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Happy to find this board! Need advice! 7 wk old Pomapoo....

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Jedi, Mar 31, 2006.

  1. Jedi

    Jedi New Member

    OH I was so happy to see this board. We just got a pomapoo. he is 7 wks old. Name is Jedi. He is doing really well overall. Was never outside but we started taking him out after naps, after eat and when he gets out of kennel and he has been going outside which made us happy. Only a few accidents inside but we feel he is doing great in this area!

    We have a Kennel for him to be in at night, while we are gone etc. He does great with it napping in it during the day and even when we leave for a few hours but our problem is at night. He will wake up middle of the night.... we take him out then but when we put him back in his kennel he does NOT want to go to sleep. He will yelp, whine etc... we have just been ignoring him but that doesnt seem to be working. If we try to go say NO to him he just gets even more worked up. we are all VERY tired. he will sometimes zonk out but only for 20-30 minutes and then be right back at yelping again. How do we handle him getting up to go out and then going back in his kennel at night????? And at what age should he be able to go most of the night without going out???

    Also we have been feeding him a tbsp of puppy food that the owners gave us three times a day (7am, noon and 545pm). is that enough for him or should we be feeding him more? He doesnt go in to the vet for 2.5-3 wks.

    Thanks for any advice you can give us! This is our first pet on our own. we both grew up with pets but didnt do the training etc.
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Hi and welcome.

    Congrats on your new pup. :D

    He wont be able to control his bladder for about another month, maybe a little longer, its not his fault its just that hes not old enough or developed enough yet. It sounds as though your already doing a great job with him. What you could try at night when you put him back in his crate is maybe leave a radio on, quietly, so there is some background noise, he's still a little young to be curling up at night by himself so he may be lonely/scared, a little anxious. Sometimes if you put a t-shirt that youve worn in there (as long as he doesnt eat it) that will help as it has your scent on it, also I would put in a couple of safe toys, maybe a soft cuddly toy to snuggle up with, maybe even something like a small kong were you can put little treats in there or something, it'll give him something to entertain himself with and he will probably wear himself out and fall asleep again.

    As for the food, I have a rule with puppies, feed them as much as they want (although I personally dont free feed), its much easier to get a bit of weight off which they do as they get older and more active, than it is to deal with something hypoglycemia or dehydration through not getting enough nutrition. I would also be feeding him about 5-6 times a day right now...Im thinking hes a tiny guy....with say a German Shepherd sized puppy I would be feeding, at this age about 4-5 times a day.
  3. Ajslady70

    Ajslady70 New Member

    Hi there and welcome!

    I'm fairly new here as well but hooked on the toy breeds and cross breeds. I have a 1-year-old Shih Tzu that started it all, an 8-week-old Shih Poo and a 12-week-old Chihuahua that I'm having a blast buying itty bitty clothes for. lol Anyway, with my Shih Tzu, he was very clingy to me as he was my only pup at the time and so at night I put his little crate on the bed with me or on a chair next to my bed so that I could put my fingers in there for him to smell if he woke up until he was able to sleep on the bed with no crate.

    On the feeding, I free feed all three pups dry food (Bil Jac currently as I'm still working on finding one that is meat mostly and not by products) and they all 3 don't even go through one medium size dish a day.

    You sound like you're doing marvelous and finding this board says to me that you really care about learning all about your little one. Congrats! :)


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