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Why do people never listen

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by charmedagain, Apr 4, 2006.

  1. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Well i got more news and its not good, She sadly died vet thinks it was blood poisioning from the toxins coming from her uterus, He thinks there has been a problem with this litter long before now as there was some decompossion.

    He is going to run tests on her to see what the exact cause was for this happening. He has noticed bruising to the side of her abdomen and thinks there was some sort of trauma but will know more after he run his tests.

    I have told my mum i dont want to know anymore as it was really awful listening to what this poor girl went through just because her owner would not listen..

    Mum says some of the pups where missing a limb.
    I sat and cried when my mum rang me she was a lovely lab abit pushy when she wanted your attention but was great.

    I understand that accidents do happen but i would never leave an in heat bitch anywhere a male could get near her.
    My girls were never left unattended and if i had to go out the girls were locked in a room away from the boys and i kept the key on me so no1 else in the house could accidently go in and them get together.

    Mums friend is devastated and its killing me as all i want to do is tell her i told you so but think that would be abit harsh.

    Just thought i would update... sorry its bad news

  2. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    Oh I am so sorry for that poor dog.
    Trauma on the abdomen? I hope nobody kicked the poor thing.

    Did the one pup survive?

    There was no excuse for that poor girl to have gotten pregnant!
    That was not an accident --- it was neglect!!!
    That woman knew there was an intact male and a female in heat in that house --- she should have locked doors between them - sent her male to a friends house for a couple of days - boarded him --- there are dozens of things she could have done to have prevented this tragedy!

    Before anyone goes jumping on me for being harsh ---- what is harsh is that because of ignorance --- a good dog has been lost and an entire litter of pups gone. What is harsh is that shelters are full of 'oops' puppies, some finding good homes, some not so good homes and some just 'disposed' of.

    Ugh --- I am so disgusted!

    I have to go and hug my altered dogs now!
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    So not only an irresponsible breeding but no check ups with the vet while she was pregnant? Nice !!! Sometimes I just cant find the words....well I can but I cant use them in here :x
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    A bit off topic but - we used to have a short tailed opossum, too! He also was very picky.
  5. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    No the remaining pup died shortly after it was removed.

    From what i have been told by my mum the bruising conincides with bruising from being hit by a car, But she says her dog never gets out unless with her on a leash, But why does part of me just not believe her.

    She did dy because of blood poisoning aswell as the trauma to her side and ruptured uterus, The small tear was the same side as the bruising.

    The vet also told her and my mum even if she had gone to term and delivered there was a high chance they would have died anyway as some were born with limbs missing some had other problems aswell.

    My mum was with her before she was taken to the emergancy vet as she called my mum and said that her lab was not eating was acting like she was in alot of pain and there was a funny smell coming from her but did not know where from. My mum had told her to take her to the emergancy vet as something was not right because of the smelly discharge, She told her friend that is the first thing she should have done when she noticed she was off colour.

    She asumed this was normal for this far into the pregnancy.

    To be honest i have a feeling if my mum hadnt made her take the dog then she would have died at home and in alot of pain.

    She is not blaming herself she is blaming her labs bloodline saying something like this must have happened before.
    I am not speaking to her as i am a very hot headed person and i would tell her what i really think.

    People like her should not be allowed to own animals, Its her children i am thinking off as they loved her to pieces but thats children for you they get very attached very quickly.

    My 5year old brother will not goto sleep unless he knows Jess is either lay on his bed or beside the bed.
    She is evry protective of my little brother even thought she is only 7months old but one thing i can say she only growls at people she does not know that go near my little brother especially men with glasses on..
    She has never bitten anyone its just a warning growl and will back off when kieran tells her to..

    On a funny note Ice my 1yr old lab cross has taken to grabbing nextdoors cat and pinning him to the growun with her paw while she lays down just so she can clean him, the neighbours think its sweet i just think the dog is strange as she tries to do that with my mums cats and they are like get off me and bit her nose lol.

    She has never hurt a cat or any other thing come to think of it well unless you count her toys, bedding, bricks hurting something lol

  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Well that about says it all. She's one of those people who can't accept responsibility for her own actions. The blame always lies elsewhere. I feel sorry for her kids - not only because of the dog dying, but because they won't ever be taught responsibility or owning up to their actions either. One more generation of "blameless" people. :(

    Watch her go out and get another female dog and refuse to spay her as well.

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