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Rainbow Lorikeet As A Pet

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by jeepiecj5, Jun 21, 2006.

  1. jeepiecj5

    jeepiecj5 New Member

    Hello... I just recently became a " mom" to a 10 yr. old Rainbow Lorikeet.. Her name is Squeakers, but we call her Skeekers, or Snickers, or Screetcher... :lol: She's fabulous and beautiful and a joy to our home. On the flip side, I can't seem to find much information on Rainbow Lorikeets as a household pet. She has just recently laid 2 eggs. She will not let me near them ... She will not let me clean her cage as well... Do I don leather gloves and take the eggs ? I know when I had my Cockatiel, I was told to leave the egg or they will continue to lay eggs. She laid Saturday 6/17/06 and Tuesday 6/20/06
    Also...where online might I look for information on Rainbow Lorikeets as household pets.
    For the record..When she is not with " egg " she's a very friendly girl. She talks as well.
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Its normal for all female birds to lay eggs without a mate and become aggressive as she is protecting her eggs.

    Never remove the eggs as this will just promote her to lay even more eggs and will depleat her calcium levels which can be fatal..

    Lever them with her until she gets bored since she has no mate there is no chance of them being fertile and can stay with her until she gets bored then you can remove them...

    To help stop her laying reduce the amount of light she gets everyday, If possible lower the room temp and do not give her soft foods like fruit and vegtables hopefully this will be enough to make her think its winter and stop laying eggs...

    The reason she is a sweet bird when she has no eggs is because she has nothing she really needs to protect....

    I found you a couple of links hope they are of some use to you...



  3. Zeppy`s mom

    Zeppy`s mom New Member

    For infor mation online about your rainbow lorikeet look at Ask .com. They give you very specific details ,and good information. Type in rainbow lorikeets and you should find information pages on them. :mrgreen: :) :D :p :wink:

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