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9 week old kitten started peeing on my bed

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by rolly24, Apr 16, 2006.

  1. rolly24

    rolly24 New Member

    I just adopted 2 kittens a couple weeks ago, 1 male and 1 female. They had a couple accidents with using the litter box in the first couple days, which I attributed to them being new to the surroundings, as they both started using the litter boxes more regularly as they learnt where they were and how to navigate the house. I think I had about a week without any problems, but now the female has started to pee on my bed. I've caught her starting a couple of times and all I do is lift her up and I place her beside the litter box but not in it (I don't want to scare her from going in the box). I scratch the litter a bit too (hoping to get her interested in it). I clean or replace all the bedding right away to remove the smell. I'm pretty sure its only the female, as I haven't yet caught the male doing it. She still uses the litter box sometimes to pee, and always to poo. Currently the living arangements are that the 2 kittens are kept in my room with the door shut at night and when no one is around to supervise. Otherwise there is a litter box on every floor, in open, easy to access places.
    Any suggestions on training the kittens will be greatly appreciated.
  2. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi and welcome to Auspet. :D I would definitely take them to the vet and rule out any possible medical problems first. Each kitty I have adopted, I always take to the vet within 24-48 hours just to make sure they are in good health. Then if they are okay medically, then it's a behavioral issue and we can definitely give you tons of tips here.
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    once you rule out a possible medical issue you might want to try different litters or perhaps the litter pan sides are too high.
    Also, again waiting until after a vet check (could be a urinary tract infection) make sure the other kitten isn't bothering the peeing kitten during litterbox time.
  4. rolly24

    rolly24 New Member

    The adoption center had given them a clean bill of health before adoption, then again I have no clue when they were seen by a vet. I will be taking them in for their first checkup and shots within the next week and so I'll get this looked at as well by the vet. I'll post afterwards if this is medical or a behavioural issue. Thanks for the tips.
    Some things a friend has mentioned are: Maybe the kittie is unhappy that her food/water and litter box are in the same room. Maybe she's trying to deal with the fact that there is an adult female cat already living here and that my kittie is no longer the "top queen cat". And maybe she misses me or is unhappy about something I'm doing (like leaving them in my room with the door closed, or something..). I've moved their food out of my room and am keeping the litter box in here. Any validity or rejection to these ideas would be great. Once again thank you for the help.
  5. shnen

    shnen New Member

    My bf's cat (when she was a kitten) peed on the bed and the couch just because she rebelling. She did it so badly that we had to lock her out of the bedroom, and then she'dd o it on the couch.

    Ever since we bought the house (and threw out the mattress and sofa) we haven't had any issues like that... don't know why.

    My one bit of advice - get that stuff to clean up the pee that takes care of cat spefici odours, becasue some cleaners can make it worse - and throw some in when you wash your bedding too.
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    I agree with ruling out medical issues first.

    Have you noticed whether or not it takes some effort for her to get on and off the bed? I think sometimes, especially with little ones, it is just to much work to get off the bed so they just go right where they are.
    One other thought, does the male ever sneak up on her when she's in the box? If so, this could deter her from going there.
  7. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    I also agree with the medical check too first, just to make sure...Cats go by smell, when I was cleaning out there litter box, I have a lid on mine, I pulled the lid off to clean and put it upside down on the floor and Jasper my youngest, he peed in the lid, DOH!!!!!! Right there before my eyes...And tried to scrape it, like theres nothing there to scrape lol, :shock: :shock:

  8. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Once you rule out medical problems you might concider putting two boxes in the room. I had one cat that would use one box for peeing and a different box for pooping. She was very picky about not peeing in a box if it had been pooped in, even after the poo was cleaned out. Some cats can also be picky about using a box some other cat has used, and will find another spot, like the bed or sofa, a laundry basket, or their owners shoes.
  9. vene

    vene New Member

    :m23: and welcome! Great tips from everyone! The only other thing I could think of is using a cat litter like cat attract, non-clumping type.
  10. Whispered

    Whispered New Member

    It sounds like you are a very caring mom! :eek:

    I would put her IN the litter pan , itself!.. Otherwise, she might be confused.

    A lot of good advice, food in different room.. note cats also like their water separate from their food.. they're weird, thats all i can tell you! lol

    Also, the sides of the litter box, so they can easily get in.

    The way, I've taught my cats , is putting them into the litter box, itself and then giving them, lots of praise. My cats are great, no problem , knock wood, w/ the litter pan. After 17rs, I still give praise, all the time, lol.

    Praise is what cats crave! :mrgreen: and u get a happy, well behaved feline.. umm usually.. as long as turkey isn't around!! lol

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