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Kitten acting very strangely

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by momtokelijoe, Jun 29, 2006.

  1. momtokelijoe

    momtokelijoe New Member

    I have a kitten that is about 10 months old. Lately, he has been acting VERY strange at times. He will be sitting/lying there all nice and calm, then all of a sudden ....... he starts panting hard and fast, racing around, and staring wide-eyed. He'll be like this for about 2 minutes. And then just as quick as it started, this behavior will stop. He started doing this once a day, for about 2 weeks now. I have never seen this type of behavior before in any of my other cats. Any ideas on what this is???? Thanks.
  2. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    2 weeks is a long time for him to be doing this and not seeking vet help.. :(
    I suggest take him to the vets ASAP, it may even be a heart problem with the panting...Its obviously bothering him poor thing..Please get medical help for him..
  3. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Just re-reading, does it look like he's playing or does he look stressed with it...Does he look like he's in dis-comfort..
  4. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I would also suggest getting a Vet check since it has gone on for awhile. Is he eating and drinking normally?

    It almost sounds like he could be playing but the panting doesn't sound normal.
  5. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Ditto....vet check, the behaviour could be just that....a playful behaviour, could also be a mild seizure activity though. Ive seen pets do similar things that turned out to be seizures. Not saying it is but its definately worth having him checked out.
  6. momtokelijoe

    momtokelijoe New Member

    Thanks for thoughts/ideas about his behavior. I haven't had him to the vet in a couple of months (since he got neutured and vaccinated). But because he seems to be in no distress, I didn't want to over react. His eating,sleeping, litterbox habits are all fine and normal. But the thought of possible mini seizures had crossed my mind. So I guess that I will make a vet appointment. Thanks.

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