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Something is badly wrong w/ my kitty!!!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by punky1976, Apr 6, 2006.

  1. punky1976

    punky1976 New Member

    This is my first cat I have ever owned, so I dont know alot about cats. This AM I got up for work and my cat couldnt walk. She was draging her back legs. We noticed a day or mabey two before that she didnt want to jump onto the high part of her cat tree. I figure now it's due to this problem. She was taken to the vet by my husband this AM. He said her legs were not broken but he didnt know what was wrong. He ask the normal ques. Hows she eating, bathroom, ect... all is ok as so Ive noticed anyways, except her back legs. The Vet gave her a mussle relaxer and anti-inflamatory by injection. He said she was having mussle spasams in her legs. This PM she started trying to get up and walk. She can at least bear some weight. She falls alot and walks sideways if she can walk. When she falls it's like her legs just give out. She also stands funny now, kinda arched weird. Normally she would arch real big when you rubbed her and her rear would raise up the closer you got to the tail. She dosent do anything now, just lets you pet her but she don't move. Vet said bring her back if it didnt get better in a couple days or if it got worse.
    We have a dog too so I have thought about them fighting or something but the cat has no physical wounds, bumps, ect...
    Any susjestion, ideas, or comments will be appreciated.
  2. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    About a year ago, Lizzy suddenly went lame in one of her front legs. It wasn't broken or anything like that so we figured it was probably just some nerve damage. The vet (who was a pretty crappy vet) said she'd never walk again and he'd probably have to amputate, but every day we'd gently move her leg around and do our own form of kitty physical therapy and a few weeks later she was walking with just a minor limp.

  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Did your vet take x-rays? Spine and pelvis at least.....if he did and they were clear then blood tests?
    Does your cat go outside? It could have been caused by trauma, either bumped by a car, fallen off a fence or out of a tree or off furniture or maybe an accident with the dog. Theres a lot of things that could have caused it but the main thing you need to know is exactly hat kind of damage your dealing with.

    Hope your kittys feeling better soon.
  4. punky1976

    punky1976 New Member

    Thanks for the ideas. Someone else at my husbands work said they had a cat who had some of the same symptoms, she ate a posion lizzard. My cat is a house cat onl, she will not go near the door, she was a stray. The Vet I go to may not have a xray machine. He is pretty old and does alot of stuff old school so he in not expensive at all. Ive always taken my dogs there, I feel he knows his stuff his sand he loves animals, no doubt. He was the only Vet in our area for a long who did house visits for farm animals, I live in the sticks as I would call it. I figure this vet has seen most everything. We plan to take her back Monday and Im sure he will refer me to someone else now. One reason I dont think they are broken is becausethe day after my post she started walking, some. She fell down alot and very unsteady, almost drunk like. I thought she was getting better but the day after that she was back to dragging both legs behind her instead of walking. I mess with her back legs kinda like thearpy I guess. She dosent seem to be in any pain but I cant know for sure. Im a nursing assistant so I know we have to keep moving her legs if we want to try and get her better. I work for a Dr. and she gave me some herbal meds. Im not giving up on her. It's just really sad to see her this way. She still purrrrs so I guess she is still happy, as much as she can be anyways.
  5. Maraya

    Maraya New Member

    yeah when kitty is sick...always take em to the vets......in some cases, immediately. better to be safe than sorry. here's a good website too.....it has an "ask the vet" feature as well.


    Please keep us all posted on Kitty. kay?

    *hugs* :D :y_the_best:
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    When you say 'almost drunk' is it just in the rear end? Like she is fully aware of whats going but cant co-ordinate her back legs properly?

    Ive lost count of how many cats Ive seen walking when they have a fractured pelvis, a lot of them dont 'need' surgery either, they heal up and live long happy lives albeit with a permanent limp or kind of a swagger, some are barely noticable after time, it depends on where exactly the fracture is and how severe it is. Im not saying this is whats wrong with your cat, obviously I have no idea, but from what your describing this is commonly what clients have described there cat as doing and when weve taken x-rays thats whats shown up. Definately need to get back to the vets, whatever it is it doesnt appear to be going away or improving by itself. I also wouldnt be doing any kind of massaging or rotation/pulling/manipulating on her legs until you know exactly what your dealing with, just with the possibility of there being even a hairline fracture, if you move the leg the wrong way or at the wrong angle you can make it a lot worse....even massaging muscle, if its something to with damage to the muscles, maybe a tear or something you can make that worse.

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