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when to neuter a male dog

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by winnie, May 30, 2006.

  1. winnie

    winnie New Member

    My 6 month old Golden/lab Bear isnt neutered yet. Usually I get all my dogs spayed/neutered when they are about 4 months. I was waiting with Bear because a co worker had said to me if you leave a male intact till about a year or little more, they will grow differntly then if you neuter. Now I dont know if thats true or not, but I decided I would hold off on his neuter as long as he doesnt develop any bad behaviors, once he does he gets snipped.

    I'd like to know what you guys think about neutering male dogs, how long do you wait, and is my co worker right?And just to clarify Bear will definitly be neutered, i just dont know when it will happen yet.

    I do want to add I have only one other male dog who i got neutered at about 4 months, he is a very tall but thin dog, never filled out and still hasnt yet. Im wondering if maybe they fill out quicker if you dont neuter till later?

    any thoughts?

    I also wanted to ask at what age do goldens or labs typically stop growing?
    My pure lab kept growing till way past 1 year, but my labradoodle stopped growing at 6 months, so i wonder when Bear will stop growing, he seems so big everyday, he is definitly over 60lbs by now at 6 months.

    Oh and here is a pic of my Bear Bear...

  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    Old Wives Tale on the growth thing...I've seen many large dogs that were neutered at, or before, the age of 6 months.
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    6months old is an ideal time to neuter him, I agree its an old wives tale that a dog neuter or spated before 1year old stunts there growth..

    My sister in laws mastiff was neutered at 7months old and is now 3 and is his full size...

    So i would have to say if your going to have him done now is the time before his hormones really kick in...

  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I would do it now. If you wait for things like marking his territory to start, you may have a heck of a time getting rid of them even after he is neutered.
  5. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    I neuter at six months - before leg lifing begins!
    All of my males have been squatters!!! I never had a problem with soiling in my house and I have never had any problems losing a bush or tree, or staining my white cedar fence!
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    "All of my males have been squatters!!!" Jake waslike this until he was 5, and then we had guests for 4 days with male dogs and ever since then lifts, but only half way, its so funny.

    I agree with everyone, get him fixed now so you nip those male issues in the bud before they can rear their ugly head

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