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neighbor beats on his dog

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by DMikeM, Jul 10, 2006.

  1. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    I am at my wits end here. After finally resolving my problem with the other neighbor and her Chihuahua (she moved away :eek: ). My other neighbor who is a drunk loudmouth jacka$$ can't keep his Bloodhound puppy contained.

    The Bloodhound "Jed" is the sweetest dog you ever met and every time he gets out the neighbor (Mike ironically) beats the poor thing. I can hear it howl in fear and pain and hear him yelling and cursing at Jed.

    One day Mike had brought Jed to my fence to show him to me and to try and familiarize his dog to my dogs. When I told him I had an electric fence wire to keep my dogs in the yard he actually picked up Jed and touched his paw to the electric wire. Jed yelped and so did Mike since he was the ground for the electricity. I asked why he did that and he said that the dog need to learn about such things. I told him that was stupid since his dog would never be on my side of the fence to be able to touch the wire. Then he said well you never know.

    I want so bad to report this jerk but our local animal control (county and state) is usless and I am afraid that this Mike may retaliate and hurt my dogs in some way. I am considering that the next time Jed gets loose and visits me I will just take him to the shelter myself.

    Oh and whenever Jed gets out Mike yells for him calling his name and whistling and Jed ignore until Mike gets very close, then Jed puts down his head and goes to him. When Jed is out I can just say Jed come over here and he comes right to me and sits down like he was my dog.
  2. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Oh man, that is sooooo sad. :cry:
  3. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    that is so horrible! it reminded me of a little boy (he is 3 now, but 2 at the time of this story) his dad was making something in a smoker outside he told him 2x not to come near the smoker, it was hot and told (the 2 year old) he was not going to warned anymore if he touches it it is his own fault. So the little boy goes and "kisses" the smoker, the dad watched the whole thing. Now when the dad tells the story, he always laughs and says boys will be boys. I didn't think that was right nor do I think it is right to do that to the dog.
    I think you need to get all new neighbors! :)
  4. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    I have been thinking alot about this as well I could hear him again today yelling at Jed.
    I think the making sticking Jed's paw on the electric wire is full on animal cruelty, probably enough to get this guy into trouble. I may just warn him that if I ever see or hear him harm the dog again I will report this. But again he has forefitted his right to be a dog companion in my eyes.
    He need to be thrown in a cage with polar bears IMO.
  5. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I get so scared with crazy people like that what if he gets angry at you then tries to do sometihng to your boys? or how are they around him? I hate people who are mean to their animals, it just shows how stupid they are.
  6. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Hi Mike,
    I gotta say that if you do get the chance when Jed's 'escaped' take him to a shelter yourself!

    I live with the guilt of only phoning the RSPCA on my neighbour and him killing one of his dogs and starving the other one to within hours of it's life :(

    I was phoning them for 6 weeks before anyone came to investigate. They only came then, when I told another neighbour that the night before was horrific and he had bloodstained clothes hanging on his line. She told his mum who turned up with the police.
    It was the Rotty/Doberman cross he'd killed. His Rotty came crawling out and someone who didn't know the breed thought it was a whippit.
    This is making me cry just telling you it in breif, but I'll never forgive myself for not breaking the door down and getting those dogs out myself. I thought of throwing bricks through his window and calling the police asif someone was breaking in, but didn't, just so the police would see the state of them and do something.

    Please take Jed, so you don't have to live with it on your concience.

    Wow, this happened maybe 4 years ago and it feels like yesterday :cry:
  7. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    I can not say in a public forum what I would do to him if he hurt one of my dogs.
    They don't care about him either good or bad. But I will be buying a padlock for my front gate on Monday, the back gate already has a lock on it.
  8. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Ohhhhh DMikeM.. You just have to do something, dont let this poor dog suffer anymore, I know its alot on your shoulders, but what if one day he really does something to hurt him and kill him in the end result :cry: :cry:
    This guy nees a good kicking :x :x
    This dog does not deserve this, it is blatently animal cruelty..
    See if you can get Jed out of there, plead ignorant, say you saw nothing, you dont know where he is..
    Please let us know how things go..
  9. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Is this puppy from a breeder? rescue? pet store?

