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  2. Microworms - Live Aquarium Foods

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  4. Live Spirulina

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I am so stupid

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Jun 12, 2006.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Bonnie has been sneaking downstairs and eating the cat food. So I put up a gate when I can't watch her. I got tired of stepping over it this morning and she was outside, so I took it down. Then I let the dogs in and forgot to put the gate up, and went into my bedroom. I realized my mistake and went running, but she was already downstairs. I called for her and she came up immediately - and then I yelled at her and popped her lightly on the butt! She's a very soft dog, so she was instantly remorseful....but then I realized what I had done. I scolded her for coming to me when I called her! She has no idea that the wrong action was going into the basement and eating the cat food.

    I feel like such an ogre. :( :( :(

    I apologized to her. But I still feel like an ogre.
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I know how you feel :(

    A couple of months ago I had spent months working with my 'terrified of life' dog, making a point of sneezing as quietly as possible, not raising my voice or laughing too loud especially if I was on the phone as it would have her bolting for cover....then one day, it was just one of those days, chaos in the house and she was being very....clingy for some reason, then she jumped up on the couch while I had a coffee in my hand, burnt my legs and arm and my instant reaction was to yell at her...I felt soooo bad, she practically flew into her crate and wouldnt come out for hours then for days afterwards she was reluctant to get too close to me :(

    You know what though, were only human and none of us are perfect, sometimes despite our best efforts and intentions we react before we think.

    My dog recovered and so will Bonnie, I think they get over our mistakes a lot quicker than we do.

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