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Thyroid conditions and aggression.....

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by ACO, Apr 29, 2006.

  1. ACO

    ACO New Member

    So about a month ago I noticed that my Saint Bernard was abnormally grumpy with the cats and the other dog in the house. She's four and a half now and I just attributed it to the fact that she wasn't a puppy anymore and didn't appreciate the cats charging by while she was sleeping and my two and a half year old pupp constantly pestering her to play. (things that never bothered her before)

    In the last few days she gets grumbly when I squeeze and hug her.

    Everything about her is completely normal....her weight is perfect, her activity is normal....for a Saintie, her coat is great....but after doing some research she might be shedding a little more than usual but then it is springtime......

    The only thing that's any different is this on-set of grumpyness.....

    I got on the internet and began searching....turns out that moodyness and aggression (even so far as to bite) has been a symptom of thyroid dysfunction in an otherwise symptom free dog....

    Makes you wonder how many pets are euthanised for aggression when it's really just a medical problem.....It seems that many vets don't even suspect thyroid problems when the only sign is a grumpy dog.

    I'm going to have her to the vet and have her tested. I'll be so pleased if this is something medical that we can treat. I just want her to be happy again!

    The following link is one of many articles I found on the subject.

    http://www.petplace.com/netscape/nsArtS ... artID=1807
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I was going to say at that age that sounds young for thyroid, but then it is a saint benard and they age a lot faster. I hope you find the cause and let us know
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Please let us know what happens! We are having problems with the grumpies at our house as well.

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