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where can i get a maltipoo?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by doll, Apr 9, 2006.

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  1. doll

    doll New Member

    I live in NJ and am having rouble finding them. And please don't tell me to go to a shelter. I've spoken to the local ones, and they either do not have, or cannot guarantee they could identity if a particular dog was this mix. And I need this mix for allergy purposes. And yes, i know not to go to my local pet store. Constructive ideas, please!
  2. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    The problem you're going to run into is that the people who intentionally breed these crosses are the same people who sell them to pet stores. It's rare to find someone who is breeding responsibly if they're breeding mixed breeds. It just doesn't happen. They're also going to ask a much higher price than is reasonable for a mixed breed dog.

    You could try a rescue organization, rather than local shelters. There's usually more dogs in rescue than you can shake a stick at.

    If allergies are your major concern, why not just get a purebred? You'll have a better chance of getting a sound, healthy puppy if you go to a reputable breeder, and you'll probably pay less for a purebred than you would for a "designer mix." The grooming requirements will be the same; frequent brushing/combing at home, and regular visits to the groomer.
  3. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    I actually disagree with the generalization that the people who breed these mixes do it irresponsibly or for the pet stores. There are some out there... you just have to do your research to find them. I got my shihpoo (a mix!) from a very reputable breeder who was and is still concerned for the dog's livelihood and health ... much more over the scent of money. However, I am not going to give any more information than that.

    Fortunately, we are not allowed to "advertise" breeders on this board, Doll. My advice to you is, Yes, still continue to check out the rescues. Your local shelters may not have one...but check the 'net! I know of someone who just rescued a maltipoo... so yes, they are out there. You should check out petfinder.com .... they have a lot of babies who need homes.

    Good luck!
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    If you cant find one have you thought about just a poodle or just a Maltese? There are other breeds that are good if you have allergies, Bedlington Terriers, Bichon Fries, Airdales, Schnauzers. I know someone who is allergic to almost every dog she comes into contact with, instant puffy eyes and wheezing.....except when shes with her wire haired Dacshund....never has a problem. Do you know what it is that your allergic to exactly? Is the dander? saliva? urine?
  5. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    I've got dog allergies also (hence the reason I ended up with shihpoos)... I found out there are dogs with hair... and dogs with fur. It's the fur-dogs that we're allergic to. Dogs with fur are the ones that shed and don't have to get groomed..... such as shephards, labs, retrievers, etc. Dogs with hair are the ones that don't shed (well, they shed a little... they ALL shed) and need to be groomed, because of the way the hair grows. There is something about the hair that doesn't produce the allergens that the fur does... (dunno how/what/why...lol). The best breed for allergies are poodles. I've had dog allergies all my life (went thru three years of allergy shots), and have not had any problems with shihtzus, maltese, poodles....

    There is a lot of information on the net for dog breeds that are best for allergies also
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    The hair or fur...wahtever you want to call it doesnt produce the allergens, the allergens are in the dander and saliva predominantly, and the particles attach themselves to the hair. Many people that have allergies to dogs dont react to young puppies regardless of breed (as long as they havent just been cleaned by the dam) because theyre not shedding their skin cells as fast as an adult dog....thats why a lot of people 'suddenly discover' theyre allergic to their now fully grown dog....the allergy usually hasnt just appeared, there just wasnt enough dander on the dog to cause a problem. This is one of the reasons I know that 'some' allergy specialists will advise people with allergies to dogs would recommend adopting an adult dog, there are no gaurantees if your allergic that you will be okay with the dog once its an adult.

    Everyone with allergies has their own 'thing' that they react to and at differing degrees, like the woman with the dacshund....her body had built an immunity to that particular dog, nothing to do with the exact breed except that they dont shed as much as a GSD or a Husky, she reacted badly to maltese, poodles and every other dog she came into contact with.
  7. madeline

    madeline New Member

    I have a maltipoo but live in Canada so wouldnt be much help to you there. They are hard to find in the shelters here also, as soon as a little dog comes in they are adopted, or they arnt good with children etc. Maltipoo's are great for people with allergies, my daughter has allergies and she is fine with my dog, also my sister inlaw has a maltipoo and her son has severe allergies and he is fine with their dog. There are alot of them in the papers here but not to many reputable breeders, I look on the net and they are everywhere in the States so you shouldnt have to much trouble finding one, good luck and if you do get one Im sure you will be happy with your decision.

