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Why do people never listen

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by charmedagain, Apr 4, 2006.

  1. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Well my mums friend has a yellow labrador female and a little dog which looks like a JRT well her female was in heat and she was warned to keep them both apart under no circumstances were they ever to be together while she was in heat.

    Well that was 6 weeks agao now i find out she is expecting puppies only found out because she wanted to know what they would look like i told her well i have no idea, They probably be either labradors with JRT legs or vice versa she laughed and said oooh i cant wait to see.

    Well i have told her this is not something she should be looking forward to, asked why she let them together and i got the it was an accident she went shopping and forgot to shut the kitchen door excuse/

    I asked her why she didnt have her to the vets to have them aborted and she said oh no i could not do that, if i was pregnant by mistake i couldnt get rid of it.

    Some people are just so thick at times.

    Sorry to rant but needed to get it off my chest..

    I have added a pic of my mums rottie Jess i had her a couple of days as she would not eat properly and vet gave her all clear but my mum was really worried..

    This is Jess



    If pics dont work right click on x and show pic if that dont work you can see her at http://community.webshots.com/user/mickyuk28 in the jess folder

  2. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    Charmed - I feel your disgust with your mom's friend! I am constantly upset with how people treat their pets. There was NO excuse for this situation!!! NO EXCUSE! In the next few months there will be a whole litter of mixed breed pups to find homes for. Aren't the shelters full enough!!!

    I have known people in the past that just had to "mate" their dogs. One guy felt that his female wouldn't be "complete" without a litter (Yeah- the litter she had almost completed her live!) and other folks that I have known were probably trying, by projecting through their dogs, to compensate for their own lack of male virility! And - none of these dogs had registered pedigrees with any legitimate organization! Basically they were pet store dogs or puppy mill dogs.

    All of the dogs we have owned have been spayed or nuetered - not because they were not good representations of the breed - but because our ego's didn't get in the way of being pet owners and opening our house and hearts to an animal.

    Aghhhhh- how irresponsible. :x
    Excuse me, I have to get off my soap box now :| [/img]
  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I know exactly what your talking about!!! There's a guy out by my mothers place. He claims that unless his females have at least one litter of puppies their no good. yeah, right.
    He claims that it makes the "better dogs" and that it "settles them down".... Geezzz...

    But whatcha gonna do about it? He won't listen for anything.....
    One of those MEAN ol' men that just don't give a crap what everyone else thinks.
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Well as i have told her good luck in finding homes for them, I pray to god that nothing goes wrong but she says everything will be fine dogs have puppies everyday.

    So i said yes maybe they do but most of them need a c-section i asked if she could afford to pay for one as here in the uk it can cost Anywhere from £500 pound up over, She said well she wont need one so i dont need to think about that.

    I could strangle the stupid woman, but as i told her i pray she is right as she could lose her lab during whelping then it came what does whelping mean oh please you have no idea what you have done...

    Sorry but i get so frustrated with people like her

  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    well. Hate to say it, but if something did happen at least it would teach her a lesson, or so you'd think it would.

    Pray nothing happens wrong. But if so, perhaps it would open her mind to how ignorant she was. Was it a Female JRT or Female Lab that got bred by JRT?

    If it was the lab, I think i'tll be ok, but if a JRT got bred by a lab, then there might be probs.
  6. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    Oh my gosh ---- here I go again - I'm climbing on my soap box ----

    Ironically - that woman's dog will probably have a huge healthy litter without any complications! She will probably be so lucky that she wakes up one morning and the poor dog had already finished having all of her pups! One thing for sure --- she will have a problem finding homes for all of the little ones --

    I was asked several time over the years to work at shelters (as paid staff!) - I have declined all of the offers because I know I would end up screaming (or worse) at some of the jerks that dump off good dogs that they had no business ever having. And in prior to getting rid of their responsibility - they have abused or neglected the poor animal!

    I wish there was some way for our societies to better control who is allowed to have pets and who should not.

    All of you good dog owners out there - here's a question --

    How many time have you known of families that have the toddler and an infant and want to "complete" their family with a big dog! And it would be their first experience with owning a puppy! You know that poor pup has a very slim chance of staying in that family -- and has a very high chance of ending up in a shelter as either abused or neglected.

