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Having hard time putting Tucker down

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Laura, Jul 14, 2006.

  1. Laura

    Laura New Member

    I am beside myself...my 18 year old cat, one of two in the home, is dying. The younger cat has been attacking him I suspect, although i hear hiding is a sign they are starting to die. He is very skinny despite the all white tuna and half and half he gets, dirty from hiding in dusty places and has a hard time getting up, down and around. I came home from a 3 days away yesterday and Tucker only wants to hide. He comes out to feed and drink and then goes back behind the toilet or a dark spot by the door. I have had a vet to the house months ago when it appeared he had a stroke. He seemed to recover and I found a temporary home for my other cat so he could go peacefully. She got fatty liver disease and had to come home for feedings through a tube in her neck. Now that she is better...I think she is up to her old tricks and he is hiding again. I am keeping the other one in the bathroom or bedroom to seperate them. I know it is about time, but I am so incredibly sad about it. I got him in college and he has been my very best friend. I am crying writing this as reading what I wrote above I know what I have to do. My vet is amazing and does in home euthanasia, I am just not ready yet. I don't know how to do this or when. He is sleeping next to me on the counter right now...twitching away as if he is running through the fields. Last night I let him walk around our courtyard for the first time, wish I had done it sooner, and he seemed to love smelling the flowers and walking in the dirt. When I bring him in, he heads under the bed or back to his hidden corner by the door. Please, anyone with advice would be greatly appreciated. Please be tender. Thanks. Laura
  2. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through :( I've never had to put a beloved friend to sleep, so I'm afraid I don't have much advice to offer... You don't mention whether he is in pain or not, but if you and your vet both agree that the time is up for Tucker, you know it is the right thing to do. And you're right; cats hide when it's their time to die.
    Take comfort in the fact that he has had a long and happy life with you; his special person, and that he'll be waiting for you at the rainbow bridge... I can't even imagine how painful this must be for you, I wish you both good luck *hugs*

  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    yes putting a beloved pet to sleep is very difficult - for us.
    For them it's simply a release. Time to be free from an illness or pain.
    Yes the grief is very hard - for us.
    I had to have a dog PTS last fall and it was a first time for me.
    As hard as it was I KNOW it was best thing for her as she was suffering.
    Letting an ill or injured pet pass quickly is the kindest gift we can give to our beloved furred friends. It's the final act of love and compassion to release them.
    Yes it's hard, the most difficult thing I ever did - but you know I felt better for Sadie after I did it. Her suffering was over. I cried for days but as time went on the ache of losing her started to subside.
    We have to think of it as doing what is best for the pet.....not what is best for us as we'd never be able to part with them.
  4. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi Laura. Welcome to Auspet. I'm sorry you and your kitty are going through such a hard time right now. The only advice I can offer you is to just follow your heart. :cry:
  5. Laura

    Laura New Member

    Thank you so very much for your replys. Sometimes just knowing someone else cares or knows what you are going through can make all the difference in the world. Tucker is hiding again tonight. Had his tuna and cream and now he is off on his own. I think I need to call the vet. Thank you for letting me share.
  6. OnixRevolution

    OnixRevolution New Member

    I know its hard, but you have to realize when enough is enough and when quality of life isn't there anymore. I had to put my dog down just 2 days ago because she was in so much pain and anguish that I just couldn't let her live though it anymore. She was my best doggie friend, beach and walking partner. It was painful, heartbreaking...but it was worse just seeing her suffer.
    Putting your animal down is their release from pain and suffering that would otherwise be prolonged by living. Alot of times, its better than making them live though it.
    I know you'll make the right choice when it comes to the wellbeing of your animal. Don't remember his illness...remember him happy.
  7. Laura

    Laura New Member

    Tucker is in peace now, thank you for your support.

    I don't know where else to turn to let this out. The vet left about 3 hours ago after putting down my best friend of 18 years. I have never loved anyone or thing more in my life. He has been the best friend I have ever had and I had to let him go. I just can't stop crying. I can't believe I did it. It was the best thing for him in the end and that is the only thing keeping me hanging on. Quite frankly he was the love of my life. I have been pouring over pictures of him and the tears just won't stop. I had no idea it would be this hard. And I have to keep telling myself I did the right thing. He had black forest turkey and cream this morning. Ate it all up like a champ. But even the vet knew when he saw him that he was not happy. He is free now. There are no words in existence that can express what I am feeling now.

    Someone told me not long ago that you know you are an adult when you have to put your first pet down. 18 years later...I am now an adult. Some folks say that after losing a loved pet they don't want to go through that again. If I could have another Tucker....this minute, I would. I am having him cremated and then going to mix the ashes with wild flowers and plant them at my cottage in Michigan. Where the sunsets are beautiful, the birds and fireflys fill the sky and my little guy will sprout new life in the Spring. Every little bud, a memory of how loving he was to me. He was my best half. Cheers Tucker. May your release bring you eternal peace.
  8. vene

    vene New Member

    *Hugs* Laura. I'm very sorry for your loss. :cry: You did the right thing. Tucker is in a better place now, free from pain. It was the hardest thing for me to pts our first cat who had end stage renal failure at 1 1/2 years old. My only regret was not cremating him and keeping his ahes with us. I know someday we'll meet our beloved pets again at the Rainbow Bridge but until then treasure all of your shared memories. They are always in our hearts, just a thought away. I will be very honored if you can share a picture or two of Tucker.
  9. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I found this for you

    Poem For Cats

    And God asked the feline spirit
    Are you ready to come home?
    Oh, yes, quite so, replied the precious soul
    And, as a cat, you know I am most able
    To decide anything for myself.

    Are you coming then? asked God.
    Soon, replied the whiskered angel
    But I must come slowly
    For my human friends are troubled
    For you see, they need me, quite certainly.

    But don't they understand? asked God
    That you'll never leave them?
    That your souls are intertwined. For all eternity?
    That nothing is created or destroyed?
    It just is....forever and ever and ever.

    Eventually they will understand,
    Replied the glorious cat
    For I will whisper into their hearts
    That I am always with them
    I just am....forever and ever and ever.

    Author Unknown
  10. Laura

    Laura New Member

    Thank you for caring, pictures to come

    Thank you for your posts vene and Mary. The poem made me cry yet again. I heard tears will fall a good 24 hours. I am over a quarter of the way there...... I have had loss before, but this is somehow different. I miss him so much. Thank you for caring. It is making the biggest difference. If you know anyone in the Chicago area that may need a vet....Dr. Shannan does in home euthanasia 24/7 and offers pet hospice services. He is my angel as he was incredibly compassionate for both me and Tucker. I call him the cat whisperer. Just the most amazing guy. Tucker was truly the sweetest and most loved little guy. Thank you.
  11. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Ohhhh Laura I share your pain, I cried reading your posts, Im so very sorry, they give us so much love dont they, unconditional, you did the right thing sweetheart, for your loved one, I know it must have been the hardest thing for you to ever do.. He will remain in your life forever, in your memories and in your heart.. You gave him the best life by the sounds of how you loved him, take good care and think of all the fun and good times you had with him. xxxxxxx
  12. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I cried reading the posts, too. I am so sorry for your loss, Laura.
    Take comfort in knowing your kitty is no longer in pain and in a happier place.

    I've had to have a few kitties put down, too, and it is very hard. After Smokey was put down, I had a wave of feeling that came over me saying he was out of pain and happy.

    Take care. Time will heal. You gave him many years of happines.

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