    If this puppy is from a breeder or rescue, and you don't want to get directly involved with animal control, I'd talk to him and try to find out where he got him (something along the lines of you really like the dog and are thinking of getting one too so you'd like to know where he got his). Then drop the breeder or rescue a message with the way he's treating the dog. I'm sure a rescue or responsible breeder would want to get their puppy out of this situation.

    Other than that I'd say call animal control. Chances are if you just take the dog to the shelter he'll either go looking for it there (and if he finds it the dog will probably get punished for running away) or he'll just get another dog. With animal control atleast they'll have a record that they've been notified before and if anything else happens, either with this dog or any other dog he gets, they'll have him in their files.
  10. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    What a tricky situation!

    If you call ASPCA, and he finds out that you made the call, I'm sure he will be pretty upset with you! I would be worried about my dogs with a brut like that for a neighbor. He sounds like a psycho!!

    If you get Jed away, you'll save him from any more abuse --- but the brut will probably do the same to another dog!

    Is there any way that the ASPCA can discreetly and anonymously make a visit and get Jed to safety and also keep this guy from abusing any other animals in the future?
  11. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member


    He did it again yesterday and was witnessed by some weekend renters next door to my house, in between my house and his. Jed had wandered into the house next door and started eating the dog food they had down for there mini dog. He came over with beer in hand walked right into there house smacked Jed on the side of his head and kicked him all the way home. I saw it as well, except for the smack on the head that they told me about.
    The renters are a millitary family and were horrified at the event. The father of the Army Soldier threatened to go kick Mike's butt and the mother inlaw started yelling at him to stop hitting that dog.
    The renters have said they would back me up with legal witness issues or physically going over to the house and removing the dog from his possesion. And if he resisted, they didn't seem to concerned with any outcome.
    I attempted to call Animal control but the emergency after hours service answered and said theyu could do nothing and I had to call back the next day between 7:30Am and 5:00Pm. I will make attempts today to contact animal control if I can make time. I am in the middle of a pressured project at work that is taking up almost all of my day time.
  12. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    that is too bad it had to happen again, but i am so glad otherrs saw it! I hope your neighbor goes down! we'll kick him in his head, so if he likes it!
  13. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    This is good that others have witnessed his abuse.
    It should be much easier now for you and your neighbors to have Jed removed and to prevent this jerk from ever having another dog!
  14. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    I called this morning on the way to work (bad but had to). I made the complaint and told them that if the officer blew me off on this that I would file a state complaint against the office. She was concerned about the officer's performance after I mentioned that. But said she will get someone out ASAP.

    Our local officer is a sloth. It seems that it is just a job to her.
  15. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Does Big Bear have its own animal control or do you use Devore/San Bernadino county??
  16. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    We use San Berdo, Animal Care and Control. But the girl that handles Big Bear actually lives up here.
  17. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Oh....There was a woman called Sarah that used to pick up the pets for the High Desert, she was a real sweetheart though, one of the ones that would do whatever she could to help a dog. No idea if shes still there, I left nearly 2 years ago.
  18. treen123

    treen123 New Member

    Please rescue Jed the dog!

    Please see if you can get a dog rescue group to get Jed out of this situation. This man is sick! They have more experience with this sort of thing and he sounds like the sort who would definitely retaliate. I would get the dog out my self if he is in southern CA?
  19. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I'll have to say, I've been in your shoes.

    The easiest thing to do, and i've done it, is make the dog disappear. THen you can play the "I dunno". and use the comment "Doesn't suprise me he ran off, especially the way you treat him."

    Just my oppinion.
  20. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    Southern Ca, in Big Bear Lake. He has been staying away from home and I have not seen Jed in days. I am really worried about him and I don't think the Animal control has done anything except drive by. If you need the exact address PM me.

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