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  4. Live Spirulina

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Byboer runs wild and ....

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Aug 18, 2006.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Destroys my house!!!!

    Imagine, wearily waking up at 5:30am, stumble to the bathroom....do your business, and step out into the hall way round the corner to the hall to the kitchen to turn on the coffeepot....and take a few steps and find your foot in a warm pile (BIG) pile of dog pooo, squished between your toes... and seeing the sight of everything turned upside down, torn to shreds, and what looks like a dumptruck load of garbage and stuff scattered across every square inch of the house.

    Now, thats just the begining.......

    Remember I have BIG aqariums right.... just imagine.....180lbs of rocks...plants.... and thats a 30 gallon tank and I have a 55 gallon tank......well HAD

    And I love house plants.. well loved em.... and potting soil..... OH and I can't forget all the cookbooks and recipe cards and pictures and DVDS... oh yes ladies and gentlemen..... SHREDDED and SCATTERED EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!

    IMagine what a BIG phone book looks like, yes a BIG copy of the yellowpages...... dropped into a shredder and then put thru a leaf blower...

    And ironically last night my ol' man and his brother were accusing me of being an obsessive compulsive about cleaning. I (now seeing how silly that was) was griping about them not using coasters with theiir glasses of iced tea on my antique coffee table......... and the fingerprints on the kitchen table top (its glass).

    So before you gripe about your day... and your sitting in your office whining about your daily tasks, just think to yourself, "Oh yeah.... I can only imagine what SAM is doing today!!!!'' Oh yess... your day will be MUCH better once you remember what I woke up too....

    Now I had already picked up a BUNCH of the stuff before it dawned on me to take pics.... so the book shelf it back up and I had already put the surviving books and stuff baack on it.. kinda. and put the tank back on the stand... and.. oh man, it was BAD!!!!

  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    OMG :shock: :shock: :shock: i would not have believed it if I hdnt seen your pics. thats awful. did yo lose your fish? Did he get out of his crate?
  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I have no idea how he got out. Ihave a BIG wire weld crate that he stays in. and NOTHING is wrong with ti. Nothing bent, or broke or anything. Only thing I can think of is the bottom came undone and he got out and when it fell back down it latched...

    yeah, all $150 worth of fish...
  4. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    oh no! that's terrible! does he not have an outside kennel yet like the girls?
  5. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    HOLEY DOOLEY!!!!!! :shock: :shock:
    Ohhhh I feel so sorry for you, what a mess.. Little bugger.. :|
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    Wow! I feel for you...what a terrible mess to find. :shock:
  7. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Holy crap! :shock: Hehehe...no pun intended. What a mess!
  8. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    Oh I remember those days. Duncan and Dowser have done this to me once each. One couch each and all sorts of other personal items destroyed.
    They hated being called bad and sent into a closed room so much that they have not done it since.
  9. NickSter7715

    NickSter7715 New Member

    OMG!!!! What a bad dog!!!!! the only thing i can suggest is taking him to obedience school, and when you put him in his cage, not only close it with the original locks, but buy claps, locks, or wrap wire around the door to keep it closed. And...put lots of toys and chew stuff in there for em. wow....thats a BIG BIG BIG mess.

  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    LOL, I just saw this, Sams. You must be the soundest sleeper EVER! :shock:
  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Actually, I had brought him in because I had gotten a concussion. And had taken a few medicines... so yeah, I was a sound sleeper that nihgt!!

    I had gotten up at 2am, to take more meds... so I know he was in there at that time.... wierd....

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