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Luther was attacked today!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by lil96, May 14, 2006.

  1. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I really freaked out when it happened.
    but he is ok, just really shaken up.
    so i was at a friends house/overnight camping party, the last time i took luther he ran away and was lost for quite some time, so this time, he stayed on his leash all day. He played with all the dogs and got along with everyone.
    Then my husband and I were walking to the car with Luther on leash and this chocolate lab runs up and tramples luther at first I thouhgt they were playing, but then the labs growl became more mean sounding, then Luther started yelping I tried to pull him away by using the leash, but that didn't help. For a second I leaned over to try to pick him up because he was still yelping, but they were moving too fast and I worried if I stuck my arms in, they'd get eaten off. The dog was on top of Luther and I tried to pull the leash again, this time I pulled so hard (I probably hurt his little neck) the collar and everything came off, and it wasn't one of those safety collars that come off when pulled really hard! At that time I was frantic and shouted, "get your dog off my dog." BTW the owner was standing about 15' away the entire time and never said anything to his dog or came close. Within seconds of shouting that, I shouted, "if you don't get your dog off right now, I am going to kick your dog!" He shouted, "go ahead". And I was so nervous and scared and shaking, I went to kick the dog and whoosh missed it, but it scared the dog enough that it moved a little and Luther darted between my legs and i scooped him up in time.
    I took him to the car, where he was so nervous, he wouldn't even come near me or my husband, he would try to hide under the seat. He was shaking and panting and drenched with slobber. I think the only thing seriously damaged was his pride, but I don't see any bite marks, just lots of wet slobber.
    A few minutes later the man(owner) came over and apologized to my husband. Then the woman(owner) came over and and asked what happened. I said we were walking to the car Luther was on a leash, I thought they were playing then Bam! they were fighting.
    She asked does your dog get along with other dogs, i was like yes normally he does.
    Then she questioned, "and your dog was on a leash and my dog came up to your dog and attacked him? that doesn't sound like my dog. tell me again what happened."
    I told her the same thing again, and it was like she didn't believe me, i said you never know a dog 100% anything can happen and she just kept saying but my dog has never done anything like that.
    She apologized and said she hoped he was ok, but I could bring Luther out because she had tied her dog to the fence (BTW is an electric fence!) so I hope the dog is ok.
    I am just so frazzled by it! They probably think I am horrible dog owner who beats my dog and my dog starts fights with other innocent dogs, because my dog is so abused and has little big dog syndrome.
    But I would never purposefully hurt a dog, which I think is subconsciencely why I didn't actually kick the dog. I feel just terrible.
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Dont know what to tell you about the womans attitude, depending on what the leash laws are then she may well have already been in the wrong before she opened her mouth (arent you in Germany now?). From what youve described though Id say this is not a 'new' thing for her dog, an adult dog that attacks another dog like that has done it before...or at least tried to....would be different if Luther had attacked the Lab and the Lab was fighting back.

    Anyway, I hope he is feeling better, just watch him real closely over the next week or two just in case there was a little puncture wound somwhere, even with a really small one he could still get an abscess. He's probably a bit sore I would imagine. :(
  3. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I am not in Germany anymore, I'm back in VA for now.
    I think it was defnitely her dog (and I am not being biased! because Luther didn't growl he just yelped and I think yea, Luther is a little dog, he hurts easily, but her dog had him pinned down so good, he couldn't even get away!But I also think, her dog may be a little weird because all day one little boy was there playing by himself and he was really well behaved, he would "meditat" because he was a "ninja" and would hide behind stuff, like he was stalking it, but wasn't playing "violent" but then when her son came, suddenly people were getting kicked (by both of them) tents were being knocked over... etc. so I think a little something more goes on inside their house, ie boy gets too rough with dog.
    but it just really shocked me that the man owner never told his dog to stop or came closer to stop the fight. He just stood there. I felt like I was screaming for Luther to come to me, screaming at the other dog to go away and the guy just stood there. I know if Luther had started a fight with a chihuahua, I would be there trying to get them apart, telling Luther to get off.
    When my old dog (part lab and the other part pit bull and chow) got in a fight with another dog (same size) I was trying to get my dog away by yelling and what not.
    Maybe he was in shock, I don't know, but Luther is still acting really shy today.
  4. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Sorry to hear about poor Luther :(

    I know you already know this, but I can't stress enough how important it is to get Luther straight back to meeting other dogs as soon as possible.

    Also, the screaming and shouting that went on might have traumatized him, so be aware and act as soon as you realise to make those noises a good thing again.

    I'm going on experience, and it's left massive scars on my boy that's taking ALOT of hard work getting him confident again.

    Hope you're both feeling better today :)
  5. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    How long has it been since Floob was attacked. he got it pretty bad, if I remember right. You had to re-train him to be around other dogs, that must have been heard. i hope he isn't that traumatized!
    How have things been going for you guys?
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm sorry for what happened to Luther and hope he is'nt too shaken over it. I can't believe the owner did'nt help at all....how ignorant.

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