    Time to get off my soap box!
    Thanks for listening.
  7. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    It was her female lab that was bred by her male JRT, I dread to think what they will look like.

    As i have said to her they could have lab bodies but JRt legs or vice versa lol.

    She is so narrow minded it annoys me.

    I think she only done it because my mum is planning on breeding her rottie when she is older, But as was explained my mums dog is a pedigree with papers, She will be fully checked by the vet and my mum is buying her own stud dog. My mum is a person that everything has to sorted well in advance, Whelping supplies, Whelping box, Health checks, She has even started putting money aside for if and when this goes ahead.

    Jess is only 7months old so mum has along time to decide, She has breeding experience behind her and i will be there throughout it all.

    But this woman still thinks that its all straight forward and its rare for complications to arise if only she knew how many times people have thought that and something bad has happened.

    Her lab is not even vaccinated which makes matters even worse, I know no health tests will have been done.

    She only lives in a small house with a small garden so she has not even got the room for a large litter if thats what happens.

    Rather her than me is all i say as she is has no idea what she is doing or anything, My mum said she would go and help when whelping starts incase there is a problem but i do not see why she should but then like me my mum only has the dog and her babies best interests at heart she said she only doing it for the dog not her friend.

  8. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    Charmed - your mom sounds like a responsible dog-lover who is considering breeding for the right reason. I know it isn't for the money because the costs of sucessfully placing a healthy 8 or 9 week old puppy in a permanant home far exceeds what the family is paying for their new family member.

    I will have to do some looking - but I found an interactive website that had a virtual pregnancy and whelping! It was a lot of fun.
    I'll post the site when I find it!
  9. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    Here's the website for the virtual breeding game by Jane M. Johnson. There are two scenarios to play! Have fun!!!


    If that address doesn't work - just search the web for 'virtual dog breeding' and you should see the site.
  10. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I get so mad at irresponsible breeding !!! 9 million pets a year in the US....killed predominantly because they have no home....I dont know what the statistics are in UK.

    Reminds of something my boss (vet) said to me one time after doing a c-section on a GSD, 13 puppies he pulled out, 4 were dead and another tech and myself did everything we could to save the 9 'savable' ones.....then the boss says "why dont you just pick one each to work on, that way there will be less that end up on the street or shelters". He had a point, I know that, the chance of this guy finding 'good, permanent' homes for all these pups was slim.

    Of course, I couldnt, they were taking the occasional gasp and they all had heartbeats. Ive felt some guilt over it, every so often I wonder how they are all doing. :(

    On a lighter note....Im trying to imagine the personality of a lab/JRT mix...scary !!!!!
  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Dunno. I can just see it now.. a lab w/ the comples of a bouncy ball (from the JRT) and chewing..... oh man....
  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I just had a guy call me from down the street. He saw me outside with my foster pups and stopped to ask me about them. He called because their dachshund just passed and he wants a dog like a GSD for his family.

    Get this. They have FOUR kids all under the age of SIX. The littlest is just a couple of months old. At least two are in diapers. And they want a BIG dog, like a GSD??

    Ugh. Stupid people.

    I also had people call about my foster pups who had small children - like one with a one-year-old and a three-year-old - that I had to turn down.
  13. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    Good for you Jamiya turning down these people. You know your dogs have been through enough already!

    I was in the stupid pet store a while back and I saw a couple (the mom was hugely pregnant) and their cute toddler playing with one of the mixed breed puppies (that they are selling for close to $1000.00 - no kidding!).
    If I remember correctly the dog was something like a dalmation/poodle mix! Well, they wanted to complete their family with the puppy. I watched them for a while because the toddler was a playing a little rougher with the pup than I would have like to have seen (My husband says I should mind my own business!) They were asking all of the questions that someone who has never had a dog would ask. They (and the sales clerk) knew nothing about the breeds' mix and the temperment of those dogs. I ended up leaving because I tried to take my husbands' advice and because I just couldn't stand watching anymore.
    I left and said a prayer for that poor pup and hoped that that family didn't have enough credit to charge the pup or to get the store financing!!!

