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Crate training two-year-old spaniel mix

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by jackievar, Aug 13, 2006.

  1. jackievar

    jackievar New Member

    I have a "crazy" spaniel mix that's almost two and has never stopped jumpng on people and I can't get ahold of the situation. I've recently had a new grandson and she's terrible when he's here. She's so jealous and she won't stop trying to get him.

    Can I start crate training now at this age? I'm out of my mind with worry about the baby. If I put the dog outside, she barks until I let her in and the neighbors get mad. If I put her in another room, she does the same thing.

    I've created a monster!!!

    Help!! And thanks
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    how about retraining. Get a Halti/gentle leader. Attach it to the leash and have her wear it around the house. When she jumps step on the leash so she can't jump. You could also try the no-jump harnesses. The prevent a dog from being physically able to jump
  3. jackievar

    jackievar New Member

    Thanks for the suggestion. Great idea!
  4. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    What is the no jump harness? I haven't heard of it? sounds like the worlds greatest invention!!

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