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Hmmm, Buster likes Coffee....

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by lorelei, May 15, 2006.

  1. lorelei

    lorelei New Member

    I hadn't really paid much attention, but over the last couple of weeks, it kept occuring to me that there is less coffee in my cup than I thought there was, my coffee consumption has been way up as well.

    Today I finally figured it out. I made my first cup of the morning, coffee, 1 pack of equal, and half and half. I set the coffee on the side table and went out side to get the paper. My neighbor was out, so I stopped and talked to her for a few minutes. I came back inside and sat down to have my coffee and read my paper, and that's when I noticed that I was down to half a cup!! I couldn't remember drinking it yet. I went outside again, and went around to the side of my house, peeked in the window, and guess what I saw...yes, that little (well not so little anymore) brown evil canine drinking my coffee. I was waiting for him to pick up the paper and start reading.

    Then it occured to me, just how many times have I drank out of a coffee cup that he just got done drinking from???

    I can't imagine coffee being terribly bad for him, but he's already hyper, I'm pretty sure he doesn't need the caffiene as badly as I need it.

    Happy Mothers Day for all you Mommy's out there!
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member


    Gald you caught the culprit. :)

    Just so your aware though, caffeine is toxic to dogs, according to this link 63mg/lb is a toxic dose....the average cup of instant coffee is around 75mg, brewed coffee is around 100mg per cup.....which basically means a lot of cups of coffee would have be drunk by your average sized dog....or a 10# dog could OD on 5/6 cups. (Dont know how big your dog is).

    http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm ... cleid=2238

    Either way I would keep it away from him....some sweeteners contain aspatarme (I belive its in Equal) which to be honest, I try and avoid all foods/drinks with it in. Heres a site with the side effects of it. This is for humans but Im thinking probably not good for dogs either.
  3. JeanReed

    JeanReed New Member


    I am so glad to hear that mine is not the only caffine addicted dog in this world!!

    I asked my vet about it and he said that perhaps I should give her the non-caffinated variety (as I have Border Collies - who needs them any more hyper than they are already!) However, other than that, he didn't see a problem with it.

    My husband and I both leave about a tea-spoon full in our mugs which gets shared amoungst the 3 dogs. The youngest one goes back to the empty mug just to check if she left any (lol).

    Considering all the other @#$# that dogs eat, I don't think that a tiny bit of coffee will do them much harm, though it may lead to an addiction!

    Enjoy your next cuppa

    Oh, and PS - once read an article where someone washed three plates and then let the dog lick one dry, towel dried the second one and let the third one drip dry. They then did a bacteria test on all three plates and the dog licked one had the least bacteria (followed by air dried and then towel dried). So I think your half drunk mug is safe!
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I personally wouldnt allow my dogs to drink coffee or anything containing caffiene i wouldnt want to risk causing them to become addicted and suffer the withdrawl symptoms.

    Caffeine is bad enough for us humans so imagen what it would do to an animal.

    I agree with everything Dela has said and its best to stop them getting to it its just not worth the risk of having a dog with problems....

    Dogs tongues contain some sort of healing antibodies, Say for example you cut yourself if your dog licked the wound it would heal alot quicker providing you dog dont get into things that have high levels of bad bacteria which would then pass into your wound...

  5. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Depends what the other @#$# is.....dogs rarely get salmonella from spoiled food and their bodies are equipped to handle certain bacterias that could easily put a human in the hospital or worse, caffeine and theobromine are not something that dogs can handle well, their body reacts to it differently than ours do.
  6. lorelei

    lorelei New Member

    Hmmm, Buster likes coffee

    Point taken, I have kept my coffee in my line of vision since yesterday...I asked my daughter about the dogs passion of java this morning and if she had ever caught him drinking my coffee...she said yes. I asked her then if she let me drink out of the cup, again, said, asked her what I ever did to her. She said it was payback for not being able to get me on April Fools Day!!

    Anyhow, no coffee for Buster Brown anymore. He is by the way a whopping 25# now! He's getting so big, so fast! As for the sweetner, I'm diabetic so it's a neccessary evil for me, but in moderation of course.
  7. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    My ex is diabetic....I know what your saying, its a bad situation, he didnt drink tea of coffee just cold drinks but he had to have diet sodas which are loaded with the stuff. :?

    Personally I dont worry too much if my dog takes a lick of food off my plate, I dont encourage it but figure Ive got more chance of getting some nasty bug from take away food. :shock:
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    The shelter dog I was holding at adoptions last weekend licked the top of my Red Bull can. I shrugged and kept drinking from it. :)
  9. ilovemycockatiels

    ilovemycockatiels New Member

    You think a dog drinking coffee is weird? listen to this...
    We left my dog in the house with free roam when usually she was confined to the kitchen with TWO baby gates stacked. When we came home we found a hyper dog and ALL the lemonheads that were on the table (a whole bowl) was GONE, not ONE was on the floor or anywhere to be found!!! Can u imagine a dogs face when you feed them a lemonhead? I wish I was here to see it happen!!! lol It had to be funny! :D
  10. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    :lol: :lol:

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