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sleeping with my cat...AND my new girlfriend

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Dylan, Jun 13, 2006.

  1. Dylan

    Dylan New Member

    Hi All,
    I have had Jake for about 8-years now....I got him from Friends of the animals at a local Pet-Co.Jake likes to sleep with me and yes even under the covers.While I have gotten used to it,my girlfriend has not.Jake is a big cat and when he jumps on the bed and walks on her she wakes up and cannot sleep.Any body have any advice on how to create happy medium for Jake and Heather....and me too....lol
  2. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    Welcome to Auspet!!! :eek:

    Sorry to hear about your problem, i can sort of relate... tho any boyfriends i've had have been pretty understanding.

    Is Heather much of a cat person?

    If she can't get used to poor ol Jake bouncing up and whatnot, maybe get him his own fluffy bed and place it by yours. You could sleep on the outside of the bed near his... maybe put one of your shirts in there for your scent to make him feel comfortable.

    When he jumps up tell him no, place him in his new bed and pet him saying that he's a good boy.

    this may work... i'm trying to think on how to make it easier on everyone. But in the end, poor Jake may have to sleep in the other room.
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    My husband and I never talked about our opinions on animals before we got married. It has turned into a HUGE deal in our marriage. When we moved into our house, I agreed to let our bedroom be a no-cat place. I really, really miss sleeping with my kitties, but my husband needs a fur-free zone.

    If I had to do it all over again, I think I would make sure any guy I dated was on the same page with me as far as the animals are concerned. How long has your girlfriend tried to get used to the situation? It can take some time. The only other solution I can see is to not let Jake in the bedroom - which comes with its own problems.

    Maybe someone else will think of something more helpful. :|
  4. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    *shows off a T-Shirt*

    {{ "LOVE ME, LOVE MY CAT." }}
  5. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    with a grin first you have to realize you are talking to cat people :p
    when DH and I met he had never had a cat (his mother hated cats) and I had my Tami with me for about 8 years. She slept close by me purring her little motor off and I liked it.
    DH had a very difficult time getting used to that purring at night.
    Our 19th wedding anniversary is 6/13 and he has two cats that now sleep with him...see the hubby is a horrendous snorer. I can take the purring but I can't take that noise (he's the reason why Mt. Washington has avalanches every year). So I sleep on the sleep sofa and I give him the bed (he works physically hard and really deserves a good night's sleep). 2 of our cats sleep w/him while the other 2 sleep with me.
    So you see....there is hope :y_the_best: and eventually she'll get used to having a cat use her as a crossing path.
    But remember - you can't trust people who don't like cats :roll:
    so make sure she likes cats.
    But in the meantime you can find a happy medium - sleep at her house and let your cat have your bed
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    Over time, your girlfriend will get used to the waking up and train herself to go back to sleep. She'll just have to gently nudge Jake to settle down and tell herself sleep is good sleep is fun and she'll fall back asleep. :mrgreen: i have the opposite problem. The cats used to sleep on me and all over me and ever since I've had two kids, the furkids have taken over my hubby during nap times. The kitties don't want me anymore unless it's feeding or grooming time. :m13:
  7. Dylan

    Dylan New Member

    Thanks everybody...I appreciate the help....I'll let you know how it goes
  8. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    i luv sleeping w/ my kitties..but more often than not..they wake me up in the middle of the night..playing and such..and when i have um company..i always keep them out...they are used to it now....good luck
  9. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    I second what EternalFlame said. If you put an irresistibly soft and comfy small bed near your own, Jake may learn to like sleeping there instead. You could test it out by finding a real soft blanket and folding it up into a small square, and place it on the floor a few feet from the bed. Luna can't resist sleeping on a folded-up blanket. Then when/if your gf needs to gently nudge Jake off the bed in order to be able to get some sleep, odds are that he'll settle for the next best thing.

    Either that, or ditch the gf. Jake will be your pal for life, while she could be gone in a year anyway. :mrgreen: (Just kidding... sort of.)
  10. Dylan

    Dylan New Member

    lol.....thanks Luna.We have been together for a year and a half now...and actually talking about moving in together.She loves Jake and pets in general...just not in bed with us.So while I don't mind she is having issue's with it.So I will try the kittie bed Idea.Jake already has his own blanket on my recliner...lol....he took it over.Maybe I will try putting that blanket in a bed and see if he takes to it.....Thanks alot guys for all your help...anything else you can think of would be much appreciated.

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