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How do you know if a dog is pregnant?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Tarabizzle, Jun 22, 2006.

  1. Tarabizzle

    Tarabizzle New Member

    I just adopted a shelter dog and I'm pretty sure she's pregnant. She has swollen teats and has vommited several times. Are there any other early symptoms?
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Best thing to do would be to take her to a vet and have her checked out. Swollen teats and vomiting could also indicate infection in the teats, cancer etc. How long have you had her? I thought the shelters all spayed and neutered pets now before releasing them. What did the vet at that shelter say? She must have had a check up or something before she left.
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Dogs that go through a phantom pregnancy can show all or some signs of being in whelp when indeed there not...

    If she is pregnant then the shelter you got her from has been neglagent because they are not allowed to release any animal that may be pregnant without first informing the adoptive owners so they know what they are getting into and can be prepared...

    I agree with dela have her taken to a vet ASAP and have her looked over if she is pregnant you will need to contact the shelter ask them why they did not inform you as this would have been known if they had the dog checked over by a vet which they are supposed to do before releasing the animal, You want to know how they are going to help you if this dog needs to have a section to deliver the litter and any meds she may need after, If she is not pregnant you still want to know what they are going to do as all animal shelters are not supposed to release any animal that has not been spayed or neutered....

    If there is a clear non smelling vaginal discharge and her vulva is slightly swollen then chances are she maybe pregnant but again these can indicate an infection,

    I have had a dam that i thought was pregnant and showed all the signs and turned out she had pyometra and had to have an emergancy spay to save her life, This was a few years ago.

    Pyometra is a life threatening condition and will result in death if not caught as soon as possible.

    So please have her looked over by a vet and good luck.

    Let us know how she gets on

  4. Tarabizzle

    Tarabizzle New Member

    I've had her for two weeks and I called the shelter a few days ago. Apparently the previous owners told them not to spay her. The shelter had all the animals checked out about a week or so before I adopted her and they said she was fine.
  5. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    if the owner turned the dog into the shelter that person no longer has any control over the dog and the shelter can do as they wish.
    The shelter telling you that is trying to come up with an excuse as to why they didn't spay her and probably trying to find a way to get out of their screw up. I'd insist they spay her NOW so you don't get stuck feeding and raising a litter of puppies you didn't bargain for.
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I agree with Mary, thats the most ridiculous excuse Ive ever heard. :x

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