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new puppy - serious problem!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by lilla_beth, May 2, 2006.

  1. lilla_beth

    lilla_beth New Member

    My husband and I just got a new puppy this weekend. She's the sweetest thing every. We took her to the vet this weekend and they said she had round and hook worms. They've treated her for that, however in the last 12-14 hours she seems to be getting worse. She's very lethargic and not eating or drinking anthing. She hasn't been going to the bathroom, but she has been throwing up a white foam. My husband called the vet this morning and they told him to bring her in - they think it may be Parvo. I've done some research and that seems pretty bad to say it nicely. I'm very concerned for Sydney (the puppy), but I'm also terrified for my two cats (had them for years). Is there any way they can get this????

    Thanks for any help and advice,
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Oh my your poor pup, I hope it isnt Parvo, but if it is, maney people parvo survivor dogs. I hope they keep her at teh vet since they usually not a lot of treatment As for cats getting it, I dont think so, but someone else may know for sure.

    If you hanvt already read the STICKy at the top Title "Parvo" there is a lot of good advise there
  3. lilla_beth

    lilla_beth New Member

    update on new puppy

    Thanks for the thoughts. It turns out she does indeed have Parvo. They put her on meds and are giving her some fluids and told us she has a 50% chance. If she makes it past the next 3-4 days then she'll be okay. If we start to see blood in the stool then they said to bring her in and they are going to put her down. I'm very upset about this (obviously). I hope she makes it through the next couple of days.

  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Can they not keep her in the hospital on IV fluids, this really would increase her chance of survival. What meds did they give her (oral or injections)? if theyre oral and she is vomiting then they wont do any good, some anti biotics can actually cause nausea.

    Did they give you any instructions on syringe feeding her with Pedialyte or something? She needs to stay hydrated.

    And no, your cats wont get sick from it.
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    "Can they not keep her in the hospital on IV fluids, this really would increase her chance of survival."

    I agree with Delauk, everything I have read say they have a much better chance if they are the getting the proper fluids and treament at the vet not at home

    good luck
  6. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    Why are vets sending Parvo pups home these days?!! The dogs I had that contracted Parvo went to the vet then stayed at the vet until they were better.

    You need to call that vet bacl or better yet take the pup back to him and tell him you do not have the facilities or experiance to deal with such a thing and would appreciate a call back when it is time to pick up the pup and take it home.
    If they don't have the facilities to do this find another vet ASAP. Parvo is a rapid moving virus and can kill in hours if not treated correctly.
  7. lilla_beth

    lilla_beth New Member

    update: through the night

    Well, she made it through the night and was much more active this morning. I called the vet and they said it was a good sign. Yesterday they gave her an injection to start off the process, then they gave us two different pills to give her orally, daily. I did see some diarrhea, but there wasn't any blood. The vet said that was good as well. I know we still have a long ways to go, and I'm taking it a little at a time, but I'm going to take it as a good sign that she was eating. I did have to force her to drink - I made water go down her throat. I haven't seen any blood yet, so I'm still praying that things will get better. I'm hopeful that if I keep forcing her to take fluids, she has a chance at fighting off this virus. I've been sick to my stomach with worry...I just hope she makes it!

  8. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Thats great that she can take some food and not bring it back up again, usually a small amount every hour or so is good, not so hard on the stomach.

    Just wanted to mention this, if she does go downhill you really need to get her straight into the vets, dont wait around for a day or so, some dogs can appear to be looking and acting a bit better but then suddenly get worse.

    Keeping my fingers crossed for you. :y_the_best:
  9. lorelei

    lorelei New Member

    new puppy - serious problem

    One thing the vet advised me to do when I got to bring Jenni home was to pour a couple of capfuls of hydorgen peroxide on her stools, just to be sure there was no blood. He said that a small amount of blood may not be visible to us when we're looking, but the peroxide doesnt lie.

    I agree with the other responders, your puppy really does need to be in the hospital where they have the resources to deal with what ever arises. I also tried Tamiflu with my pup, but she was already deep into the throes of Parvo when we got her, and nothing worked.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and Sydney.
  10. lilla_beth

    lilla_beth New Member

    today's update on Sydney

    She is actually doing REALLY well. I took her to the vet yesterday and he said she is looking much better. She is active, alert, eating, and drinking. Her capillary refill is back up to 3 (it was at 5 - 6 is nearly dead, 1 is best). Her dehidration is much better - on Monday she got 60 cc - yesterday she still was doing fine, they didn't need to give her any more fluids. She hasn't thrown up or had diarrhea for a while. The vet's analogy was " we can see the green field, but we're still at the edge of the forest" Each day that she's improving, her chances improve. It we can make it to Friday, the vet said we're good. I'm trying to be cautiously optimistic. Thanks for the thoughts and concerns.

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