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i need help with

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by rcrgal31, Jul 6, 2006.

  1. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    a problem....im so embarassed..i can scrub and clean those litterboxes w/ bleach and my apartment still reeks of amonia...i have tried every air freshener..different litter..even new boxes...i change them once a week..and scoop daily..i have 3 kitties and 3 boxes...does anyone have any tips...i dont like having people over bc of the smell..HELP
  2. winnie

    winnie New Member

    are all your cats spayed and neutered? Could they be going outside the litterbox?
  3. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Sorry no suggestions. Sounds like you are keeping a really clean litter area. Could kitties be going somewhere else? Like in a corner or closet?
  4. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    Yeah, sounds like an out-of-the-box problem if the smell is that strong. Get one of those small ultraviolet lights and shine it around the house in the dark to look for hidden areas that have been peed in. When you find them, clean them them thoroughly and think of ways to prevent them from going there again. Good luck!
  5. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    yes all my cats are spayed and neutered...i will have to pick up that urine be gone stuff..i thinki it comes w/ a black light..although im scared to see where it may be..i only have one kitty that pees outside the box..and i warned him..its getting to be too much..i may have to get rid of him..and i really dont want to ...so i have to figure out a way to make him stop
  6. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Do you use catbox liners or just pour litter straight into the pan??

    I use liners and I also shake some plain baking soda onto the litter every time i scoop the box. I also thoroughly clean out the box inside and out every few weeks when i do a full litter change and i've never had any major smell issues. Lately I usually use either Ultra Pearls crystal cat litter or Swheat Scoop and I'm happy with both.

    You could also try that Zero Odor spray. My dad ordered me some and it works pretty well. I can spray it directly on a freshly dropped number 2 and wouldn't ya know, it zaps the stink right up!
  7. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    i have tried liners..but the cats just scratch right thru them...and the litter ends up in the box anyway...
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    How old are the litterboxes?

    Sometimes, I think the boxes just need to be replaced. They get scratched up and the odors get locked into those little scratches.
  9. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    just bought them 2 months ago
  10. allenysis

    allenysis New Member

    May have a solution

    I have two cats and don't have any problems because the litter I use is
    Cat's Pride. The granules are small and don't produce much dust and really absorbs odors. Then I also use Febreze on my shower curtain or anything fabric in the area where the litter box is. Sprinkling the litter with the baking soda is a great idea. But like the others said, if this does not help, it may be a kitty freely peeing. If so the best product and CHEAPEST is Out cat stain urine stain and odor remover. I get it from Wal-mart and it really works. It takes out the pheremones so they don't use the same spot twice. Have you tried scratching it's paws in the litter and closing the area till it does it where it's supposed to?

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