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Poor Doggie, Moral Dillemma at hand...

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by lorelei, May 27, 2006.

  1. lorelei

    lorelei New Member

    There is a Bichon Frise in my neighborhood. The dog showed up at my house a few months ago, very dirty and lots of rusty stains on his belly and hind quarters. I felt horrible for him. We coaxed him into the house, and managed to get him in the bath tub to get him as clean as we could, but also, the flea factor played an issue. It was late fall, so the weather was cold as well. Anyhow, the dog had tags on with a phone number and address. I called the number several times and didn't get an answer. Finally, pretty late that night, I tried again and a woman answered and I asked her if she was missing a dog. Turned out to be the wrong number. It was dark out, so going out and looking for the address was out of the question, at least for the night, so the dog stayed with us. The next day I started driving around my neighborhood looking for this address, and couldn't find it anywhere. I called the post office and they confirmed the address was valid, but offered no help about where this house was located. In most cities, the even and odd numbers are on opposite sides of the street, or at least that's been my experience. To make the long part of this story short, the dogs owners found us. My daughter had the dog on a leash and was walking it on the sidewalk on our street. The little boy owners came up to her and started calling her names and accusing her of stealing their dog. It was a big mess and I was quite upset that we were accused of dog napping when I feel as though I did EVERYTHING I could to locate the owners, even though I had misgivings about them based on the dog's appearance, and the fact that when ever you moved in to pet him, he would kind of flinch and shrink away. I also took into consideration that the dog may have been lost for a long time which would account for the filthy matted fur. Now that I knew where the dog lived, I looked for it when I drove past, which was nearly daily, and it seemed that the dog was never taken to the groomer to get cleaned up, was always tied up outside, to the bumper of a car no less, in any weather. I felt kind of horrible that he was back in that home.

    Well, I have found out this week that I am not the only one feeling so badly. The crossing guard in our neighborhood has called the Humane Society to report what she's seeing, and was getting no where. They told her that if she sees the dog outside to call them immediately and they would come to investigate and to tell the owners what needs to be done, and if by chance, when they got there, the dog was already taken inside, there was nothing they could, or would do. Very frustrating. Well, she saw the dog loose and took it home with her. She stated that she couldn't keep him, but simply had to get him out of there. She called today and said she found a home for him, and since I know the woman she is giving the dog to, I know he is going to a wonderful home. She recently lost her Min Pin and said didn't want to get another dog, but has since changed her mind. I know that she's going today after work to pick him up and has already made and appointment to get him into the groomers. I know that poor dog has to be shaved down completely and be allowed to just start over so that he can look like what he is, right now, he looks like a rug with legs.

    Given this information what would you do? I know the boys that live in the house where he came from are very rough, they have roughed up my dog before, and mine is as you know a big lab, this guy is a little dog. I just don't know what to do. I'm happy he's out of that house, but this is also stealing, in my eyes anyhow...Which is worse, the stealing part or leaving a dog in a household where he is treated as a possession and not part of the family?
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    well, having "stolen" a dog from my nephew I can fully appreciate what you are doing. No one (police of humane society) would get involved with my nephew's dog - police actually planted the "stealing" idea in my head...very discreetly.
    BUT my nephew's dog went to another town an hour south of us so he never would have found her.
    The only problem I see is if this dog is microchipped and gets scanned, or gets recognized.
    Too bad you can't relocate him in another town/city
  3. lorelei

    lorelei New Member

    He is not staying in my city, he is going to the next city over, not much of a chance of him being recognized.

    I'll feel a lot better when I see him in a new environment and being taken care of I know, but I'm still having a hard time getting my head around the stealing thing...
  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Lorelei, I dont think there is a moral dilemma here at all. You are doing the right thing :) . I had to do this years ago and havnt regretted it for an instant. Threre are times this needs to be done when other means of action dont workk.

    As for the possible microchip, it probably had the same Wrong # as the tags but take pictures of the dog before you clean it up so you can show neglect and document the history and your findings of the dog

    good luck!
  5. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I've done it too...don't feel bad at all. I "relocated" a Malamute mix a few towns over and felt a little guilty at first but would have felt even worse if he had remained tied to a bumper.
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I like coppersmoms wording for whats been done...'relocated'.

    You havent stolen the dog nor had any part in stealing the dog youve rescued the dog.

