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Pics of my precious girl

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by LuvMyPup, Mar 18, 2006.

  1. LuvMyPup

    LuvMyPup New Member

    Here are a few pics of my pomimo Kina. She is already spoiled rotten.




    She absolutely loves her bed. Now if I could get her to quit trying to tear it apart, it would be great!
  2. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    I can'/t view any of the pictures :( even with the ole cheat way of copy/pasting the properties into a new browser window :(

    I've never heard of a pomimo... so i'm anxious to see!
  3. LuvMyPup

    LuvMyPup New Member

    Trying this once again

    I just got done uploading the pics to photobucket. Hopefully they come through this time. Sorry, I'm new at this.




  4. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    No need to apologize... we all have troubles one time or another :)

    They worked this time! YEAHHHHHH! (I use photobucket too!).... Your baby is prrrrrrecious! What a beautiful mix.... Like I said, I've never heard or seen of that mix before. She's just beautiful... no wonder why you spoil her rotten
  5. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Shes a gorgeous pup. :D
  6. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    OMG, she is soooooo cute! I love both of those breeds. I bet she is a mess too!!
  7. LuvMyPup

    LuvMyPup New Member

    Thanks everyone! Coppersmom, she is definitely a terror. I have a good sized enclosed area for her for when I have things to do around the house and can't keep a close eye on her. It has housebreaking pads in one area and she thinks she has to rip at least one of them to shreds. I THINK I may have her broken of that now though. Lately her newest fun is terrorizing my 5 year old cat, who doesn't really care for her yet.

    I am really lucky to have gotten a very good puppy when it comes to housebreaking though. Kina is great about going outside to do her business and if, by chance, I don't make it to her in time she uses her housebreaking pads (the ones she doesn't mess with). I haven't had one mess on the carpet yet. She has also learned to sit when she wants something now so I no longer have her jumping all over me when she wants something. Now I just have to figure out how to break her of whining and crying when I am not around her. She about drove my husband nuts this weekend when I had to leave for a few hours.
  8. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    My Mom's male pom whines and carrys on every time Mom leaves him. And now that Mom's retired, it's worse. Her female pom however, is really laid back and could care less.

    My brother has an American Eskimo too. She is the sweetest thing, but ate alot of things around the house before the two-legged kids came along and now she stays outside.

    Thanks for sharing!

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