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Cat Advise Regarding Bathroom Habbits

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Riverstone, Aug 3, 2006.

  1. Riverstone

    Riverstone New Member

    Hi everyone.

    For my first post, I figure I should just jump right in with my cat question.

    Our cat is a 5ish year old male, who uses his litterbox most of the time, but occasionally (and its getting more frequent) decides to relieve himself on different spots around the house of a night time.

    His litterbox is cleaned out regularly and is in an easily accessible part of the laundry.

    He is in good health except for being slightly overweight.

    Our major concern is that as we have just put down a new laminate wood floor through much of the house, the acid of the urine will destroy the surface.

    My wife and I are at a loss for ways to break him of this increasing habit, and get him to use the litterbox all the time (or at least alot more often!).

    If i have left out any information or missed something that might help, please let me know :)

    Thanks in advance for any help you guys and girls can offer.
  2. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Welcome! I would take him to the vet to see if he has a urinary tract infection. Is he neutered? It sounds like he could be marking his territory. I've thankfully never had to deal with that, so I don't know what to suggest. Hopefully someone will pipe in soon with some advice!
  3. Riverstone

    Riverstone New Member

    Hi Halaroo and thanks for the reply :)

    Yes he is has been neutered.

    Not sure if if makes a difference, but he is also an indoor cat.

    The only time he gets outside, is if he escape when we accidently have the front door open to far! :)

    Not sure if it is relevant, but the information may help.

    I have to admitt that I had not considered the option of an infection, but he seems fine the rest of the time.
  4. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Hi and welcome to Auspet! I have battled this with my male cat too.

    I agree about checking him for an infection first. You'll need to get a urine sample for them to check. If that is OK, then my best advice is to change his litter to the basic unscented litter--if you use anything besides that. I would also add another box in another location if you only have one box. I had used scented clumping litter for years and Copper suddenly started going in the corner of the kitchen. Once I switched the litter to the cheap stuff, he has been about 95% about using his boxes. And my female cat perfers that litter too but she is too much of a lady to go out of the box. Good luck!
  5. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Welcome Riverstone. I also agree about having him checked by a Vet.
    We had a kitty that would urinate in other places when she had a urinary tract infection.

    Some kitties can be fussy about their litter box if it isn't clean enough for them. Hope you find the problem. Good luck. :)
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    :m23: and welcome! I agree with others. A vet check is in order. If he has no health problems, he may be marking the new floor as his. Hopefully he's back to his old self and that enzymatic cleaners have taken out the urine and odors.
  7. Riverstone

    Riverstone New Member

    thanks for the advice guys and yeah, he seems to have settled down alot.

    Hmmm I think I need a new thread though *lol*
  8. Riverstone

    Riverstone New Member

    we found a great one called "Dumb Cat"

    Seems to have worked wonderfully as a repellant and cleaner

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