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My parakeet wont use her vitamin!

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by Zeppy`s mom, Jun 22, 2006.

  1. Zeppy`s mom

    Zeppy`s mom New Member

    My bird ,Zeppy had a cuttlbone that was pink on the out side because it was rasberry flavored.she started using it all the time .Then one day I went to let her out and the tip of her feathers were pink! I took the pink cuttlebone out and put in a grape flavored vitamin .Oh yeah she is white again.Anyway she wont eat her vitamin.I even put it where her cuttle bone used to be .she still doesnt use it . Can somebody pleasetell me how to get her to use it ? :|
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I prefer the plain white cuttlefish bone as they have no added flavors or preservatives which some can be harmful to birds...

    I would have to say put a white one in and leave it in she only really needs it when she is laying eggs and you will find she will use it all the time then.

    My birds never touch there cuttlefish unless breeding and they can go through quiet a few in a week...

  3. Zeppy`s mom

    Zeppy`s mom New Member

    My bird doesnt breed and never has . She had a cuttle bone and used all the time . So I thought that she would think the vitamin would be cuttle bone. :|
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    What my birds have in the cage at all times are a cuttlefish bone and a ionised mineral block, If you are wanting to get extra vitamins and minerals into your bird then best way is by giving fresh fruit and veggies daily.

    If you leave the vitamin in the cage she will eventually use it, If you have a female she may eventually if the conditopns are fine for her she may lay eggs even though she dont have a mate, but if this happens never remove her eggs just leave them with her


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