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New to the Southwest

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by cosmicpixie, Apr 23, 2004.

  1. cosmicpixie

    cosmicpixie New Member

    Hey folks!
    We're new the southwest region of the US... Las Vegas to be exact and we have a black pom-a-poo. She favors her pom genetics though. She is about 16 pounds ( we think she may have been mixed with a minature poodle instead of a toy poodle) with beautiful long black hair. Since the temperatures reach a scorching 120 during the summer months we are considering having Maya's hair cut. I DO NOT like the idea of shaving her. So a lion cut is out of the question. Is there any other cut we should consider. We were thinking of a puppy cut. We keep her well groomed, but we want her to be comfortable this summer. Thanks for all your help. Also if you would happen to have a picture demonstrating the cut you are suggesting I would greatly appreciate it. (I'd like to get an idea of how it would look on our dog) And if anybody is from Las Vegas I'd like to hear from you too... we're always looking for new dog friends. Thanks again!!
  2. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Hello, Cosmicpixie!!! :kiss_puppy:

    Welcome to the board!! I just love it when there are other "poos" on the board!! I have a 11 month old shihpoo named Bailey! We're in California and come to Vegas all the time (well, Bailey doesn't...hehe)... and so I know about your horrific heat! eeeeeeeeek. Bailey is black and white and I am sure that he would just melt out there! =; I don't know anything about grooming your pom-a-poo mix, but wanted to welcome you to the board.

    Also, if you have pics of your girl, be sure to post!! :y_the_best: We all love seeing everyone's babies!!! I think we're going to have to ask Auspetian to start "REQUIRING" new folks to the board to post pics of their babies!! hehe... \:D/
  3. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    =P~ WELCOME to the board cosmicpixie!!!

    In regards to your pup's haircut, I would recommend a puppy cut as you mentioned. A puppy cut is what I have been having their groomer do for a while now with my two shih-poos. One of them is all black so that obviously is a drawback for him when it is warm, plus neither of them (the other one is all white/tan) like the heat to begin with. :roll: I just started with the puppy cuts a few months ago because the daily brushing was just getting to be too much, and I knew the hot summer months weren't too far off. I am very pleased with the cut, and will continue with it! :y_the_best:

    I did have a page over at dogster (which is a place where you can put some info and pics on a page so others can see), but due to technical difficulties they erased a lot of the pages, mine included, so I have to get over there and make a new one soon for my two shih-poos. (I know your tappin' your fingers and toes Monster :wink: ) Anyhow, in the meantime, if you want to see what a puppy cut looks like on my shih-poos you can try this link - I am not sure if it's going to work, but you can give it a try:

    http://f2.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/one4op ... m=2366.jpg

    *His hair in that pic. is approx. 1 1/2 in. long...although, recently I have been having their groomer do it a little shorter, and I like it even better!

    Have a great weekend! :D
  4. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    damn tootin i am tappin my fingers and toes!! even Bailey is getting a little edgy about the whole "where is mickey and tigger's dogster page" ordeal! :)

    I just tried that link and it says it's inaccessible.

  5. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Boy-oh-boy, the heat is on!!! :mrgreen: I'll admit monster, I haven't exactly been workin' on getting it ready recently (i.e. haven't dropped of the roll of film with the pics I want to post on there), BUT I am FOR SURE dropping it off tomorrow! (I "pinky-swear" hehe :lol: )

    Well good gosh Monster, you just have to go and ruin it all don't ya'? LOL :wink:

    Okay cosmicpixie, apparently it won't work for you all, so I'll just have to get workin' on setting up a page over at dogster for my two shih-poos and you can see their cuts there! (Sorry it didn't work though... :( )
  6. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Okay.... PINKIE SWEAR!
  7. cosmicpixie

    cosmicpixie New Member

    I went to dogster and set up a page for Maya and here it is


    Some of the photos are grainy but that's my pup. We have an appointment on Sunday to get her haircut at Petsmart (where I work) We decided on the puppy cut going with about an inch in length. I've already spoken to our groomer and explicitly told her what we wanted to happen with Maya's first haircut. We'll post pictures of Maya after she gets her haircut. Thanks for your responses. :)
  8. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Maya is sooo cute!! She looks just like my pom Fifi only a little bigger! Thanks for sharing the pics. Give her a squeeze for me! :lol:
  9. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Maya sure is cute!! I like the one with her tongue hanging out sittin on someone's lap :) Bailey has a dogster page also, so we sent you a pup pal request (of course) :kiss_puppy:
  10. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    :eek: Maya surely is a cute one...great pics of her! :eek:

    (You mentioned on your page that Maya is not fond of car rides, and mine are the SAME way...they hate those dreadful car rides with a passion! :wink: )
  11. cosmicpixie

    cosmicpixie New Member

    Update on Maya's haircut. When we got to the groomer's she told us that if cut her hair it would loose all its original characteristics (i.e. its shininess and texture) So we asked what was the best option to help keep her cool in the summer. And they said that keeping her undercoat groomed and brushing the dead hair away would be the best thing. (Mind you we brush Maya once or twice a week) So they gave her a bath and conditioned her coat. And using a high powered blow dryer and a grooming rake they got rid of all the excess dead hair. They said it had collected at her hind quarters and made the hair very thick and heavy instead of letting the skin breath. Now her coat feels thinner without loosing all the qualities of her coat that we loved the most. And she seems very happy with the lighter undercoat. And I'm kinda glad we didn't get her cut. Thanks everybody for your help!
  12. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    GLAD to see another poo owner ad with such a cute poo at that !
    these two can drive you to drinking ,so if you need help ...just yell HELP !!! and then

    page me ... :0020: LOL !!!
  13. cosmicpixie

    cosmicpixie New Member

    Instead of just posting a whole new topic i figured I'd add it in on this one... I was reading a post on potty training. We've been doing the crate training since we got Maya back in July. And we were wondering how do you transition them to being able to stay outside of the crate for extended periods of time (i.e. we're ready to let Maya stay out of the crate during the night.) When we are going to be gone for a short we will keep her in the bathroom without her crate and she does very well. How do we get her ready for the run of the house. Thanks!
  14. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Just start giving her little bits of freedom here and there. However, I wouldn't start giving her freedom until she is FULLY housebroken!

    I am assuming that you want her sleeping in your room at night, and if so, try it out one night. Set up a nice dog bed on the floor for her, shut the door to your room (so she doesn't escape during the middle of the night), puppy-proof the room so she won't get into anything in the room, and go to bed. In the morning, check for any "accidents," and if there aren't any, then try it out for another night. If there is continued success, keep it up!

    Other ways to give her more freedom here and there is to allow her access to one or two rooms (puppy-proofed of course), while you run a quick errand (i.e. going to the grocery store for a few minutes).

    The key is to go slowly with the whole freedom thing...you don't want to go quickly!!! If she starts having accidents, you'll have to take away some of the freedom, and start increasing gradually as you gain more trust in her. :D
  15. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    I do not use crates ,so what shihpoo says makes sense .It is the same as I would do only I would have started her out very young with one room at a time .Letting her get to know the area slowly and finally intro into the whole home ,after classes and supervision for awhile (according to how she reacts ) ..just my opinion
  16. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I probably should have clarified something in my previous post:

    By freedom, I mean being left alone without supervision. I always recommend that one introduce their dog to all parts of their home from day one of bringing their pup home, and to spend time in each room of your home to help your pup realize that your entire home is part of his/her "den."

    Just some clarification on my part! :D

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