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Help Plz about my keets

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by armandndeb, Mar 17, 2006.

  1. armandndeb

    armandndeb New Member

    I have 4 parakeets, I thought I had 2 female and 2 males but now I wonder if one that I thought was female is male. The cere was dark brown for a very long time, she was young when i got her, but now its beginning to look blue as all my birds are trying to breed I beleive, this is why I think so, they have free fly from morning till night in there own room, well I,ve noticed they have to alcoves chipped away out of the drywall over the door casing, and they are always going in and out of there now, I guess my question is, Is the drywall safe and is my what I thought was female actually a male ty
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    If there cere was a dark crusty brown then you have females, males ceres do not go this colour.

    I am not too sure about dry wall as all my birds are caged when breeding with nest boxes.

    The risks i think there maybe is tiny parasites that live in the walls may attack the birds and any chicks which could result in very sick or dead birds.

    If you plan on breeding them i suggest putting them in pairs into cages with a nest box just to be safe.

  3. lil shant

    lil shant New Member

    it could be that it isnt in breeidng condition anymore because their wings turn like white that kinda seems blue

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