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PLEASE HELP!! need advice on getting a budgie!

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by xgacktx, Jun 5, 2006.

  1. xgacktx

    xgacktx New Member

    any advice on how to convince my parents to let me get a bird? i live in the Fl. Keys and evacutate alot and they said it would be to much work because hurrican season just started and we're supposed to get hit really bad this year. they don't want to deal with the extra work of having a bird to take care of if our house gets damaged or destroyed not to mention all the extra work for the evacutates. any suggestions on how to convince them?

    also i have a cat and my parents say she would get to worked up with a bird in the house. plus she LOVES attention so she might get jealous if i pay attention to the bird and not her.

    i really really want a budgie and have done ALOT of research on them and i know i could take care of one and handle dealing with it but i don't know how to convince them of that. do any of you think it might be a bad idea? if so please tell me.

    thankz and sorry it's so long! ^_^ any advice is appreciated.
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I think what your parents are really doing when they say they dont want you to have a bird is because you live in an area that has alot of hurricanes and stuff, They are wanting to spare you the pain of losing your bird during evacuation...

    I can see things from your parents point of view about the bird would stress the cat out which is going to be the case and she may actually get to the bird and again they are trying to spare you the pain.

    So if it was me i would wait awhile and see if they eventually change there mind if not then its a case of waiting until you get your own place and getting a bird then....

    Sorry i could not be of more help on this....

  3. xgacktx

    xgacktx New Member

    i see what you're saying mike. it helps me see things from there point of veiw. problem with waitng is that i'm an impatient person and i'll be living with my parents for a another 3 years...and i honestly don't want to wait that long. not to mention i plan to train to be an FBI profilor which takes up alot of time and i might not have the time for a bird if i wait. do you really think evacutating with a bird would be any more hard than it typically is with my cat? (we bring our animals with us every time we evacutate.) and we have a mini van so we definitly have the room to take another animal.

    also my cat can't stand other animals if she sees them outside our window or such but if we brought that same animal inside she's ok with it. (aka we found a dog that belonged to some one down our road who weren't home and when the cat saw the dog from the window she freaked but as soon as he was inside she was ok with him. is it possible she might do this with a bird too?) my brother and i each had a hamster and the cat (smokey) never even looked at them. if we put them in a that ball she would run away from them. lol. ^_^ a few times we let her see them and she just sniff them and would walk away.

    i'm trying to see things from both side. i understand were my parents are coming from i just wish they would see where i'm coming from. mabey if i wait till after hurrican season is over i would have a better chance. also my parents are kind of stressed because my mom's parents are visiting from Ill. and they've never been down here. ooo i just had an idea! my grandma has a bird and knows how wonderful they are. mabey i could get her to help me convince my parents! ^_^

    sorry i typed so much. (i tend to do that.) and thankz 4 the help! ^_^
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Well you could just tell them that you will take full responsability, If you have to evacuate you will be the one that get s the bird and make sure it is safe...

    The only problem with keep going on at your parents about it is you run the risk of the sticking to there guns and not letting you have one ever...

    As for your cat i think she will love the idea of a bird in the house as she will spend most of her trying to get into the cage at the bird, there is also the risk she will hurt the bird through the cage bars...

    But if your determined to get a bird then i suggest you talk it over again and see what is said this time....

  5. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    If you wait then you might not have enough time for a bird later on?

    You do realize that a budgie can live well over eight years. Who will look after the bird if you decide to take the profiling course and suddenly you don't have the time to anymore? Probably your parents, has it ever occured to you that they might just not want the responsibility of another pet?
  6. Zeppy`s mom

    Zeppy`s mom New Member

    My only words are good luck! :eek: :)
  7. xgacktx

    xgacktx New Member

    sorry it's been a while since i've been on. and so 4 the misunderstanding of when i said i wouldn't have time 4 a pet later on. what i ment waz i wouldn't have the time 4 a new pet. when u first buy a pet it needs extra attention and time 2 settle. later on i wouldn't have time 2 spent the extra time bringing a new pet into my life. but would most certainly have the time 2 care 4 it. sorry 4 the confusion or if i made it sound like i didn't plan 2 own a bird 4 a long time. but all your advice has been helpful and have made a decision 2 wait till after hurrican season is over 2 push 4 a bird again. hopefully then my odds will be better.
  8. Zeppy`s mom

    Zeppy`s mom New Member

    charmedagain is totally right! :!:

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