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Swimming dog with bloody paws?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by winnie, Aug 20, 2006.

  1. winnie

    winnie New Member

    My boyfriend and I just moved into a house with a pool! We were so excited about the pool cause our dogs like water and we knew we could get them swimming.

    Sydney my mutt, took to the pool right away, she fetches balls and brings them back, its very cute. We then finally got my Lab Winnie swimming, which is really great cause she is overweight and I figure swimming can help her loose some pounds. Winnie loves it, and cries when she cant go in the pool :(

    So everyday Winne and Syd go swimming for about an hour. They jump onto the steps and jump into the water. My problem is the last couple days I noticed Winnie was walking wierd, not limping just walking funny, i figured she might be sore from swimming. The other day I also noticed drops of blood throughout my house, i thought it was my boyfriend who stubbed his toe, but then yesterday we saw the blood agian, I checked all of the dogs paws and it seems to be coming from Winnie.

    On every paw she has these little sores, looks like she might have gotten it from pushing off on the steps in the pool, its the only thing i can think off.
    The problem is she has them on every foot, but they also dont seem to bother her that much cause she keeps trying to go for a swim, though i have been keeping her in now that i noticed this, and she is miserable.

    Im not sure what to do, im sure it will go away soon on its own as long as she contunes to rest, but im worried about this happening agian.

    What can I do? I want her to be able to swim but not at the cost of her paws.

    Anyone else ever have this problem with swimming dogs?
  2. Nik

    Nik New Member

    This might be a long shot, but maybe she has very dry skin on her pads so being wet for an hour causes them to crack when they dry out?
    How about rubbing some anticaptic type of moisturiser into them after she's done in the pool.

    Even if that isn't the cause, it might strengthen her skin/pads so they don't get torn on the steps.

    Hope you find the cause/solution soon cause it'd be a real shame to have to stop her pool funtimes!
  3. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    Nik is right on it about the dry pads. Swimming pools have chlorine!!!!
    The chlorine is very drying to skin -- even human skin! That is why we humans take a shower to wash the chlorine off after we have been swimming.

    Maybe you could try rinsing the dogs off with clean water after their swim (the chlorine is probably wreaking havoc on their coats too!) and try applying a little (just a little) moisturizer to the pads. I haven't ever had this problem with my dogs - but I think I would use a very, very small amount of a petrolium based antibiotic ointment like bacitacin. I would use this just to help prevent any infections from setting in.

    It is marvelous that your dogs are loving their swimming pool - enjoy the rest of the summer swimming!
  4. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    I'd also check the surface of the pool steps. Anti-slip coatings could be abrading your dog's pads. If the pool or steps are cement, that could cause abrasions too. I know my own feet got torn up pretty badly by a cement swimming pool. I didn't realise how rough it was until I got out of the pool. Then the soles of my feet felt like they'd been run over by a belt sander.
  5. winnie

    winnie New Member

    Thank you! Ill check the steps, and Ill rinse her off after swimming. After a two day rest she seems fine now, i let her swim for a short period yesterday and she didnt bleed, so hopefully it stays that way, thanks for the advice!
  6. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Try some Bag Balm on her paws. Great stuff!
  7. winnie

    winnie New Member

    Oh I have Bag Balm! But how do I keep her from getting it off, or what about when she walks? Should I wrap all four paws?
  8. hermann muenster

    hermann muenster New Member

    YES!!!! Bag Balm!!! That is a great idea!!

    No, I wouldn't even try to wrap the paws. I think if you were able to put a miniscule amount rubbed into the pads, several times a day - you will have the problem resolved in no time!

    How about twice a day? Before naptime and before bedtime. I wouldn't even worry about the tiny amount if she licked it off.

    Glad she's getting better!
  9. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I have this stuff I just bought called soothing balm from www.paldog.com

    I got it at a store, someone recommended it for Jakes hot spot on his elbow. I tried it. this is a MIRACLE WONDER! jake has knarly calloused elbows, been like this for years, I have been using this for almost 2 weeks. his callouses are gone and his fur is growing back!

    Its all natural and wont harm them if they lick it.

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