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min pin in heat to often?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by kristinak, Apr 15, 2006.

  1. kristinak

    kristinak New Member

    my min pin is 10 months old.she went into a normal heat in january and is now in heat again.we planned on breeding her later in the future,but is this normal for her breed.no one seems to know so i'm looking here for some more answers.thanks for any info.
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi this is normal some dogs have what is called a split heat, also some small breeds will cycle every 4, 6, 8, 10, 12months it depends on the dog and her bloodline.

    Did she have a heavy 1st heat or was there only slight bloody discharge.

  3. kristinak

    kristinak New Member

    her first heat was at the age of 7 months old and it was heavy.we have just went out of town and left her with my sister in law who has 2 female chihuahuas.someone told me that she could go into a "forced" heat due to all the hormones around.I've never heard of something like that happening,but could it be true?
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    If your girl has been around bitches that are in heat then yes this can induce her cycle, My lab x is in heat at the moment and i am looking after my brother in laws dogs well there bitch was in heat 3months ago and is now in again.

    Being around an in heat bitch triggers the hormones and brings some unspayed bitches in heat again.

  5. kristinak

    kristinak New Member

    thank you for conforming that.it is a relief for me.we want to breed her and i was starting to worry that she may have something wrong.thank you very much for your help.

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