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Diabetic cat- needs curve in PM

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by iluvmykittys, Jul 6, 2006.

  1. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    I have a 3 yr old male cat that is Diabetic.
    He is on PZI Insulin, 6 units in the morning (only).
    MY Vet gave him a Fructosomine (Spelt wrong I am sure) blood test. She said his blood sugar was very high still.
    See, the thing is...... as a "Mommy" I feel he needs to have insulin at night as well.
    My Vet won't do a PM curve on him, b/c she leaves at 7pm or so.
    I do drop him off at 8am, and usually pick him up around 5-6 pm.
    My Vet said he doesn't eat at all when he is there, and therfore his blood sugar is low, and she cannot get a good curve/reading on him.
    So far, he is only 3 yrs old. He already has Cataracts (but still can see OK. His eyes are cloudy and he has had the cataracts for over a year).
    WHAT CAN I DO?? ANY IDEAS???? I Feel like I hit a dead end.
    I know what he needs.........and I can't do it without my Vet.
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Hi, first of all I found this link that has a lot of information on it about diabetic cats in general but this page is specifically all about PZI.


    How long has he been on insulin? There is insulin that is only given once a day but Im not familiar with this type of insulin, I do know that cats are really difficult to regulate. Mainly because they get so much more stressed out being in a strange place....the vets...than dogs do, with the majority of dogs you can usually calm them by talking to them, pay them a little attention....cats are not like that though, they can appear calm but are still stressed and the stress can alter the readings, plus cats, as in your kittys case, are less likely or wont eat while there....everything needs to be monitored so carefully to get it just right.

    He sounds as though he needs a full 24 hour curve (although most vets can only do the regular daytime hours) but we have had them come into the emergency hospital specifically so they can have a full 24 hour curve as the emergency hospital would have someone there round the clock on the weekends....is that a possibility for you?

    Dont just go ahead and give him more insulin though without everything going through a vet (I know you wont I just have to mention it). Its easy to overdose them though.

    Keep up updated if you can.


    Oh...have you talked to your vet about using the urine sticks? I dont know how effective they are with cats, there not perfect with dogs but theyre better than nothing.....point is you can do this at home where your kitty would be more relaxed.
  3. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    Thank you very much for the link, I am going to look at it right now.
    As far as an Emergency Hospital, yes there is one about 20 mins from my house, and I wouldn't mind going there. My neighbor an dhis wife are actually both Vets, and I was going to ask them if they would take my cat when they work an over nighter, and do a curve....although I don't think that would work (Cause he won't eat etc...just like at my normal vet)
    So- Maybe they can curve him at my house?? Maybe come and check his blood every hour or whatever is needed??!! I am going to ask them what they think...
    I have thought about the urine test strips. I have 2 other cats, althought my suagr cat's urine is easy to spot, b/c its HUGE and a big puddle. I think it would be very easy to test strip his urine. Maybe I will try it. Do I get those strips @ a pharmacy? Are they for cats or humans??
    I wish I would take his blood & test him, but I am scared to. (I know some ppl can do it themselves...I just, can't).
    Ohh, and I definitly would NOT give him more insulin at night. I know the smallest amount could be too much, and I would NOT rish that. MY Sugar kitty is my BABY!! :)
    Thanks for your help- and please, any info or answers to the above- PLEASE write me back!!!
  4. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    Ohhh, By the way-
    My cat eats Purina DM Dry food. All my cats eat it, otherwise if my other 2 cats ate other food...so would my sugar kitty.
    So they are all on it. All 3 cats LOVE the DM Food.
    (I just looked at the website....still looking, and its seems to be very helpful) THANKS!! :)
  5. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    good luck with your kitty...

    all my kitties are on d/m too. none of them have diabetes, but max had lots of problems intestinally the first year and a half of his life. d/m is easy on the system. my cats love it too :eek:
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    That would be great if your neighbours would be able to help you out at your home, it would be a lot less stressful and would probably get better....more accurate readings.

    I found this site for doing the blood tests at home, you dont have to use a needle and syringe these days, you can do the equivelant of a fingerprick (only its an ear prick). I will be honest though, your kitty will get wise to it and will most likely be reluctant to have its ear pricked but on the up side, less stressful and more accurate readings again. It is worth talking to your vet about....be prepared for the costs though, the strips are expensive, the monitors vary in price, I think the one I had was around $50 but the test strips were around $50 or $60 for 50 strips.

  7. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    Thanks for that website. I am going to look at it now, and see if it is something I can do.
    My kitty is a Mush mush, and I think he will be OK with the ear prick.
    He takes the Insulin very well, in fact, I don't know if he realizes he is even getting the shot. LOL!! :)
    My poor kitty.
    I definitly am still going ot talk w/ my neighbor vets too, and see if they have any ideas...or if they can help.
    Question on the ear prick.....Can the kitty bleed in a bad way where he would die or anything? I get nervous with hurting him.
    If its a simple prick, maybe I can do it 1-2-3. I will look into it.
    THANKS AGAIN FOR YOUR HELP!!! :y_the_best:
  8. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    The ears can bleed a lot but I would think that as long as you follow the instructions your kitty should be okay, like I said I havent used this method but I imagine its the same....or very similar to the finger prick one that people use, its a tiny prick so there shouldnt be much bleeding...., you might need to put a little pressure on there for about half a minute to a minute.

    Tip for bleeding ears (not a replacement for wounds that need vet care but will still hold off the bleeding), one or two pieces of gauze (or kitchen towel) over the cut and put a paper clip on there to hold the gauze in place. It will keep the pressure on, just make sure that your pet doesnt eat the paper clip or gauze.

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