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throw some ideas at me

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, Aug 6, 2006.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    one foster, Ty, simply will not eat. I emailed his former people and they said he was never a big eater (I have to wonder if they would even have noticed if he went days without eating).
    I've been syringe feeding him the gruel (AD canned food with pedialyte, karo corn syrup and nutracal).
    I've offered him baked chicken - a sniff but no interest
    tuna juice - a sniff but no interest
    I bought Meow Mix (what they ate at home) nothing not even a sniff
    I've offered him nearly every variety of Fancy Feast, Friskies and nine lives canned - warmed up - that I can find and nothing.
    He's drinking water fine and peeing/pooping fine (the syringe feeding is helping with that end of the works).
    Anyone have any other ideas? I'm runnig out of tricks.
    he's playful and loving, just won't eat. I thought maybe the awful heat we had last week might have put him off food but the weather is nice now and still nothing.
    Squeak, on the other hand, eats fine and is already exploring the house.
    Zeus comes in and hangs out with Ty - he has male companionship now and seems to appreciate it
  2. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Maybe he has allergies or a cold? I know that a lot of cats won't eat what they cant smell.

    Just a guess.
  3. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi Mary_NH. Did they already do an exam on him? He doesn't have any health problems? His teeth/gums are all okay?
  4. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Really strange that he isn't interested in tuna. Besides using fresh and dried tuna, shrimp or other smelly seafood, I've gone so far as to pour milk on on their food or even sprinkle it with catnip to entice a stubborn appetite. Will he even eat treats, baby food, formula? You've tried both canned and dry?

    Would it make a difference if you are giving him attention or not while he eats? Or maybe some food competition from another cat?

    Good luck with that! Tough stuff.
  5. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    I reitterate allergies or a cold. More likely allergy IMHO. If he can't smell it, he's not attracted to it.
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    he had his vet check and all was fine. He hasn't been sniffly like he has a cold and he doesn't sound congested at all.
    I'm so confued
  7. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Maybe it's time for another vet check. I'd have his teeth/gums looked at again.
  8. vene

    vene New Member

    Did the vet do blood tests? Are you sure he doesn't have chronic sinusitis or polyps? Is he stressed from missing his previous parents? I hope he perks up soon!
  9. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    Siamese Rescue won't do bloodwork on cats less than 10 years old.
    I'm not 100% sure but today we went hiking and when we came back the wet food was gone. So far Squeaky hasn't touched wet food.
    We did feed Ty tonight and he wanted done quickly, whereas before he'd let me feed him until I stopped.
    And he's had some normal poops - so tonight we're going to keep him in the room w/out Squeaky so I know if he's eating the food or not.
    Keep fingers crossed he is.
    You know I also think he has scars around his eyes. I can't get pictures cause I'd blind the poor guy with the flash. But he has like little white dots and they aren't eye boogers. I've tried to remove them :roll: and they are flush with the skin. They look like scars.

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