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I Just Need To Vent

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by charmedagain, Jul 6, 2006.

  1. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Well the people over the road from me own a wolf hybrid, Anyway she came into heat the exact same time as my Lab x Rottie and there had been this black and white mongrel type dog wandering around, They had been going out and leaving there dog tied in the yard well even i dont leave my dogs alone if in heat.

    Well i noticed there dog was putting on weight and i just put it down to they had changed her food as she was rather slim when they got her.

    Well there eldest son was out walking her today and i noticed she had very large teats so i asked him if she had pups and he said yes she had a litter of 10 puppies 4 days ago and they do not know how she got pregnant. They took 9 of the pups to the vets and had them destroyed as they did not want any puppies, They kept the one to take her milk away..

    So me being me said well if you didnt have her tied in the yard while in heat and you lot go out then there would have been no way she could have been mated by the local mongrel and if you had her spayed before she came into heat this problem wouldnt have happened...

    It really angers me that people can be so flipping irresponsible and then cant deal with the concequences ( sp)

    Sorry for going on but i am really angry, I have informed the RSPCA and they are going to look into it...

  2. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    Let me get my soap box out! It was starting to get dusty!!!

    I'm with you charmed --- It is such a sin and makes me question the existance of God to see how some people treat animals. I get so disgusted with their ignorance. But then, they are usually ignorant and disgusting in all parts of their lives.
    I have come to believe that you can tell a lot about a person by how they treat and talk about their pets. I have come to believe that you can learn even more about a person by the way their pets treat them! People that are mean and tease their dogs are no worse than those that pamper their pooches to a state of morbid obesity and surrender their role as the 'alpha' to an animal that has for thousands of generations been bred to depend on humans.

    Wolf hybrids ----- I want to throw-up every time I hear of a person (usually men) that want to get one of these poor creatures. I start wondering - why would someone want to purposely interbreed these animals? Obviously they don't know much about wolves and their unique needs, and obviously they don't know much about dogs. Wolves are not dogs! Yes, they are related --- but they are not dogs. We are related to gorillas - but we are different in many ways (most folks, that is ) from them. Why would someone want to "own" an animal that needs to be wild? All I can think of is -- this is an insecure (and sexually inadequate)person who is looking for power and recognition by owning and (the hopes of) taming a wild animal.

    I am not at all surprised that someone was ignorant enough to leave a female hybrid tied out while in heat! Nope - I'm not surprised at all!
    First of all, the poor animal probably doesn't do well in the house or in a crate ----- I'm sure it isn't trained (or housebroken!) so they have to keep it tied outside. --- What a pitiful existence for an animal that is genetically wired to run free. So, I am not surprised that she got pregnant!

    Spaying their animal? Unthinkable!!!! This type of person would never alter their animals. Think about it ---- it takes a pretty (sexually) secure man to take his dog to the vet to be neutered!!! These people that get the hybrids and some of the so-called 'bully breeds' seem to be the ones that DON'T spay or neuter. Gee, I guess that would be too responsible for them to do that. #-o

    Destroying a whole litter and saving one to dry-up the mother?!!! Ugh!!

    Charmed, if I lived next to people like that, I would brick up the windows of my house that faced their property so I wouldn't have to look at them. I probably would have to brick up all of my windows - because they would be throwing rocks through them for all the many times I would be calling the ASPCA to complain about them. (I might even embelish some of my stories about them just to try to move things along a little faster!)

    Even though people like your neighbors may challenge my beliefs in the existence of an all kind and loving God, I still believe in God's wrath and hell as an eternal destination.
  3. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    I agree too, the dog should not be left alone while in heat, and to make it worse "TIED" up, ridiculous and very very irrisponsible..

    I dont mean to be rude or any malice at all, but why should "God" get the blame for everything, he didnt do this to the dog, the owner did..
    People make choices, God doesnt choose for them..
    It would be just like blaming his neighbour for the incident..
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Id brick up their windows....and doors and leave them there to rot....

    okay, make space for my soap box.

    Im pretty annoyed at the vet for euthanizing the pups....okay...I do understand the overpopulation issue, course I do but looking at this another way, its irresponsible to leave just one puppy, even more so a wolf hybrid, its so important to puppies that they have adequate socialization with the parent dogs (or at least the dam), the litter mates and then people....this puppy sounds as though it will be lucky to get any....so congratulations to the ignorant irresponsible owners and welcome to the latest addition of a dog aggressive, human aggressive or fear biting semi wild animal.....
  5. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Just an update the RSPCA have been out today and guess what she was again tied out in the yard bearing in mind she has only just had pups, well he had to call the police as the owner was very agressive anyway the dog and her baby has been removed.

    She is the sweetest thing very friendly and loves attention, Well i think they know it was me but hey like i care if they wanna do something about it then as i say bring it on...

    I have called the rspca and they have her in a heated kennel and has settled down with her baby but they would not tell me anything more than that....

    The officer did however give the owners a piece of paper dont know what that is about i hope they are being taken to court for animal cruelty...

    Why do people get animals and treat them like this it upsets and angers me...

    If i had known she was pregnant and they were gonna do that with the pups i would have taken them off her as my lab x rottie is having a phantom pregnancy and producing milk i would have let her raise them as she is never gonna have any of her own as once she is back to normal she is going in to be spayed...

    Just thought i would let you all know

  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Thanks Mike, good to know that something has been done.
  7. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    Good for you!!! I know you feel better knowing that something was done to help that poor animal and her baby!

    Will they - or are they allowed to adopt-out wolf hybrids? Or will they have to put her down?

    I am impressed with the quick response from your RSPCA group!

    Great work!

    Thank you for the update!
  8. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I used to work for the RSPCA when i first left school and they are usually pretty quick to respond.

    They will probably adopt her out only to someone that has knowlegde of wolf hybrids, There used to be a resuce centre here in the uk for this breed of dogs but not sure if it still around...

    I do feel alot better knowing she is now being looked after properly and getting the care she needs.

  9. ilovemycockatiels

    ilovemycockatiels New Member

    I agree with all of you... it really kills me inside that they not only left her outside in heat and did not spay her but that they put 9 puppies down and kept one to suck up her milk!! How irresponsible!! Good job Mike I am very glad to hear that the mom and puppy were saved and hopefully they both can find a forever, loving home and live a fulfilling life with someone more caring and more responsible! Again good job Mike! If you hear anything more from the RSPCA, let us know!


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