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Vomitinng shihtzu very nasty Aka: HELP!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by isabelleandgabby, Jun 20, 2006.


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  1. isabelleandgabby

    isabelleandgabby New Member

    I have a vomiting shihtzu his name is gizmo and he is 1 year old. My problem is that he is vomiting in the car in the morning he just pukes about pnce every 2 days or so. Please tell me how to fix this because every time i go on a car ride i do not want the car to smell like liquid dog. :!:
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    So its only when hes in the car??? If so then you probably have a dog that gets car sick.

    Theres a couple of things you can do, dont feed him for about an hour before the car trip. Do you crate him when hes in the car? sometimes that will help, just keeps some dogs calmer. Then you could try very short trips for a while, just kind of build him up gradually, so you would start with just driving for litereally a couple of minutes....down the street and back, then let him out, give him a break and let him settle down and then do it again, once hes managing that distance without vomiting then increase the time....not by much though, when hes okay with that distance increase it a little more......and so on.

    If none of that works then see your vet about getting something that will help stop him vomiting and/or calm him down, you have to be careful though, some people want to grab for the sedatives, personally I dont like them being used for this....some dogs dont handle sedatives well and they will end up groggy sometimes for about 12-24 hours.

    Good luck.

    (just a note: dont give any medications for this without seeing a vet first for advice)
  3. isabelleandgabby

    isabelleandgabby New Member

    No it is not just in the car it is also in my room. The only time he vomits is.. When he is in his cage in my room and in the car. It does not happen any other time well one time about a week ago gizmo vomited on the walk after we went on the long walk once or twice.
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Is he vomiting up food? (digested or undigested) or is it just bile?

    Sometimes if a dog goes a little too long inbetween meals they can vomit up a little bile, Ive had a couple of dogs that do that periodically (maybe once a week). If its undigested food then it could be too much excitement/stress too soon after eating....some dogs get stressed in a crate although that can be worked on.

    I think as its been an ongoing thing though you should take him to your vet to have him/her check him over....there are some medical issues that can cause this so you should rule them out....not saying this to make you worry or anything but like I said, its better to play it safe.
  5. isabelleandgabby

    isabelleandgabby New Member

    re: vomtiting shihtzu nasty

    Well it is liquid so I am not shure if he has acid in his belly. I also feed him only 2 times a day first at 10am and 6pm Is it enough or is he just hungry and vomiting and licking it back up is making him not as hungry? I have only had him for 1 month. I think it is digested though since it is liquid and I do not see kibbles of his food.
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    If it is a yellowy liquid, it could be bile. It sounds to me like itis during times of stress. I would condition him more slowly to like the car if it is a fear thing. If it is motion sickness, you can ask your vet for ideas or follow the advice others have already given you.

    For the crate, you can help it to be a more positive place by giving him treats or special toys, and slowly build up the amount of time he has to be confined.
  7. isabelleandgabby

    isabelleandgabby New Member

    Help vomiting shih tzu

    No he loves the car if I open the car door he runs and trys to get in. And the vomit looks white. And he also only is in the car like once a month or less.
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    You could always just have the dog ride in a crate in the car. That way if he vomits, it will be easy to clean up.
  9. Leleanne

    Leleanne New Member

    Does your dog get hot easily? My dog used to throw up in the car and we noticed once we let him sit up front with the a/c pointed right at his face he was fine. He doesn't have any problems. He is the same breed. Also, we did the short car trip things but for longer car trips (for instance when we go back home and it takes 12 hours) the vet always gives him something so he doesn't get sick.

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