  8. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I would just like to add and please dont attack me for saying this but, A cross is a cross no matter how it was bred wether it was done responsibly or not.

    Do not get me wrong there is some really nice mixes out there.
    I have yet to understand why people keep making these mutts and giving them names like maltipoo, shihpoo, labradoodle, labranese.

    Do people think putting to different pedigree dogs together you end up with a designer pedigree pup i think not they ar just mutts and always will be IMO.

    All dogs need to be groomed even if its a quck brush down as all dogs shed some fur it also helps to massage the dogs skin which helps promote oils to help the skin and fur Also removes loose fur and dust.

    Hope i have not offened anyone just MHO

  9. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    The number one reason:

  10. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Well lets see i have a Labrador x Rottweiler what name can i give them, I should breed her and give her a fancy designer name any ideas lol.

    The thought of crossing 2 breeds annoys me what does it really achieve apart from making the so called breeder some money as i cant really see any health tests being done or check up stuff like that.

    Well for a lab x rottie i came up with labraottie hahaha

  11. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    You're absolutely right, I didn't mean to imply that the dogs with fur didn't need to be groomed or cared for. By stating they needed to be groomed, all I meant that they need to go to the groomers to get their hair cut. A lot of times when I word it like that, people know what I mean. So I apologize if I misled anyone.

    Mike, no offense taken. I have always admired your advice on the board... you have a lot of information and always seem to know what's best for the dog. With that being said, I just dont' know why people are always making comments about "designer dogs"?? I don't get that.... ?? Who CARES what they are called????? Shouldn't we should be more concerned about the dog and what kind of a life he/she lives... and less concerned about what someone names a mix.

    Needless to say, I don't really give a flying rrrrrip what you call my dog. I agree, he is a mix... a mutt.... whatever. It doesn't matter. I could care less if he was a pure breed or not. And, I also could care less if I paid $5 or $5000. It's the temperment, allergy-relief, personality, companionship etc. that i care about. It's IRRELEVANT to me if he's called a shihtzu/poodle....shihpoo... pooshi cooshi...hoochie coochie. I just don't care. Just call him "loved" and let's call it a day ! :)
  12. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    No, your missing the point. No one is saying that the dogs are ugly, nasty, or anything else, the problem most people (that I know) have with this type of breeding is its a scam with no consideration to the long term welfare of the dogs. No testing or screening, byb's and puppy mills rely on the cuteness of the dogs and gullible people to make their money.

    How can anyone who says they care about dogs willingly add to the bad breeding methods of any dog regardless of its breed (mixed or full). Its supply and demand and anyone who buys a designer breed dog is doing their part in keeping an ethically unacceptable business booming.

    Breed specific genetic problems for the Shih Tzu:

    Renal Dysplasia (kidney problem), liver disease (chronic hepatistis - some forms thought to be inherited), portal-caval shunt (liver), cleft palates, hip dysplasia, thyroid problems, predisposition to allergies/ear infections, progressive retinal atrophy (PRA - eye problem),

    Breed specific genetic problems for the Miniature Poodle:

    Progressive Retinal Atrophy, cataracts, glaucoma, eye and ear infections, digestive problems, skin conditions, heart disease, and epilepsy.

    Contrary to the belief that mixing breeds will 'weed out' these potential genetic defects, by mixing them is actually exposing the puppies to the worst of both breeds.

    I wouldnt see a problem with this (for the most part) if the breeders could produce documentation that screening has been done on both parents plus their parents, of the puppies and that the screening tests were negative, maybe all this is done in Canada, in general its not in the US....and I dont care how much anyone pays for a dog, thats their business but the fact is that dogs are suffering and Ive worked with enough cases over the years where owners know they have been ripped off, they never get their money back, theyre never offered a replacement dog, theyre never offered even part of the medical fees (these are good probablities if you buy a dog from a reputable breeder) , owners who wished they had asked about genetic screening because the end result has been not only their own devastation at getting attached to a dog and then having to deal with, emotionally and financially, potentially deadly diseases that could have been totally, 100% avoided but also the short miserable lives of some of the dogs.

    Its hard enough when a dog comes down with a genetic illness/diseases despite all the relevant screening, why increase the chances of that happening. It makes no sense.
  13. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    No, I wasn't missing the point. I was replying to CHARMED's Point, not yours.

