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How often does a dog go in heat?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Allie & Lexie, Mar 24, 2006.

  1. Allie & Lexie

    Allie & Lexie New Member

    I have a long haired chihuahua, and she started her period on Christmas Eve. I really want to get her spayed before she starts again, and the earliest my vet can do it is May 9th.

    The lady at the front desk said it would be 6 months before she would go in heat again. Is this correct?

    Also, is it possible to have her spayed if she is in heat?

    Thanks for the help!
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi, they can go into heat every 4,6,12 months some have gone longer.
    With small breed is usually every 4-6 months when they have a heat cycle.

    The best time to have her spay is 12 weeks after her heat which is usually 12weeks before the next.

    Its is not wise to have her spayed during her heat as this can cause serious problems due to her hormones and her bleeding.
    She could heamorragh (sp) can cause incontinence, or may need hormone treatment.

    Since all dogs have some degree of a phantom ( false) pregnancy her brain would already be in a state of thinking she was pregnant which again may cause complications.

    Is there not another vet you could goto that would spay her now as if she is a 6monthly dog then may 9th is cutting it abit close to her next cycle.

  3. Allie & Lexie

    Allie & Lexie New Member

    T H A N K S

    Thanks for the advice. I called another vet, and have her scheduled for this Tuesday. I am happy this will be taken care of.

    Thanks again!!! :D

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