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Do you all use/have Crates and what type?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by DMikeM, Jun 22, 2006.

  1. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    I am trying to decide weather or not I need to get 1, 2 or 3 crates, just for possible safety reasons for my 3. It is getting into fire season and we have not had our usual 3.5 and 4.3 Scaled earth quakes so I am thinking I need to get a little more prepared. The last forced evacuation from fire was not fun with just 2 dogs. I imagine it would be much easier with at least 2 crates.

    I have been looking at them at Amazon and see there are many under $100.00 for dogs around the size of mine. I am interested in the folding type, but wonder what sizes to get. Duncan and Dowser are about the size of large labradors, Duncan being much heavier (like 90 pounds) Dowser is around 75 and Pepsi is a smallish Stafordshire Terrier around 35 to 45 pounds. Either one of the boys would let her share a crate with them, and I am sure she would feel much better if she was close to one of them.

    Is something like this good.
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Hi Mike,

    Personally I always preferred the Vari Kennels although with the 2 larger sized ones I couldnt fold them down enough to get into my car so if I needed to evacuate (had an 'voluntary' evac during the 2003 fires which I did as I was working overnight that one night where they knew the wind was going to pick up and werent sure what direction it would go...played it safe.) I had the two smaller crates piled up on the front seat, a 60# and 120# dog on the back seat and the cats carriers wedged behind the front seats, if space isnt a problem though, like with a truck (or something bigger than a Hyundai Accent :lol: ) then I would go with the Vari kennels.

    Reason is this, dogs by nature like 'cave' areas, Vari kennels have that idea as opposed to just a wire crate which can make a dog feel vulnerable/trapped (just my opinion but most people I know that use the wire crates then use a towel or blanket over part of them...'to give the dog the security')....that said I know that some people prefer the wire crates.

    All my dogs loved their crates, whenever there were fires, quakes or storms they went straight into them.

    As for the sizing...,

    Scroll down to 'Buying A Crate' and it tells you the size youll need.
  3. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    that looks like it would be good, and i love amazon for all their discounts!
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yes, just go by the weights given on the crates to choose the sizes.

    Some dogs like the solid plastic crates because they are more cave-like, while others prefer the wire crates that they can see out of. I prefer the wire crates because you can see in easily if there is a problem and because they fold flat - I *love* my folding crates! You can also buy a cover for them or just use an old blanket if the dog wants some privacy.

    I use soft folding crates (made out of fabric) for agility trials, but I think they would be less useful in a disaster.
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I am sooo praying I never had to evacuate but its a huge possiblity here, we are having a red flag warning for the next several days. its 102 now and 113 bu the week-end! that said I need to update my evac kit, our weather went from cold and raining to miserable hot overnight. leaving me unprepared.

    If I have to evacuate, they will just get in the car. I am curious why crates for evacuation?
  6. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    I have always crate trained. Their crates evolved into safe homes for my dogs. They go there when they get into trouble and they use them to sleep.

    I have the wire collapsable crates with the slideout bottom pan. I have taken them for traveling but not to for the dog to ride in while in the car. It is basically a permanant house for them inside my home. You can't carry a dog inside the wire crate. Unless the dog is a toy variety - the wire crate isn't very sturdy when picked up. - I don't think they were even designed for that.

    Those plastic cave-types are great for actually picking up and carrying a dog in! I use them when my dogs are small puppies and I need them safe going to the vet. (like two times!)

    Im my opinion - I think the plastic cave-type would be a good choice if you need to carry the dog/dogs. Some of the large ones even have wheels.

    I really feel for you folks that live in areas affected by natural disasters like wild fires, mud slides, floods and hurricanes. Here in the midwest - our disasters are usually swiftly destructive --- tornadoes! Not much we can to prepare for them. All I do is make sure the dogs will come when called to get into the basement. And I keep a working battery radio, a couple of working flashlights and a first-aid kit in the basement. Tornadoes can come on so quickly there is sometimes only seconds to get to safety.

    Good luck.
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    A crate can help contain them if they are scared or stressed-out. A scared dog can panic and run, or jump out of the car when you get out for gas, etc. Also, if dogs are not allowed loose wherever you end up going, a crate can be a solution. Some hotels are more willing to let an animal in the room if it is confined.
  8. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    I went ahead and ordered one of those for now, just so as to make sure that they are what we would want.

    Thanks all for the input. When I was a kid we had a couple of show dogs that were crated, I hated it but they never seemed to mind.
    One was a Keeshound the other was a Tri Color Collie with a long coat. Both were stolen from us.
  9. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Geeze, everyone preparing for evacuation possibilities. Down here it's hurricanes. They called for an evacuation in Houston for Hurricane Rita and that turned into a disaster in itself with people stranded on the interstate highways with no gas and traffic at a standstill. I opted to stay as you couldnt leave anyway and by the time the traffic finally cleared a bit on the Friday before landfall the hurricane had shifted to the east of Houston.
    This year I bought a generator and have stockpiled gasoline and water for this season.
    That said the boys love their enclosed crates. If we had to evacuate we could head either west to San Antonio or east to Baton Rouge where the boys would be welcome as we have family in both places. My crates separate into two sections but I still could not get them and the dogs, and us in any of my cars.
    I pray we all make it through whatever natural disaster is threatening this season.
  10. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    yep, in dallas we have the tornadoes, and, unfortunately, no basement. we use the cave-like crates. Ranger and Snickers like them, they're just hard to move around. When I take them places I usually just use their seatbelts, since I have a honda civic, I don't think I could get even one of their crates in there.
  11. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    We have had several fires in the last 4 years that have been real close and one caused a valley wide evacuation. Also Big Bear area is prone to earth quakes and we have had no real pressure relief sized quakes in the past 18 months. I expect we will get a bigger one this year after the next storm system hits. Seems every Summer storm system has a quake in it's tail. My dogs are not really excitable but if we like that crate I can see getting another one to help aid in travel or safety if needed.
  12. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I confine my girls to a soft fold up crate when we travel so they will be safe and also so Brie won't eat the car. She gets all riled up when she travels. But Brie sleeps in a wire crate at night. I guess it's good that I have the SUV now cuz I have the cats too...if I have to evacuate due to a hurricane.
  13. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Both of my dogs preferred the wire crate. When I first flew with Luther wire crates were ok to fly with, they just have to be sturdy, some are sturdier than others. Luther used to love his wire crate and hang out in it all the time, it was like his own private room. I also prefer wire because it is breathable, the plastic ones make me feel clostephobic, it is hard to breath and they are stuffy inside. (If it is more than 70` I am terrified to leave Luther in thae plastic one) But dog smay feel differently about them. I also think they are lighter and are better to carry around, because they fold up small and are a nice box, as opposed to the round edges on the plastic ones. Also another thing to note, I prefer the wire ones whic lock into place, not just the ones where you stick the poles in the corner spots. I don't reme,ber the name of the one I have, that one is still at my house in munich.
    Luther hates his plastic crate, he will never go in it on his own. I have tried leaving his food in there all day and he still will not go in there. The only thing good about it is that, I can buy it with wheels (I didn't) but either type is easily dragged along the floor. I have the CLipper 5 brand.
    This looks similar to mine, except my windows aren't wire, but plastic

    Luther likes the comfiness of a bag one, but most places don't allow that, that is just more of a convience for a lazy dog :)

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