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Another vet visit :(

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Ginger, Mar 15, 2006.

  1. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

    Last Wednesday Mitz was feeling pretty grumpy, by the next day it became obvious she was in a lot of pain just walking around she kept just yelling out for no reason. We took her to the vet and he examined her, took her temperature and felt all her limbs, she cried out when he touched her shoulder but didn't bite him, so he gave her a shot of anti - inflamties and some pills to take. The pills seamed to help but it was just as bad on Monday so we booked her in for xrays today.
    The xrays showed she has very bad Arthritis in her spine :( right inbetween her shoulders and down her back, no wonder shes crying out, she will probably be on antiinflamatries for the rest of her life.

    I feel absolutly gutted, I know my cats aren't getting any younger Mitz is 14 years old this year and the other 4 are all 10 +, I feel so lucky they've all made it to older age but now there age is really showing, Tango has the suspicious lump growing on his rear end that can't be removed so we don't know what it is (his brother had cancer so I'm keeping a close eye on him right now) and was diagnosed with Arthritis in his back legs a couple of weeks ago, and then there Bones who has kidney disease (thankfully all is ok with him for now).

    It can be so stressful to love your cats SOoooo much (too much, some might say), I just want them to be ok you know?

    Sorry about the depressing post, I just feel so worried about it all today
  2. vene

    vene New Member

    Thinking of you and your kitties. *HUGS* I know how you feel. They are our babies and we want them to be well. Pumpkin is 12 and she's getting arthritic as well. I'm not sure what to do for her at this point. :(
  3. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Hugs to you both. It is hard to watch our babies get old. All of my animals drive me crazy, but I can't bear to think of losing them.

    Can you give cats glucosamine and chondroitin supplements? My dog has benefited from them.
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    Thanks Coppersmom. In a recent study on humans, glucosamine and chondroitin supplements did not lessen the effect of arthritis. How does it work in general? Wouldn't their stomaches just digest away the suppliments? It's kinda of like saying if we eat brains, we'll be smarter (not advising anyone do that), according to some cultures. If the glucosamine and chondroitin supplements work well, I'm willing to let Pumkin try some out.
  5. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I use the supplements on my arthritic dachshund and she seems better--that's why I asked. I figured that supplement can't hurt and it's been used on horses for ages. I know that some supplements CAN cause problems, however. My vet poo-pooed the idea, but my dog has improved alot. Whether it was several other changes I made, or just the supplement I don't know. But I didn't want her on anti-inflammatory drugs forever and didn't have alot of options. I didn't know about the use in cats. I hope I never have to explore that option but with Copper carrying around all that extra weight, I probably will. I'm really sorry about yall's cats. I know what it's like to have an animal crying in pain and not be help them. :(
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    I'd rather have Pumpkin on supplements than the anti-inflammatory drugs if possible. What type of supplement and dosing is appropriate for a cat? Part of the problem is that she doesn't like to work out. She only wants to eat and sleep. I know proper exercise will get joints to work better, for awhile anyways. Thanks for your input and support Coppersmom! :kiss_her:
  7. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Ginger. How is your kitty doing? :( Did your vet put her on any medications? I wish her all the best. And by the way, you cannot love your cat(s) too much.
  8. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

    Thanks for your repies everyone, it really helps. As for supplements my vet recommended Glucosamine highly, I've done some reseach and I will be going to buy some today

    The medication the vets perscribed is called Metacam (oral suspension) it says on the box for dogs, I researched it and I have to say I'm very worried about giving it to Mitz. Aparently its not actually licenced to give to cats at all, some vets do give it to cats anyway. I read a study done on 10 cats (I think by the company that make the drug) 2 Were given nothing and 4 were given 0.3mg per day the other 4 given 0.6mg per day for 2 weeks by the end of the test 1 cat from each group given metacam had died for reasons unknown! Mitz is supposed to have 0.05mg per day which is much less than in the test but I'm very unsure about it now - What would you do?
    My usual vet is on maternaty leave for 2 weeks, maybe I should speak to him when he gets back?

    Vene I'm sorry your going through the same thing, Its so hard to know what to do, I don't know about doesage for cats but I will find out ASAP and let you know, my vet also recommended Cod liver oil and Devils Claw but stressed that Glucosamine was most important

    Mitz is ok, shes spent most of the last week in her bed upstairs, shes finding it hard going down the stairs so she has food & water upstairs for now. When its not causing her pain shes happy as ever, purring and washing us as she always does. It doesn't help that its a cold/damp time of year and that will make it worse, we turned the heating right up last night hopefully that will help.

    Thanks again for your support - you really are great :y_the_best:
  9. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I don't know about dosing for cats either. But I have seen supplements especially for them. I give my dog Dr.'s Foster and Smith's Joint Guard capsules. I think they have it for cats too...maybe even in a liquid form.

    Ginger, maybe a heated pack would help Mitz. I know someone that has one for their doxie--one of those "bags of beans" that you heat up in the microwave. I don't know if a cat would tolerate it though. I've also seen heated beds for cats in catalogs. Especially if the weather seems to aggrevate the problem--it might help her.
  10. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

    Good idea coppersmom, I saw one of those in the pet shop last week, it was fairly expensive but its worth a go, shes spending a lot of time sleeping at the moment so its a good time to try these things out.
    She wants to sit up on my desk because the sun comes in all day (its where she usually is) but at the moment she can't jump, and its too painful to be picked up so I'm building steps at the weekend I think..... not thats shes being totally spoilt at the moment or anything
  11. vene

    vene New Member

    Thanks for all the info Ginger. I think I'll buy some Glucosamine supplement in liquid form as well as the cod liver oil and Devils Claw (what's that?). TIA for the dosing info. Are you giving her messages and physical therapy? It might easen her aches and pains. Coppermom, the heated pad is a great idea! I'm going to use one for Pumpkin when she can't walk up and down the stairs without severe pain. She's still enjoying the sunroom or any room with sunshine in it and a soft surface. The prices for the thermo cat bed isn't so bad on ebay- around $20 including shipping. This site doen't allow me to show ebay listings. Just look under thermo cat bed.
    That's a great idea building the steps, a true work of love.
  12. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

    Looked at the cat beds last night, they are much cheaper than the ones I saw last week, I'll definatly get one once I've got some more money as you would expect 3 vet visits this month including 2 xrays and medication is starting to have an effect on my bank balance!
    I couldn't find any info on dosing so I phoned the vet, they didn't know really either, but they sell Glucosamine powder especially for pets and obviously they can tell me how much of this powder to give (half a scoop a day)
    Thats the website to buy it from the US , if you do get some from there get the 'small breed formula' it says for dogs but can be used on cats too.

    Gave some to Mitz last night and I haven't heard her cry out at all today, and she even went downstairs for breakfast rather than wait for me to bring it up, we'll have to see, it could just be coincidence.
    I'm not giving her the Metacam for now, hopefully the Glucosamine will be enough, I've reseached this metacam and it sounds pretty risky.

    I'll let you know how we get on, and Thanks again for the support :)
  13. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    That's great! I'm glad to hear she's feeling better whatever the reason! :D
  14. Karen L

    Karen L New Member

    So glad to hear Mitz is feeling better. I know how you feel about your babies. My Spooky is 13 and a diabetic, she is on 2 injections a day and constant rips to the vet. Molly is 10 and just had her uterus removed because of infection. I swear the see the doctor before I do.

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