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Cockatiel newbee..... PLEASE HELP

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by Bones82, Dec 23, 2005.

  1. Bones82

    Bones82 New Member

    Ok, about 6 months ago I bought a Cockatiel. I took her home from the pet store and left her alone for a month so she can get used to her environment. Once she seemed comfortable, allowed me to put my hand in the cage and even roost on my finger, I attempted to train her. I took her into a different room like I was instructed to in a book and gently took her out of her cage with gloves. When I did this she started freaking out so I put her back into her cage. I waited a few days and tried to resume training.

    However when I came near to the cage she got all defensive. She would take a few steps back and open her moth like she was about to attack and hiss. When I put my hand in the cage, without the gloves, she did in fact attack my hand. This has been going on for many months. I have not attempted to take her out of her cage and I am not able to put my hand in her cage for any length of time without her trying to bite it.

    I would like to train this bird, however if anyone can help me get it back to not biting me I would be appreciative.
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi, Did she sit on your hand without a glove on? You may find its the glove she does not like.

    You only need to keep moving her into different rooms if she is showing signs of egg laying as this puts her on edge and stops her from laying.

    Take her back to the room she is used to and start her training there.
    Simply put your hand in the cage very slowly talk to her gently all the time, if she starts to freak out hold your hand still, Once she has calmed back down move towards her again, Stop again if she starts to feak out.

    I use millt spray in my hand when hand taming birds as they seem to like this and helps them start to trust my hand.

    Keep doing this everyday until you can rub your finger gently against her chest, While doing this use simple words like up or step up. Once achived use step down or down when placing the bird down anywhere.

    Cockatiels are very smart birds and quick learners but be careful once they can into the habit of doing something it is hard to break.

    The other method to help with training is wing clipping and this should only be done by an avian vet or someone that has clipped wings before as if wings are clipped wrong this can have disaterous results.

    Wing clipping does not hurt the bird if done correctly and the feathers will grow back in with the next molt, They can still fly but can not fly at height, At first they will usually land to the ground with a bump this is normal as they have to adjust there flying to compensate for feather loss.

    Also with wing clipping the bird becomes dependant on you to help it get around so this is another good reason.

    What ever you decide keep at it if the bird bites do not pull away and taker your hand out the cage just keep talking calmly to her and soon she will trust you and come to you again.

    Never under any circumstances should you grab the bird as this will frighten them and they will see your hand as a threat anbd will attack.
    Cockatiels do usually hiss when you startle them as you walk towards the cage this is normal just make sure your at there eye level and talk to her gently and calmly, Try and keep a routine, eg 7am take cover off the cage and change food and water, 8am open the cage door to allow her to come out of the cage things like that as they love a routine make sure on a night her cage is covered at the same time every night and uncovered the same time every morning.

  3. Bones82

    Bones82 New Member

    Cockatiel newbee..... PLEASE HELP

    Wow, lots of what I have read contradicts what you have said. For example, I have read that you always want to look down at the bird, not at eye level or up at it. Also, when training, use a different room then its cage.

    Well, I have seen the results of http://www.celiahaddon.co.uk/pet%20prob ... ining.html and I hate them. When I got the bird I was able to have it sit on my finger in the cage for a short amount of time. Now that is an impossibility. If you have the time to look at this page, please tell me what else it wrong so I don’t make the same mistakes. For example, should I let the bird bite me and show no reaction?

    Also, I have the tendency to move the cage around a lot. For example during the day I have it by a window so she can enjoy the sun, but at night I place it in the bathroom because it wakes me up in the morning, even with a blanket on it’s cage. (I work late hours) Is this bad for the bird if she is not showing signs of egg laying?

    Also, what is Milt spray and how do I use it to help calm the bird? Do I just spray it on my hand?

    Thank you so much for your incredibly detailed and quick response.
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

  5. Bones82

    Bones82 New Member

    mirrors, good or bad?

    One last question. I have a mirror in the cage. I bought it packaged as a cockatiel toy. However my bird as gotten quite attached to the mirror. Most all of her droppings are right under it and whenever I approach the mirror she gets really defensive. Is the mirror a problem, and if so should I remove it?

    Thanks again,
  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    The problem with mirrors is that a single bird becomes atached to it thinking that there is another bird in the cage and yes they usually protect it. They can also cause a single bird to become depressed when they bird in the mirror does not reply..

    I am not too keen on the idea of mirrors, My birds have other toys swings, ladders ropes with bells and balls on stuff like that.

    Me personally would remove the mirror if you plan on hand taming the bird.
    Each owner has his/her own views on mirrors but i dont like them.

  7. Bones82

    Bones82 New Member

    Follow up - thank you

    Hey, I just wanted to tell you how things are going. Well, I removed the mirrors and I think that helped a lot. She still attacks my hand, but now only when it is like 6 inches from her. I think she will stop attacking me all together come February. She has been squawking a lot more however. This is something I try to ignore to the best of my ability.

    Again, I would like to thank you for all your help. And to think I was just about to give up on the bird and try to give it away.

  8. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Glad things are going well, When she starts to squawk try and listen to see if she has different tones as each one means something different.

    Is she is just screaming to get your attention just ignore her as even if you say no or quiet she will do it all the more because she is getting attention from you.

    The more you talk and whistle to him/her the more likely it is to pick up words and whistles.

    Dont give up you will succeed in the end.

    Keep us posted of your progress.
  9. Zeppy`s mom

    Zeppy`s mom New Member

    It sounds like you are talking about a snake !,But I know your not .Oh and by the way I doont knoe any thing about your problem. Sorry. :(

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