    I agree with the issues at hand about some breeders breeding dogs (but MY point is it happens with MIXED AND FULL!) for the power of the all mighty dollar, and definitely, the dog's health suffering because of it. I've seen it firsthand too. I believe we're all on the same row boat here.... just perhaps on different rows. Which is fine by me.

    I do want to point out that this board is "Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific
    Dedicated to Poo & Shi cross type dogs & the members who ADORE them. Other small breeds WELCOME." So, let's play nice and try not to bash people who adore "POO and SHI" cross type dogs that are suppose to be welcomed here.
  14. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Were hardly on the same row boat hun. If you know its a problem why do you condone it? Even if just by rare chance that the breeders you bought from did all the adequate testing you have to know that most do not bother, you would have found that out doing your own research so why are you encouraging others to go and add to the problem of keeping these people in business.

    You know what though, your right this is a board that caters to breeds brought about by irresponsible idiot breeders and the more I see this blatant disregard for the welfare of dogs the more it P****s me off.

    9 million dogs a year in the US killed in just the city and county shelters because theyre homeless....and yet somehow theres a booming big money market for idiots breeding mutts. Makes me sick.

    Dont worry about responding.....Im done with the board.....how the h*ll do people like you sleep at night !!!!
  15. mamalonglegs

    mamalonglegs New Member

    We probably sleep just fine curled up next to our "mutts" that we love just as much as pure breeds....oh wait I have one of those too.....and I love them both!!

    I *think* most small cute little mixes that make it to the shelter get adopted out extremely quickly.....now the big dogs...thats another story! Thats why I would never breed my GORGEOUS PUREBREED chocolate Lab, because there are more then enough Lab and Lab mixes and the shelter. I doubt you would find many "designer mutts" getting put down.

    I dont know how people who are irresponsible owners sleep at night......not people who care enough about their dogs that they actually spend time looking and reading and posting about their babies sleep!!

    Melissa and her MUTT
  16. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    I guess some people just can't play nice... it's a shame. Because I DO believe that we're ALL here for the wellfare of the animals.... It's another shame that what I posted was misinterpreted and taken to the extreme that it was. Sorry folks....

    Back to the subject at hand, again, I repeat.. to the person looking for a dog, which is what the thread was originally about.... continue to check your shelters and the 'net. I never ever pointed you towards a breeder. I know several people who RESCUE mixed (and pure breds) and
  17. madeline

    madeline New Member

    People Jump Down Your Throat

    I find that alot when you come on any of these message boards you get jumped on. I was researching trying to find ideas and tips of how to raise my pup right and if you mention that you have a cross people are really rude and go on and on about all these bad mixed breeds out there and how people should not buy them. Alot of these mixed breeds have become very popular I know where I live practically everyone you see walking there dogs has one of these fluffy little critters, they are popular, but most people love these dogs and did not purchase them with any bad intentions. If I had not gone any of these boards I would never had known what alot of people thought and most people out they dont realize that. They get there little dog from a pet store or from an ad in the paper and dont think twice about it, a majority of these little dogs dont end up in the shelters they are loved and really wanted and because alot of them are poodle crosses they are very smart, clean and easily trained so that is why they dont end up at the pound
  18. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    Yes, I totally agree... a LOT of dog/message boards tend to do that. You'd think with this board being titled as "dedicated to Poo & Shi cross type dogs" that it wouldn't happen here.... regardless, you're point is it happens everywhere. and sure enough... it does! :) hehe... I'm a firm believer in everyone being entitled to their opinion, yada yada yada... :) No worries here!
  19. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I am sorry if i came across as jumping on anyone as this was not my intention at all, I own pure breed dogs aswell as a labrador cross rottweiler and i would not change any of them for all the tea in china.

    It was just my opinion that the more people that keep buying these dogs thinking they getting a new rare breed the more the BYB will kep producing them..

    My sister owns a west highland terrier and she says she is a designer dog because she wears little boots and little clothes which i find totally rediculous because a dog in clothes is just so funny but each to there own.

    So again sorry if i came across as jumping on anyone.

  20. madeline

    madeline New Member

    Thats ok, I dont take it personally and actually getting used to it. I dont regret my decision on buying Madeline she is the best dog I have ever owned and would do it again in a heartbeat
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