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A Question For Those Who Dabble In The Herbal Remedies...

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Nik, Mar 21, 2006.

  1. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Ok, Here's the situation...
    Floob has a cold, what I mean is, he has the sniffles. He isn't coughing or sneezing but his nose is running a little. It's been like it for a week now. He also 'lives' with enlarged tonsils. The vet gave him antibiotics to clear his tonsilitis up, but I knew it was an ongoing problem as he's always acted like he has something on the back of his tongue and struggles to swallow all the time.

    Anyway, I'll get his tonsils removed if it becomes too much of a problem, but for now I want a remedy for clearing up a runny nose.

    He's ok in every other way and the vet's seen his runny nose and tested him so I know that's all it is. Thing is, the whole family have had really bad colds/flu for about 2 months now so I think he has the same.

    I've searched but am only coming up with 'lifestyle' type of guids, nothing specifically for a runny nose...

    Anyone have any remedies I can whisk up?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Me again...
    I mainly asked for help in finding a cure as I really don't get a chance to sit trawling through sites finding what I want.
    However, I've just had a spare half hour so had another look around.

    Has anyone tried this...
    ASTHMA WEED (Chamaesyce hirta)
    Asthma weed acts on the bronchi of the lungs, causing them to relax and making it easier to breathe.
    Uses: As it's name suggests, asthma weed is used to treat asthma. It can also be used to treat hay fever and upper respiratory tract catarrh.

    Floob doesn't have Asthma but he does have a few of those symptoms. He pants ALL the time recently and I beleive it's becasue his nose is blocked, could also be the cold air sooths his throat?

    Floob has a good diet. He only has fresh cooked chicken or beef and cheese as his treats. He doesn't have any of the brand name dog chews or biscuits. He has pigs ears 2 - 3 times a week as a 'chew' and I stuff bones with Natures Choice Chicken for him to go at. He's very active and alert so I'm not looking to pump anything into him he doesn't need (like immune system anhancers). I just want to target his cold.

    I just found this, maybe I'll skip Asthma Weed...

    CAUTION: All Euphorbias are TOXIC if eaten; the sap (latex) is a serious skin and eye irritant. Incompatible with licorice....DO NOT COMBINE! Dangerous herb....NOT for home use! Experimentally hypoglycemic. Herb relaxes bronchioles but seems to depress the heart and general respiration. Toxic doses have killed small animals through RESPIRATORY FAILURE.
  3. Nik

    Nik New Member


    I think I've found one...


    Why I didn't just put 'my dog has a runny nose' into Google in the first place I don't know. I went through all the 'herbal' and 'remedy' words first :oops:

    Anyway, it's been nice talking to myself so I'll stop now :lol:

    I'd still like anyone's opinions, advice or remedies too.
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I havent used any herbal remedies so I couldnt tell you whats good for it but I thought Id better respond cos I feel bad that you were talking to yourself :shock: :lol:

    Im sure Jamiya will be able to give you some tips when she sees this. :)

    I did a little search for tonsillitis in dogs (I have more than enough time spare), not really coming up with much but I found this in Merck, dont know if it helps.

    http://www.merckvetmanual.com/mvm/index ... sillectomy
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    For homeopathy, you need a LOT more info to go on. What sort of runny nose? What times of day? What does the discharge look like? Are there other symptoms? Did a change precipitate the runny nose? What is Floob's personality like? Does he prefer hot or cold? Is he independent or clingy? And on and on...

    For a chronic problem, there is a LOT that goes into the selection of the remedy, and I'm not qualified. :|
  6. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Thanks for the replies guys.

    I could answer all of those questions and more, but since you're not quallified I sharn't bother :wink:

    I've had no luck in getting anything here. Nowhere stocks anything and the only person I found who 'could maybe offer some information' wanted £35 just for a consultation buy phone, which I don't have right now.

    I'll just keep looking.
  7. kismet

    kismet New Member

    Try Grapefruit seed extract. A couple of drops equals one dose. It has to be diluted in something , some water, or mixed in a little food. It will fight all manner of bacterial and viral infections, which, having enlarged tonsils , is probably the reason why there is a runny nose. BTW, no charge.
  8. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Wow, free suggestions, who would've thought it :y_the_best:

    Thanks, I'll have a shop around for that.
  9. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Nik, Ihave an herbal remedy book for cats and dogs that has lots of recpies in it. I made one for tick prevention, I look tonight to see what they have on sniffles and see about posting it tomorrow
  10. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Hi Honey... that would be great, thank you.
  11. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    my memory is the size of apea :? I wrote myself a big not to remember tonight to get you that recipe
  12. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Hi Nik, havent forgotten, I dont want to post the recipie since after reading my book you dont go into herbal remedies lightly. But I do recommend the book, its called holistic aromatheray for animals by Kristen Leigh Bell and published by findhorn press which was acutally published in Scotland so you should be able to find it where you are. try www.findhornpress.com or www.aromaleigh.com

    good luck with Floob
  13. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Thanks Honeybears.

    I'd already ordered one book, The Holistic Guide For The Healthy Dog, so I might go ahead and get this one too.

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