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Help for an upset tummy

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Dukesdad, Jun 13, 2006.

  1. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Night before last Freckles passed some bad gas while sitting on the couch then during the next day he threw up a bit in his crate and passed on eating supper. I suspect he ate something besides food but he displayed no other distressing symptoms and pooped as normal. He had a good nights sleep and ate his regular breakfast this morning.
    When a dog gets an upset stomach what is a good home remedy assuming there are no other really bad symptoms.?
    Can you give a dog an antacid or something like Pepto Bismol?
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I believe it's safe to give Pepcid or Pepto Bismol, but I don't know the dose.

    Raw pumpkin (from a can, like you use to make pie) helps with diarrhea or constipation.
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    According to...
    The formulary from Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital (1995...sorry, its an old one :? )...you can give kaopectate at 1 -2 mls/kg every 2 - 6 hours. So about say for a 50# dog thats roughly 23kg so between 23 - 46mls per administration....15mls is about the size of a tablespoon.

    The gas, pain, loss of appetite continue though for more than 24 hours or you suspect a possible blockage, got into something they shouldnt then you should definately check with your vet before giving anything.

    I believe there is aspirin or the compound that aspirin is made from in Pepto Bismal so youd have to go easy with it.

    Also, and Im not 100% sure on this but I recall a few years back that Pepto had something else added to it that was bad for dogs....I think it was one of the flavoured ones though not the regular one. Shouldnt give Pepto to cats....not that Freckles is a cat but just in case anyone is reading this that has a cat :oops:
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yes, you do have to be careful with the Pepto, but one time should be fine. Both Pepto and Pepcid were things I was told to give my parvo pup, and my CRF kitty takes Pepcid.
  5. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Jamiya and DeLaUK,
    Thanks for the advice. Freckles takes pills fine but I have never tried to get a liquid into him. I will see how he is doing this afternoon. He seemed OK this morning.
    He is more prone than even Duke to eat things that fall on the floor.
    Just a couple of weeks ago I was working on a project that required my staple gun. I got it out of a kitchen cabinet and loaded in some staples. Later that evening Freckles trotted into the den and I could see he had something in his mouth. I pried it open to find three staples still attached together sitting on his tongue. I guess I dropped them on the floor while loading the gun.
    He is a regular Billy Goat but I guess he finally ate something that didn't agree with his stomach.
    I will keep an close watch on him when I get home.
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Staples :shock:

    I hope hes feeling better soon.
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    For liquids, you can use a syringe (like you would use for a baby), or if you have a goat like Nala just pour the dose into a shallow bowl and the dog will lap it out. Nala does this with just about anything I offer her. With Bonnie, I have to pour it into her.

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