    Puppies and kittens should not be allowed to be sold in stores!
  14. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    Yeah, the whole "designer breed" thing bothers me. We have a Petland nearby, where I get stuff for my small animals, and they have about 15-20 puppies on any given day, and only about 5 of them are purebred, if that. Then, they give the mutts a fancy name. I have seen so many people saying "Ohhh..it's a shih pom! That must be some new breed!" For heavens sake, I wish people could get that these are mutts! I don't mean anything bad about mutts, but the more people buy these "designer breeds" the fewer dogs in shelters get homes, and the more the designer breeds are bred. Argh...this is obviously an issue with me.
  15. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    tuttifrutti, do you have a Petsmart or Petco near you? When I was in CA I refused to buy anything at any pet store that 'stocked' dogs and cats but those two stores didnt, they had open adoption days where a local shelter would come in every couple of weeks and bring pets that they had, I think they would stay at the store Saturday and Sunday and then they were taken back to the rescues. (I dont know if their policies are the same in every State)

    I remember back in the 70's in UK the pet stores stocked dogs and cats but it was banned around then. I think if it was banned over there it would put a lot of puppy mills out of business.
  16. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Well her lab was rushed to the vets late lastnight as she had a dark smelling discharge vet did an emerangy operation and there was 15 puppies and all were dead apart from 1 there was a small tear in her uterus so vet had to do a spay at the same time, my mum told me this morning that she is in a critical condition and the vet does not hold out much hope.

    I bet now she is not acting so clever goes to show things that can go wrong.

    I do hope she pulls through but people like her really make me angry and should not be allowed to own any animal.

    Just thought i would update will let you know if i hear anymore news.

  17. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    Oh that poor girl. What a stupid, undeserving owner she has.
    This was so unnecessary.
    Well, I hope the poor dog pulls through - and for the better - she was spayed. I hope the woman gets hit with a whopping bill for the vet's services.
    If I was a vet - and I had a dog owner like that woman com in --I don't know if I could resist padding the bill or spaying (whether necessary or not!)

    15 pups? Hmmm....
    Sounds like a few more times of mating rather than one indiscrete event.
    I think you mom's (ex?)friend is a wierd-o!

    What an upsetting start to my day. :x
  18. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    I think you're being a bit harsh on this woman. I hate irresponsible breeders (intentional and unintentional) just as much as anyone here but gosh. Maybe it truly was an accident, even people with the best of intentions have accidents, even a few ppl on this board have been in this situation. I could understand not wanting to abort the pups. If my dog got accidentally pregnant (hypothetically of course - mine are both altered) I don't think I would abort the pups either.

    A lot of people truly don't know about the dangers and problems of irresponsible breeding, and even responsible breeding can go wrong. Some people just don't get it. Not because they are bad owners, etc. they just don't see the whole picture for various reasons. I encounter them a lot when I get on my soapbox about the proper foods to feed a dog. There are millions of great dog owners who feed their dog crap grocery store food b/c of the $$, they don't think its better, etc. etc. Should vets pad their bills when their dogs come in for liver failure or kidney disease? Or spay them without their permission? No.

    But I really hope the lab pulls through. Hopefully this will be a wakeup call for her.

    Talking about designer dogs, I saw in my paper a Rotsheppompoo advertised. They didn't list a price. My gut says it was an accident and someone got clever with the advertising and are just giving them away but still I found it amusing. I was afraid to call and find out.
  19. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm sure it was an accident, but she obviously wasn't being very careful. If I had a female in heat and an intact male dog in the same house, you can bet I would be checking and double-checking everything before I left the house. She obviously didn't consider it very important.

    I hope the dog pulls through, and I hope the owner has a GIANT vet bill to pay off. Her cavalier attitude of "oh, dogs have puppies every day" is what sickens me. Once the "accident" happened she should have been reading every whelping book she could get her hands on.

    Stupid woman.

    I bet Mike is having trouble not saying "I told you so."
  20. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    Yeah, I do, but I have Short Tailed Opossums and they are VERY picky eaters. Petland is the only store that sells the brand of ferret food they like. I tried them on kitten food for a while, but only one would eat it.

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