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My Momma cat is getting so big!PICS!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by winnie, Apr 18, 2006.

  1. winnie

    winnie New Member

    My Momma cat is getting huge, I have no idea when she is due since she was pregnant when i got her. Anyone have any guess on when she will be due? Days?Weeks? I have no clue and its driving me nuts.
    Anyway heres Momma...

  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I've never had a pregnant cat but I'd say, from the looks of her midsection, ANY MINUTE NOW LOL
  3. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    I've never dealt with a pregnant cat, but she looks pretty due.

    Hopefully someone here will help you with a time idea.

    Good luck!
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    Lol. She looks ready to burst any minute. Sorry, no experience here. Good luck!
  5. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    She's getting big Winnie. Keep us posted. :D
  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi Winnie she is getting big.

    Because her uterus is now dropping and her waist is slimming in this indicates she will be due anytime from now to a couple of days left if that as she is hanging very low.

    My mums cats looked like this when they were due.

    She is a beautifull cat keep us posted.

  7. nern

    nern New Member

    Wow! She is huge! I had the same thoughts as Mary. :wink:
  8. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    A good behavioral indication is when she picks out a safe spot to deliver. They'll sometimes begin sleeping in that spot. So if you see her sleeping someplace that she doesn't normally sleep, then she'll deliver any day. But all cats are different. I had a Siamese that never picked a spot and I woke up one day and she was laying next to me on my bed in the middle of delivering! :shock:
  9. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Best of luck with the blessed event that is about to happen. Keep us posted on how it all goes.

    A kitty I once had gave birth to kittens. She started "nesting" when she was about due. She kept going to a closet. We made a box for her and lined it with towels and had it ready for her in the family room. We kept putting here there and she accepted it as her birthing place.
  10. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hiya any news yet, i love little kittys

  11. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

    Wow shes really big! Be sure to post lots of pictures of the babies when they arrive and Good Luck!!
  12. winnie

    winnie New Member

    Thanks everyone! No news yet, however I do believe she has started nesting. The crate I have set up for her had newspaper neatly place in there with a blanket, she hasnt touched it excpet to go in there and eat, but this morning the blanket had been moved around and is now covering the whole crate. My boyfriend also said last night she wouldnt stop meowing. Just the other night I slept with her and she didnt meow once unless I went to leave the room. Yesterday I could also feel the outline of a baby and felt them move a little. She also seems a lot more affectionate then she has been, almost to the point of being annoying, but I love her so I love giving her the attention.

    I'll keep you guys updated on my Momma...

    However I have some other news....I work at an aimal hospital, yesterday i went to work and I found out a co workers friend droppped off a mom and her 5 1 week old kittens. One of my other co workers is gonna take them but she cat for a couple days, we have been keeping them in our grooming room but it is so loud, so I decided to take them home with me till my co worker can take them. So they are in my bathroom right now. I'll take pictures soon, one kitten is grey with this random red patch on the top of his head, its so cute, I named him flame.
  13. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Awe, she's pretty. I love her markings. And if she's due any minute now, Copper must be too lol!
  14. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    LOL :0023:
  15. winnie

    winnie New Member

    Well the babies are moving even more, when I just watch her stomach I see it doing all kinds of jumps...lol....she is also wanting me to rub her belly more, I must have rubbed it for over an hour lastnight.

    But the coolest thing happened yesterday. My roomates and I were hanging out with Momma on the couch, she was laying on her side. I put my hand on her belly and started feeling around and I could feel 3 babies, I could feel their heads and their whole body, it was so weird but it was so neat too! So she has at least 3.

    I hate this waiting game, but its good cause it gives me more time to bond with Momma before she has them.I'll keep everyone updated!
  16. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I know the feeling i am the same when my dogs were pregnant it is a freaky yet wonderful feeling whe the little ones pass against your hand while mum is lay relaxed.

    A good indication at to how long she may have left is when she is lay on her side if you place your hand on her belly with your fingers between her back legs youw should be able to feel how far down the first kitten is.
    If you can feel a head very close to the pelvis bone this indicates there in place and the first kitten should arrive within 24-48hours maybe sooner.
    Her abdomen will also go very very hard you will be able to tell the difference between it being hard from the kittens or hard from labour...

    Also not all cats nest when in labour, My mums cat had a good hearty meal no bed nesting and spent her time close to my mum.
    Well when her cat was in full blown established labour my mum washing doing the washing up she turned round to see tinkabell was behind her with her rear end crouched and pushing so we had to gently move her to her box.

    it is also known that a cat or dog that is very close to there owner will hold off giving birth until there owner is there beside them.
    My girls could be in established labour if i moved out off sight of them they would leave there bed and come and see where i had got to even though my partner or mum was with them.

    Good luck and i cant wait to hear the good news :) :) :)

  17. ACO

    ACO New Member

    This sounds really weird...but if you squeeze her nipple is there milk??

    Usually delivery happens within days of this...gestation for cats is in or around 63 days....
  18. winnie

    winnie New Member

    Still no babies...watching and waiting for a pregnant cat to give birth is like watching water boil.

    All she does is sleep ,eat and clean herself. For 20-30 minutes each day she starts pacing back and forth in the room she is in. She does it around the same time everyday. She will jump on the crate and look out the window and then jump down, pace, then go back to the window.

    I started giving her small amounts of KMR and she loves it.

    I squeezed her nipple yesterday and I didnt see any milk.

    The babies move like crazy though, poor thing is pretty uncomfortable.

    Here are some more pics I took yesterday...

    In this pic she is sleeping, she sleeps in the weirdest positions lately, she looks uncomfotable in this pic...


    Momma cleaning herself...

    In this pic if you look close, you can see a kitten outline, looks like a lump...



  19. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Poor thing she looks fed up.

    Well from the way she looks while lay down she looks like she could still have a few days to go as there is no great thinning of her lower abdomen.

    When cats like dogs are due they usually get there waist line back this indicates the kittens or puppies have moved down and are engaged in the birth canal.

    Hope she has them soon as she looks like she going to pop.


    P.S my mum wanted me to add that she only felt 3kittens moving in one of her cats and she had 7 kittens...

    Good luck and i cant wait to hear that they have arrived and see some pics :)
  20. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hiya any news has she decided to part with her babies lol


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