    To say that its stealing is like saying that every pet that animal control takes due to neglect or abuse is stolen...when in fact its rescued.

    This dog, from what youve said has been both neglected and abused....you have done nothing wrong.

    I also know where Mary is coming from, Ive had 'suggestions' from certain animal control officers in some cases where there isnt enough proof for them to intervene even though everyone knows whats going on in a situation.
    If anyone ever does ask you about the dog, which they probably wont anyway (going by own experience....lost count of the dogs and never once been asked, then you dont know where the dog is, you took it in once, the owners got it back, youve seen it loose on the street since then a number of times......end of !!)

    What would be harder to live with? rescueing the dog or leaving it where its being treated badly.

    You did the right thing, you did what anyone with any common sense would do when they know that an animal is being treated badly.
  7. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    very well said Delauk!
  8. lorelei

    lorelei New Member

    Thanks you guys for setting my mind at ease on this subject. I've been hard pressed to talk to anyone I know about it, just for fear of word getting back to the original owners.

    One interesting thing happened today, I went out at lunch today, not really with any mission in mind, but I saw a sign for a garage sale, so I decided to stop and see what they had, lots of stuff, but the kicker here, is the proceeds from this garage sale went to "Friends of Pets". I just thought that was so cool. It was a private family of animal lovers who live in a very large expensive home, with more money than they know what to do with, doing some good w/ their unwanted items. Wish we had more like that out there. I did talk to the dad there, apparently he's on the board, I told him about the dog, he said I was doing the right thing too!!

    Hope everyone is having a nice LOOOONG weekend!! I'm off to eat my Chocolate Covered Cherry Blizzard now!


    PS, the dog is at my house today...His new owner is going to pick him up tonight when she gets off work, she wasn't able to make it yesterday.
  9. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    lorelei I would keep what you know about this to yourself. The last thing you need is the original owners knocking on your door....one of the things I learnt early on with my 'rescues'....watch and listen to whats going on but say nothing. :y_the_best:
  10. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    id say nothing. the crossing lady did the right thing. i wish i 'stole' the last stray i found. the poor girl is now back in her hell hole of a home.
  11. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    I admire someone with your courage, well done, that poor darlin dog needed a helping hand and you gave it..Now he will live the rest of his life the way he is supposed to.. Good on you.. :eek:
  12. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    I too admire your courage. I hope that if I ever am in this type of situation, I would have the courage to make the right decision - just like you did! I know you sleep well knowing you rescued a dog.

    I agree with the posts regarding ASPCA and the police. If they don't witness it - it doesn't mean it isn't happening - but it does mean that they can't do anything about it!

    There are so many ignorant, and cruel pet owners. They should fear for their souls, damning themselves for all eternity for being cruel or neglectful of an animal that they chose to have!

    Oh no ---- I see a soap box :0013:
  13. lorelei

    lorelei New Member

    Well, two failed attempts for that woman to pick up the doggy, I have finally found his new home. After twice being a no show and no call, I decided that she's not that committed to this little guy and when she finally showed up last night, I told her the dog was no longer available.

    Lastnight, I asked my cycle partner if he wanted a dog...I honestly expected him to say no since I had previously tried to get him to take one of Tori's puppies. He asked what kind, how big and good w/ kids? Advised him on all. He said he would talk to his wife that night and let me know.

    He came in this morning and said that he would take the dog. His kids have been BEGGING for a dog for a long time, and the big softie finally caved. The kids have NO idea. He's stopping after he gets off work tonight to pick him up. I would kill to be there when he gets him home!!

    I'm so sad to see him go, but I know he's going to a home filled with love, and he so deserves that. No more car bumpers for him. :eek:

    I bent down to pick him up this afternoon after I got home from work, and he hunched down like I was moving in to harm him and I just broke down and wondered what the H*LL did those people do to him. I'm just so upset by this. I don't care now if anyone thinks I've stolen this dog, I did the right thing. Today convinced me of that. And knowing his new family the way that I do, I know that he'll never know that kind of treatment again. And I hope that the time comes soon when he will forget all about it. I sleep well at night.

    Thanks everyone for your kind responses, I needed that validation.
  14. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    glad to hear everything worked out for the little guy and since its someone you are close to you will knowhe went ot a good hone

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