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Animal Harassment!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by DMikeM, Apr 28, 2006.

  1. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    Last month I posted about a neighbor that was letting her dog rum loose. And it causing Dowser and Duncan to have a fight.
    Well I have called Animal Car and Control several times and they can not do anything until they see the dog out. They have informed the owner to keep the dog leashed but now she is stopping in front of my yard and allowing her dog to bark at and generally agitate Dowser almost every day. I have pictures from my security camera at my house of this juvinile behavior.
    I have contacted the police and they say it is a civil matter, I looked into a restraining order and it is $320.00 to file for one.
    Now I am going to initiate a 3rd party citation for dog at large with animal control. I hope if I can make things miserable for her like she is doing to me and Dowser she will get the message and stop her BS.
    The Sherrif I spoke to thinks he may go ahead and try to speak with her as well. I hope she gets the idea.
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    What kind of dog is it Mike? Could you possibly turn it into.....'you feel threatened by the dog' I mean realistically what are the chances that if your walking one of your dogs, this woman deliberately allows her dog to run loose to cause a fight with one of your dogs...and you get bitten/attacked in the process, you are afraid to walk your dogs now in case this happens. !!

    I dont know what their like up there but in the High Desert area they (animal control and the cops) are quicker to respond and do something about it if its a person thats at risk rather than a dog and an aggressive dog, when used as a threat can actually be considered a 'lethal weapon' (although it does depend on breed and size).
  3. Nik

    Nik New Member

    I'd be tempted to try the route too.

    Of course, the fact that you've spoken to everyone you'd 'think' would be able to help means that you'll have to 'invent' another scenario to make the fact that you're afraid to walk your dogs plausable.

    Something like, she's started walking past your house and stopping around the time you walk your dogs every day, or when you're coming home from a walk she's hovering around outside of your place so you have to virtually hide to stay out of sight until she's gone.

    This kind of behaviour infuriates me. I do sympathise and hope she gets repremanded soon, before something really bad happens.
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Can you sue for harrassment or something like that? Her stopping in front of your yard is just over the top!
  5. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    Well, the dog is aggressive and tries to attack me or my dogs anytime it can but it is in no way a threat to me or my dogs it is either a Papion or Chihuahua (sp?). Might be 3 pounds wet. It has bit me before and attacked my pant leg but even though it bit my hand there was no trauma at all.
    If it ever attacks me again I will just step on it. Sorry but I am over this crap.

    I have stopped walking my dogs because I am afraid they will contact each other and kill it. But now I am going to wait until she passes my house and take my dogs for a walk in her direction and hope she gets the idea when she does come face to face with me and my animals, 400 pounds of pissed off dog and owner might just change her attitude.

    The fight her dog caused last month cost me near $800.00 and a week of sick/vacation pay. I am told I probably have a Civil case against her and that I should take her to court, For quality of life, harassment and restituition.
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Ah! dont think it will pass as a 'lethal weapon' then. I would follow up with the civil case then because you can bet your life if one of your dogs does get hold of this dog....she sounds like the type that will have you in court and sueing you before your feet can touch the ground.

    Ive seen that so many times working in hospitals, people thinkg that because they have the smaller dog that the owner of the larger dog should have to pay for their vets bills, regardless of the fact that most of the time the larger dog was on a leash, or in some cases in its own yard (other dog had got in)....they dont usually win but it can be a nightmare.

    I would keep a log and get photos or even video of her dog if and when its running loose (just to be on the safe side, you might never need it but who knows) document whenever she is outside your house causing a problem...date and time, if youve asked her to go away and her response, definately any reports or phone calls you make to the cops or animal control and if you do file a complaint then get the case number (its amazing how easy reprots can go missing!!!), keep any documentation of any medical treatment you or the dogs have had. That might all sound a bit over the top but you just never know, if something does happen in the future it could make a big difference in how its handled in court/legally.
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    What a stupid woman! Does she even LIKE her dog? Has she not thought that after baiting your dogs for weeks, if one happens to get loose he will EAT her little dog? What a moron.

    I would definitely pursue taking her to court for your vet bills.
  8. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    Dowser has become obsessed with this dog now. Other dogs walk by and he gets a little excited, then calms down quickly. This little dog barks from down the street and he loses his mind. I have to grab him and take him around back and calm him down by holding his head and telling him no while looking him in the eyes.
    He will kill it if he gets the chance. This dog is not even near the size of Dowsers head, and she allows it to get up close to my front picket fence.

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