'll ingest some.
    Maybe if you give Precious a raw marrow bone that'll help with her chewing. It helps Molly but I don't dare leave her with one when no one is home.
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    oh boy that doens sound good, they will have to do xrays then, you want to make sure that if thats the case too, no damages was done by sharp edges

    did you seee that that one show wheere they showed a woman playing fetch with her retriever with a stick. The stick disappears, she woman cant find it anywhere, so she thing the dog may have swalloed it even tough he is acting happy and normal self, she takes him to the vet , they dont believe her because he is acting find, she insists he had to have swallloed it. they did xray and there is was all 11 inches of it neatly lodged down the trachea :shock: :shock:

    keep us posted
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    They did x-rays this morning and it doesn't show up... but if its little pieces all in one area, it wouldn't. ITs not dense enough to show....

    I haven't heard anything yet... I hope everything is going ok.

    They get bones. But i don't leave them with them with no one is around. They have their KONG and Bad Cuz toy and rope toy they play with during the day. There's nothing missing off the rope toy, but I took it away anyhow.
  5. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I know a pit that swallowed part of his KONG just like MyPetTherapyDog's did...you might take that away too if they're eating their house. :shock:
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Gonna have to. I don't see any other choice. I guess I'll have to buy a wood one or something....
  7. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    I am soooo happy for you that things are going to be fine. I was worried for you!
    Cairo's kong piece never showed up in x-ray or endo either.
    It wasn't until they actually went in and did exploratory surgery that they found it!
    My dogs are chewers too. Scary isn't it? I am a baby gate fan too. I keep my biggest chewer Miss Annabelle in the kitchen when we are not home. Otherwise, she would eat her way to China if she could. Everything I own, Annabelle gets into! She just ate my cell phone for goodness sakes!!

    I would be leary of giving my dogs any thing that they may fight over though if they are together in the pen a lot.
    Anything that the dogs will value as "high value" should be given seperate just to avoid fights!!! i.e. raw bones, etc.. Bone marrow bones are great!!! I love them, I have to feed them TOTALLY SEPERATE!!! my dogs will fight over them (all it takes is one dog to be posessive aggressive of their bone and you've got an instant fight on your hands)

    Take a much needed rest! Goodness knows you deserve it.

    PS I also saw the pics of your newest boy. He is georgous!
    Good luck to you and your newest addition!
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    She'd probably love to eat a wood house! :?

    I have one of these: http://www.petco.com/Shop/Product.aspx?R=1620&Nav=1&N=0&Ntt=turkey leg&sku=838543&familyID=9991& for my dogs, although mine is shaped like a turkey leg. My dogs and every foster that has come through the house loves that thing, even though it is hard as a rock. So far, just the small end of it looks chewed. They haven't been able to get pieces off. I know your dogs are much bigger than mine, but Nala can usually go through just about everything - except her turkey leg! I always worry about broken teeth, but so far that hasn't happened.

    If the link doesn't work, go to petco.com and search for "turkey leg".
  9. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    The ones we were looking at online were actually made of hardi plank!! Just like the siding on my house. It's made from a concrete material and I doubt highly that they can chew it. It's supposed to last forever.

    Sue: My girls do not have territory agression. both of them share their toys and have never really fought over them. The only think they fight over is food. I have to separate them at feeding time. Kabuki will run back and forth between hers and Precious' just to make sure she doesn't have something better.... This really aggivates Precious and she'll snap at Buki... So to avoid fights they eat separate.

    Precious has growled at Buki when I've given pig ears.... But she won't be getting those anymore. NOthing that can get lodged in her.... Sorry, it's her most favoritest thing in the whole world, but I can't risk another $1200 sugery!!!

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