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Just need to vent.

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by DeLaUK, Mar 6, 2006.

  1. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I am soooo angry right now....and guilty and upset.

    When I moved to Germany about 18 months I had intended on bringing my little Chi/Fox Terrier mix with me. My friends daughter was very bonded to her (Gypsy) and so my friend asked if she could keep her. My friend was also my room-mate.

    I agreed, I was nervous about taking Gypsy on a plane (Ive heard so many horror stories that it just really makes me nervous). The only 'condition' i asked was that if anything should happen at any time for the rest of Gypsys life where my friend couldnt keep her, didnt matter what the reason was, no questions asked, no 'break up of friendship' or anything like that, to contact me or my daughter or a couple of other people that still live near her and someone would take my little Gypsy.

    I went away to Tenerife over Christmas for 6 weeks, my friend had changed her phone number shortly before I left, hubby had taken the phone call from her giving us the new number and wrote it down on a piece of paper, by the time I got back we couldnt find it, she didnt phone me for a while, eventually I found the number, phoned her and she told me that she had given Gypsy to a relative back in December. She does not get along with this person but she did say that she would not have given her the dog if she thought the dog would be mistreated in any way I asked her why she hadnt contacted any of the numbers I gave her, including mine, I had my cell phone with me and hubby was at home as he didnt come to Tenerife with me, she said she didnt think about it.

    My biggest concern is that Gypsy, who only weighs about 5# is now living at a house with no fencing around and right in the middle of a heavily populated coyote area. The other thing is I have met these people and while I thought they were okay (I only met them a couple of times) but Ive also seen their kids, they are out of control, are rough with the dogs that they have (or had....I have no idea if they still have their other dogs).

    My daughter who doesnt live too far from her would have taken Gypsy had we known my friend couldnt keep her, only problem now is where she lives she can only have 2 dogs and in February she adopted a Chi mix, she already has her other dog BJ.

    I just cant believe this has happened, I should have just brought Gypsy with me, Ive hardly been able to sleep since I found out.

    Sorry, just really needed to vent. Im going to try and somehow get the dog back. There were a couple of other people there that wanted her and Ive talked to my daughter, she may be able to get the landlord to allow another small dog, or maybe I can get her over here. :(
  2. zarate

    zarate New Member

    That's a very sad story, I'd be upset too. I really hope you or your daughter can get ahold of her and get her housed with family!! I know I only trust my parents to take my dog when we go on vacation and he's only 15 months old. I don't even let friends take him! So I can't imagine how you feel! hang in there and hopefully everything will turn out for you.
  3. doglover1234

    doglover1234 New Member

    Any progress in getting her back ?
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Thanks for asking, no...I have talked briefly to her mom and given her phone numbers of a few people to get in touch with if for some reason the person who has her now cant keep her. The same numbers that Id given my friend. Ive got 2 people ready to take her but cant get an exact address of where she is. I have no idea of the names of the roads in the area (its all desert roads), I dont know the womans last name either.

    Ive been told by a couple of people that Im over-reacting and that my friend wouldnt have given her to someone if she thought they wouldnt take care of her but I dont know....I hardly slept for over a week, Im having a really hard time with this...I had a gut feeling that I should bring her with me but my friend (was also my roommate for a few years) had a great bond with the dog and then thinking about the stress of the flight. Now I feel like I let Gypsy down, I rescued her from an abusive home when she was 3 years old, the woman had actually brought her in to be euthanized, she had some behavioural problems but nothing major....abuse related, didnt trust anyone, biting...her reason for euthanizing her was because she started attacking the vaccuum cleaner!!! I offered to adopt her but the woman was adamant that she be 'killed' (she said she was just nasty and should be put to death)....she refused to sign her over to me but the vet and myself had already discussed confiscating the dog from her...eventually her husband got mad at her and made her sign her over. She was hard work at first, just getting her to trust again without her hanging off my fingers although none of the bites ever broke the skin, it was more defensive than anything, after a couple of weeks she settled down. Id had her for 4 years and she was an awesome little dog.

    I wont give up on this though, the important thing is that she is happy but I have no way of knowing if she is, thats why I was so specific with the conditions that I told my friend about ahead of time. I dont like parting with my dogs....not even the fosters that I know are just staying for a couple of weeks....shes seen how this all affects me with them so I dont understand why she didnt just phone me, she knew there were people near to her that would take Gypsy and she knew there was always the option of me sending the money to get her over here. :(
  5. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    Oh, that's so frustrating and tough!! I don't blame you for being angry.... your friend went against your wishes, regardless if she thought she was placing Gypsy in a good home. At least be thankful for that... but STILL! I'd be p'o'd too. Don't give up.... ! If you can eventually get the address, make sure to send your daughter over there to "check things out"! GOOD LUCK!!!

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