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Not about dogs - kitty with CRF - Honeybears?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Apr 11, 2006.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Honeybears, didn't Midas have CRF? One of my kitties may have kidney disease - we are waiting on the bloodwork. How long did Midas last on fluids? Was he happy?
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I had a CRF cat I'm not honeybears but I can help some
    Prescription foods help a lot. If my cat ate anything other than prescription foods she got ill. As long as I was able to keep her out of anything else she did fine.
    You could also learn how to give the sUBq fluids yourself to save you the expense of having the vet do it. I never did it as this was years ago and vets weren't quite as apt to let us uneducated ones do stuff like that
    My CRF kitty was diagnosed at 8 years of age and didn't pass until she was 15.
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Thanks, Mary. How often did your kitty get fluids?

    My kitty is 15. This weekend she started staring at nothing, and she would walk a couple steps and then sort of slowly tip over and just lie there. I thought she was dying. We get the bloodwork back tomorrow morning. She is super skinny and her muscles are atrophied. I swear she was fine on Friday.

    I know how to do subQ's. The vet suggested leaving her at the vet's office for today and tonight and giving her an IV, but I took her home and did subQ fluids instead. I still have 2 bags leftover from the parvo pup last month. I think she is better off at home than being scared at the vet.

    My poor baby. Now I have a diabetic cat with a heart murmur and a CRF cat. It just goes to show what damage can be done by eating kibble all their lives. :(
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    my CRF cat had a heart murmur
    Tami did really well most of the time and would go months between requiring fluids. Diet is the key. The kidneys can't process any protein at that point. The excess protein goes back into the blood supply causing havoc on their systems.
    I'm learning a lot about kidneys cause I also have a 22 year old nephew in renal failure living on dialysis hoping he gets a new kidney.
    But, as with my nephew, diet is so important.
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    yes to what Mary said, diet is extremelly important.

    As for fluids. If she comes back CRF I would take her back for an overnight IV, It helps so much better than sub Q, it gets them much hydrated than sub Q and alst a long longer. And then you can start sub Q on your own. Midas would not let me do sub Q, but I did have a diabetic cat that did. I would do once a week, did this for a longtime and then it went to 2 times a week. Sam was fine for a long time, but then hee needed fluids more than twice a week and that was enough. This was 10 years ago so I am trying to remember, I thik this went on for 2years, but he was about 13 when I started.

    prayers to your baby
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    the other thing I forgot to say is a lot o times they just need a big boost so you getthe vet betting our cat very hydrated and it could ver well be a few months before anymore fluids are needed. just hold their skin around their neck and if it doesnt bounce back thats how you tell if they nned more. that is how both Samd and Midas started out
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Well, I decided to keep her home because she seems to be responding really well to the subQ's. She is much more alert and is eating and acting more like herself. She goes back to the vet Monday for another blood panel to compare values.

    Unfortunately, she doesn't like the Hill's k/d food. Of course. She's not as picky as my other cat, but she won't touch the k/d. I am mixing it with her Wellness now and hoping she will begin to accept it. From what I have read, not eating at all is MUCH worse than eating the wrong thing, so I have to go with what she will eat for now. I'll continue looking for a low phosphorous food she likes, as I have read phosphorous is actually a bigger issue than protein.
  8. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I forgot about the low phosphorous. When Midas was sick and I took him to another vet, they had a different brand he liked, because I was in the same boat, he hated the hills. This one had little chunks and gravy. Now I cant remember what it was, So check around at vets and see what brands they carry.

    glad to hear she si responding so well. just make sure to do the pinch the skin test often to make sure she is keeping hydrated enough
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    She isn't eating as well today, but I took her in to test her BUN and Creat and they are about half what they were on Monday. Still too high, but much better than before.

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