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Is my cat dying?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Manonthemoon, Jun 15, 2006.

  1. Manonthemoon

    Manonthemoon New Member

    For the past couple days I have noticed that my cat (13 yrs old) has been acting differently. For instance the breathing has been really quick. She sleeps more than often and she can't move very far until she has to lay back down and rest. Also she has been making these sounds rarely of like crying. And 3 days ago She either had a heartattack or had a seisure.
    She hardly eats or drinks, and I haven't noticed any signs of her using her cat box. I am very worried about her. My mom refuses to take her to the vet due to the costs but I know that there is somthing wrong.
  2. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    i really hate reading things like this. it makes me feel such a wave of different emotions....

    firstly... if someone isnt prepared for the costs of owning an animal.... they shouldnt have one. period. just like having a kid.

    Now... there is nothing we can say to diagnose whats wrong with your poor kitty. we can't see her, we aren't vets.

    She needs medical attention.

    i wish you and her the best....
  3. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    Wow, yeah, reading things like this just breaks my heart as well. Can I ask how old you are? So sorry to hear about this. You should do everything in your power to get your Mom to take your kitty to a vet. If she still won't, then try to enlist the help of another relative or friend. There is a special little creature that needs help, and it's inhumane to ignore this. Please try to reason with your Mom and ask her if this is the kind of example she wants to set for her children. Your cat could be suffering, or maybe it's something easily treatable. You won't know until you see a vet.

    Please let us know how you make out, and thanks for caring enough to post your message here. Unfortunately, it isn't enough. :(
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yes, there is very definitely something wrong. If she is making crying sounds, then she is very likely in pain. It may be something treatable, or at the very least your kitty deserves to be eased in her suffering. It could be time to let her go and the vet can help with that so she doesn't have to be in pain and starving for her last days.

    PLEASE convince your mom to take her to the vet. Can you offer to help pay for it, maybe by working around the house or something? Sometimes parents don't stop to realize what is important.
  5. Manonthemoon

    Manonthemoon New Member

    Today im going to try and get her to take my cat to the vet, and I am 15.
  6. Manonthemoon

    Manonthemoon New Member

    Update as of 11:30 Friday Juse 16th.
    My cat Just had another seisure i have now noticed she trys to regurgitate she cannot and you can alot of liquids inside of her. Alson she starts breathing extreamly fast in short breaths, and she starts panting and drooling. I had no luck on trying to convice my mom to take her to the vet. I will keep you posted on how she is doing
  7. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I'm not sure I want to hear anymore unless it's good news the cat has been taken to the vet - it's absolutely HEARTBREAKING to read how poorly this cat is doing when a vet might be able to help.
    You're tearing me apart with these posts....I'd much rather read "oh she's doing better now and the vet says -"
    Your mom should be smacked upside the head for ignoring the condition of this cat...where do you live? I want to report her to the authorities.
  8. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    well said and i agree.
  9. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Try telling you mom that not getting medical attention of an obviously sick & suffering animal is grounds for animal cruelty and she can face legal action (including fines and jail time).

  10. Manonthemoon

    Manonthemoon New Member

    Ok this one is accually getting better.
    It seems to me that she has gotten better accually. Shes now using the cat box. Eating and drinking water now. Her breathing has imporved to normal almost. and she is now moving alot more. And shes now wagging her tail too.
  11. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    yeah, until the next time it happens :roll: im all for dobbing in owners and owners parents who refuse to take their animals to the vet. if your mum refuses to care for this cat then i suggest you surrender her to a shelter [the cat, not your mum, although that would be great too].
  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    The difficulty breathing and extra fluids could be a heart problem, I think. Can you offer to pay for the vet yourself? Would that convince your mom?
  13. Manonthemoon

    Manonthemoon New Member

    I finally conviced my mom to take her to the vet. But as we were leaving this morning, and she gets stressed out in cars. I was just all too much and she past away in my arms. RIP Missy 11:00 Am
  14. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I am so very sorry for your loss. It very likely was her heart. Missy is in a better place now. Thank you for doing your best for her. At least you were with her when she died, and she knew that you loved her.

    Go in peace, Missy.
  15. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I'm very sorry about the loss of your kitty. You did the best you could. :cry:

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