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What do these symptoms mean?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by honeybears, Apr 26, 2006.

  1. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Wylie has been licking herself a lot lately. Is this some kind of symtpom for maybe a bladder infection or something.

    She also hasnt been herself, very low eneryg and has startwed to limp again. I am going to start her on glucosomine, I think its her shoulder that has been giving her on and off problems for the last severla months.

    I dont think though these 2 are related.

    any input??
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Sounds like your spot on, although if she does have a bladder infection, which would cause excessive licking, that could make her lethargic too. Is it arthritis that she has?
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    aack, I type too fast, jus re-read my post.

    Delauk, I think she is getting arthritis in her shoulder. We have had her for 7 years but dont know how old she is, as for looks she has no signs of aging at all. so it could very well be. She is also more stiiff in the mornings, doesnt move like she used to.

    As for tired, glad to know that is one of the symptoms. We have been taking her for runs and she goes thru puddles and drinks them, could have picked up some there.

    I will get her a vet appt.
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    With the lethargy, that can happen with any infection, my whippet had a life time of on again off again bladder infections, mostly she had a couple of periods where she was on pred and she always ended up with a bladder infection then, she had all kinds of tests done to make sure the right meds were being used becuase while there are anti biotics that would normally be used and they usually work well but sometimes the bacteria is resistant to a parcticular anti biotic. As for other things that could have triggered it, if she was run down for any reason, if she licked herself too much (she insisted on being a very clean dog and was awlays cleaning some body part or other, when she cleaned herself for the day she would clean the other dogs ears, feet, teeth, give the cats a bit of a wash!!!)

    As for the stiffness, it does sound a lot like arthritis, its usually worse in the morning (for people too, my mom and my sister both have it), its worse if theyre cold, its worse if it damp or wet. Your definately doing the right thing though in taking her to your vet, the best thing to do is find out exactly what the problems are, the lethargy could also be down to being painful from the shoulder.

    Hope everything goes okay and shes feeling better soon.
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    It jsut broke my heart to see her moving so slow this morning :cry: :cry: until a few days ago, we have had almost nonstio rain, 45 days straight!! and 66 inches in 4 months, I know she holds it a long time before she absolutely has to go, that could probably trigger bladder problems too. She does groom her self a lot. I always say she has a lot of cat in her. I think this damp weather could be causing her pain too. It clear anhd warm now.

    I have an appt this afternoon so we will see
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Did you see the article in Whole Dog Journal about DGP for arthritis? Might be worth a try.
  7. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    yea it works! couldt get on yesterday I kept getting some weider debug error on this site.

    Okay, her area was real pink, and they also said she had otitis on one ear. So they gave me benedryl for her ear, and antiobotics for the other, they didnt want to unless they checked her urine. I siad no, I wasnt going to leve her and have them stick a a nedle in her stomach.

    The strange thing is she has had the lethargy thing now the same time of year the last 3 years, they give her antiobiotic and wham she feels good.

    I as for her ear and other problem she may have picked htat up a fe weeks ago when we went for a walk, there is this small hole that fills with water the size of a bathtub she like to go thru, after she went in she shook herr head a lot fpr a few minutes, like she got that yucky water in her ear,

    Jimiya, I dont think they sell that DPM, i did read the article. She is on gluco and msm now, so we will see how she start to react in the mornings, they say it takes 30 days
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    A lot of people seemed to like the DGP product better than glucosamine and MSM. You can buy it online.

    If you want to test her urine, just slip a container under her when she pees and bring it to the vet's office.
  9. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    "If you want to test her urine, just slip a container under her when she pees and bring it to the vet's office."

    now what a concept huh :mrgreen: why didnt they think of that

    as for the DPm I went to the website but I couldnt see where you could buy it
  10. ACO

    ACO New Member

    With all my research today on thyroid issues quite a few of your babys symptoms are ringing bells....

    Has she had any bloodwork done lately?

    Skin and ear problems, joint inflamation, increased tendancies for infection, letheragy.....

    Maybe worth looking into....Hope she's feeling better soon!
  11. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I didnt know some of those were for thyroid symptoms, I think its been 2 years since she has had a total blood panel and is due, I told the vet I would bring her in in a few weeks for that. I am trying to space the $$ since I Had jake in last month for his tumor biopspys, and now this.

    Her joint pain was bothering her quite a bit yesterday, but this morning she felt and moved a lot better and was chasing the vacuum, which is a good sign!

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